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Everything posted by Fearless_Observer

  1. I feel so dumb right now XD Thanks a lot for the help, I have to pay more attention to things, now I got to pay a visit to Tenshin, to see what he has to offer and do some Arbitrations. May RNGesus bless you, fellow Tenno! Thank you once again! :)
  2. Hi, i've noticed that i'm not getting any Vitus Essence rewards. I have been opening the Steel Path and I usually do a lot of missions so that I can go to the Arbiters of Hexis and buy a lot of things in one go. I noticed that my count of Vitus in the Arbiters was at 12, what was strange, because I spent the afternoon opening planets on the Steel Path and getting a lot of visits from Stalker. So I did a Steel Path Exterminate Incursion to test and that would give me 5 Vitus Essence, but instead of having 17, I still have just 12 Vitus. I don't know how many Vitus Essence i gained while opening planets, but at least I would like to buy the galvanized mods that I don't have. This was 9 days ago, I already sent a ticket to Warframe support, but they haven't reply yet, I searched here in the forums and I haven't found any topics related to this situation. Has this happened to any of you before? What more can I do?
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