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Everything posted by (PSN)Briginds

  1. Voruna's abilities no longer synergizes correctly after this hot fix. It would seem that she's dealing significantly less damage than before, and as stated above, she does indeed break shroud of dynar when using Ulfruns Descent. After testing, i think I can clarify more on the issue. The damage multiplier does not display when you are not the host when using Ulfruns Descent. I believe there's an error in the script that causes Ulfruns Descent to behave and damage like an unmodded melee weapon, triggering shroud of dynar to break as if you are wielding said melee weapon. I've also found that in some instances, you become stuck in the Ulfruns Descent casting animation (being down on all 4's) when deactivating Ulfruns Descent. Hope these findings help.
  2. I didn't see any fixes for the extraction missions not spawning enemies or starting along with Shrine side quests not being fixed. Has this been addressed on this hot fix because it halts progress altogether...
  3. I think all players should have access to test servers going forward for future content like this. Or at least certain portions that don't spoil the quest.
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