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  1. Never thought I'd see the day! "Enemies MUST keep their infinitely-scaling damage reduction" has always been the weirdest hill for this game to die on (though "bullet hoses, grenade launcher, and marksman rifles all get equal ammo count from pickups" was close). Great to see these types of fundamental changes happening; I'm sure there will be some growing pains in the rebalancing but I cannot overstate how excited I am for a less-restrictive meta!
  2. This feels completely fair. Between status immunity and damage gating, Overguard is powerful enough that you absolutely should not also get free energy alongside it just from equipping Rage and standing still. This does not :( what did Oberon ever do to you? Or Chroma? There are plenty of frames that (up until now) build around the expectation of having their shields down most of the time; why should Overguard from a squadmate lock them out of that? The first condition seems sufficient to prevent 99% of possible abuse of the mechanic. The second condition just leaves 48 of the 50 Warframes that can't generate their own Overguard out of luck based on random matchmaking. Can we at least try out removing the no-shields condition?
  3. Please also consider a cost reduction on Wormhole. This ability does not deserve a 75 energy base cost.
  4. I really like that your changes make it viable/desireable to build Nova for range! Wormhole is my favorite of her abilities and I've always been bummed that her most effective builds totally trash its usability. Love the idea of losing Null Star particles based on the damage they block/reduce rather than just existing near an enemy. Also needing 300% duration to get the 90% damage reduction other frames get as base functionality is stupid so the base particle increase is huge. Making Antimatter Drop into an actual black hole is a huge visual glow-up, and I'd love to see it have either be stationary or travel slowly forward (maybe on tap/hold?), as opposed to the current way you have to steer it which is just clunky and limits your mobility. Regarding Wormhole.... PLEASE DIGITAL EXTREMES, IF YOU READ ONLY ONE SENTENCE OF THIS POST, FOR THE LOVE OF THE LOTUS PLEASE REDUCE WORMHOLE'S ENERGY COST! This is a pointless relic of an era when every warframe's third ability was supposed to cost 75 energy - but times have changed. Thermal Sunder is 50 energy. Breach Surge is only 35. Why is Wormhole stuck at 75? Ahem. And with Molecular Prime I don't necessarily think it *needs* a higher slow cap (but hey why not right?) but changing the explosions to still matter beyond Saturn would be fun.
  5. For me it's not so much that the idea of Story Skip is offensive, it's that the story isn't really what's holding people back from getting into the game. New players have to collect, craft, and level several frames and multiple weapons, progress through the whole starchart alone except for when they stumble across a fissure or popular farming node, farm and level many crucial 10 rank mods costing thousands of endo and millions of credits, just to be able to participate when they reach the current questline. And then after they play the quest they are still basically left foundering trying to understand completely obtuse systems and struggling to pass gearchecks with gear they don't have the experience to evaluate as weak. What I would like to see before a Pay-to-Skip new player option is a dramatic expansion of access when starting out: Give new players more inventory slots to start, and maybe a few "rush tickets" to use on their first few new weapons and frame. Tell them what catalysts and reactors do, and make them more consistently accessible. Same with forma. Reevaluate mod ranks and costs; for example Vitality is going to be the first slot on basically every new player's build, should it really require ten ranks and twelve capacity? Having these basic mods cost half default max capacity encourages new players to use one or two maxed mods on a build, which pushes back understanding the benefits of using multiple different types of mods on the strongest build (multishot AND damage AND elements AND crit, etc). Get rid of the trap options in the market. We should not still have to warn our friends not to spend real money on 300 Plastids in the year 2023. Give new players a more solid foundation before selling them a ride to "still being confused and powerless but with 20,000 endo, a Sirocco and a Broken War"
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