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Posts posted by Hera.Ci

  1. With the latest update we can now use Inspiration Halls as spawn rooms... which requires deleting a large part of ones' dojo if you want it to look decent. The problem is that my dojo as it stand has like ten Inspiration Halls, if I delete these to replace the Grandest Hall my clanmates can never get them back!

    I get that the intention never was for people to make their entire Dojo out of Inspiraton Halls. I'm sure the limit was put in place for good reason, but there's a huge difference between loading a Dojo made out of 100 max-capacity Inspiration Halls and loading a Dojo with eight of them. But only three halls total? If you must be so restrictive with them, at least give us a fourth for symmetry's sake!

    Please consider giving us a few blank-slate sandbox rooms in other sizes so that we can show you what we can do with them! I don't mean to knock the existing rooms' themed decor, but it only fits certain concepts and excludes a lot of others. Here's a few canvasses I've dreamed of being able to use since even before the Dojo updates:

    • a small garden (square room with four doors)
    • a large garden (square room with four halls)
    • a large garden but with a cylindrical central area instead of the normal rectangular one
    • a few dead-end rooms like Oracles, Barracks, and Dueling Rooms, but with all the clutter removed
    • an Observatory-like room with a view and an option to build "outside" without glitching - maybe this one should also have a limited number available to be built
    • a smaller version of the above without a restriction on the number available
    • a really tall Elevator-without-the-elevator type tower room that can connect two floors via parkour!
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  2. Glad someone else is thinking about this, I literally just woke up today wanting to start this thread. Nova is a fun, strong warframe who probably doesn't need dev love as badly as some others, but as I see it her problems are very simple and easy to fix!

    1: Nova has almost no mod variety because none of her powers depend meaningfully on range besides Wormhole. Anti-Matter drop is probably fine having a fixed range (or a logarithmically-calculated range like Vortex so it can't get too obscenely big) Molecular Prime could stand to get the polarize treatment where it instantly affects an area determined by range and then spreads for a period determined by duration. Null Star's protective function becomes actively useless with range, so that needs to change!

    2. Null Star is a really passive power that doesn't know what it's supposed to be. If it's meant to be a sort of baby's-first-World-On-Fire, why is the damage so abysmal? If it's meant to be Nova's defensive power, why does it dissipate when enemies are nearby, when you need it most and why weren't the devs aware of this function for years after her release? It would be great if it instead gave you a few charges of short-duration damage resistance - say, getting hit with Null Star active gives you N% resistance for that attack and 3ish seconds after, and can only activate once every 5 seconds. Then the augment could remain an on-demand blast proc which would now be able to hit a decent area since you wouldn't have to nuke Nova's range stat OR it could be altered to make the ability an offensive power again. Either way I think this ability shouldn't be her first power; trading it with Anti-Matter Drop or Wormhole would be much more representative of Nova's actual playstyle.

    3. Anti-Matter Drop is incredibly clunky for how fast-paced Warframe has become. Yes, it's very powerful and it should take some focus to use, but it's stupid that you will pass in front of it if you try to use it while aim-gliding. I would also like to see it follow a fire-and-forget trajectory, with the ability to charge the power to attract all current orbs to the cursor. Your idea of sending it through Wormholes for a buff sounds fantastic and I hope to be able to do so soon!

    4. Her passive just doesn't work the way it's supposed to. Enemies that can knock you down are themselves immune to knockdowns during the animation, so it ends up being a purely visual effect while that Heavy Gunner murders you unimpeded. Honestly all that needs to change here is that it needs to override that.

    (5.) Wormhole is super fun but seems a tad overpriced for what it does. 75 energy seems like a relic of the time when all powers had to cost 25/50/75/100 energy in order. I'm not going to push this too hard because as it is Wormhole is my favorite part of Nova's kit, but a straight cost reduction would be wonderful. Alternately, swap its cost with that of Anti-Matter Drop or a fixed version of Null Star.

  3. Some corners in the Grineer Shipyard tileset cause you to respawn when approached, as if you'd fallen into a hole. Encountered this in one of the dead-end rooms (the back right corner of an otherwise non-descript flat, rectangular room with a console on the right wall as you enter) and in the room from old Deception missions that now can spawn as sabotage (one of the corners where a crate spawns is considered out-of-bounds).

  4. When playing the new iteration of the Defection mission (at least on Caracol), if you don't take care to prevent the Kavor from point B and point C from meeting at A, the squads evacuated counter will only increase by 1 instead of 2 as it does when their evacuations are staggered. This can happen both 1) if you let them group up and tell them all to move out from A together and 2) if you tell them to move out from A separately but the second group is too close behind the first.

    New groups spawned at B and C as normal, regardless of whether the bug occurred. Transmissions from the Lotus seemed to recognize that two groups had been safely extracted.

  5. During a regular endless fissure mission, I happened to miss a jump on the Gas City tileset. The countdown between phases ended during the blackout while the game resets me to my last position before the fall, and it stuck on that black screen instead of showing the reward selection, leaving me unable to choose between rewards. Choosing the next relic worked fine and the mission resumed as normal and I did receive a reward for that round.

  6. I was playing around with my Banshee's appearance slots today and noticed that on several armor sets, emblems are not scaled to symmetrical sizes, disturbing the symmetry of potential appearances. I tested this across several frames and emblems, and it seems to vary based on the frame and skin as well as the armor, so for now I'll speak only for Banshee's Soprana skin. However, this seems to be a consistent problem with the newer Deluxe skins, as Frost's Harka skin and Nova's Asuri skin share many of the same issues, while Loki's Knave skin and many frames - including Nova Prime, Frost Prime, and Banshee - using their base body do not.


    Riv Comp and Porta for some reason display a small emblem over the right shoulder and a large one over the left.

    The Edo, Gazal, Harkonar , Hulta, Iliac, Kuva, Ki'teer, Quaro, and Prisma Daedalus are unaffected by the bug and display normal-sized emblems on both arms.

    Eos Prime is likewise unaffected but displays the smaller-sized emblems on both arms, presumably for deliberate aesthetic reasons.


    Regular Daedalus and Eos behave as their fancier versions in previews.

    Dendra and Embolist scale emblems equally but display them at odd angles. This seems to be the case for all frames so it must be unique to these armors. I can see how the left side Embolist's giant spike presents problems with displaying an emblem in standard orientation, but Dendra's right side just looks misaligned.

    I can't preview Riv Min but Riv Elite appears to use the smaller size on both arms, as Eos does.

  7. On 9/27/2016 at 1:07 AM, Sibericus said:

    The only one of these that I cannot seem to fully appreciate is the Noble style.  I've tried looking at it from other perspectives, but it just feels too rigid and weak compared to the rest of them.  The arms always crossing behind the back is an interesting design choice, but there should be as much posture variety as the rest of the animations.  My suggestions are to have the hands cross in the front when dodging backwards and while dodging sideways hold the arms like a matador in a bullfight for that extra bit of flair.  It just adds a bit more distinction between poses and makes it look less like Loki's hands were glued to his rear.

    It's supposed to evoke a "Kung Fu" master's serene and mystical movement, like you'd see in a movie where the actors are using wires for their stylized fights. You are so confident in your mastery of combat - or so contemptuous of your enemy's form - that instead of dashing, diving, or preparing to block you simply slip just out of reach of his strike, hands still behind your back. I don't know if I'd pick it over the others, myself, but the aesthetic is pretty cool to me, and I love how much conceptual ground the different sets manage to cover.

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