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Everything posted by cyntreau

  1. Twinstar Centauri, Ghost Clan, PC, Founding Warlord A quick slideshow of the most interesting rooms.
  2. Every time the host extracts while other players are waiting in the extract area or even after non hosting players have extracted and are in the mission results screen, it softlocks the game and either freezes completely or loses connection and forces back to the menu, often failing the mission and causing 3 of 4 players to lose their rewards.. I don't know whose bright idea it was to allow the host to just leave after a zariman mission and mess up everyone else's game but it's frustrating and disappointing to see the developers make decisions that they clearly know will cause issues and then do nothing to rectify it.
  3. No offense but that's a horrible excuse.. don't play it if you don't like it? I'm not allowed to care that my favorite game is being infected by concepts that destroy the very essence of why Warframe is amazing? Ever since I saw the teasers for this update I was in love, yet once again DE has implemented more disappointments than enrichments and it's literally because they can't seem to understand what players want from Warframe, or they are being forced by some unseen benefactor that is forcing them to move the game in a certain direction. This update has proven that DE is either misdirected in their vision or they simply don't understand how to make things fun for players, or they are being forced to do things and are trying to stay silent about it, all of those things are distressing for a player that truly wants a better Warframe game. At this point the devs are acting pretentious and I wish we had the old devs back because at least they fought for a better vision of Warframe.
  4. It seems that the developers are running out of ideas of how to continue to upgrade and 'refresh' warframes and the base, original gameplay so they are turning more and more towards things like operators and drifter and op/drifter weapons and mechanics and quests.. even now the Duviri paradox won't even allow you to use your favorite warframes unless rng places them in your mission. This is shameful, if the devs can't figure out how to make WARFRAME fun then why not call it DRIFTER or OPERATOR or HORSE HEAVEN or HEY WE HAVE 50+ WARFRAMES HOW ABOUT YOU USE 3 OF THEM AND YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO CHOOSE. and please, the 'excuse' that 'not having warframes is part of the story' then stow it, if the devs literally won't allow me to use my favorite warframe for most of the new content then I literally couldn't care less I want to play WARFRAME, I've spent years enjoying the gameplay with my favorite WARFRAME and now the game is trying to transition into slow, awkward, uninteresting operator/drifter because I'm convinced they don't know what else to do so they're just taking the easy way out and making completely new things to branch out on and then not even let us use our favorite warframes in the new update.. I don't know how else to say it, the whole reason this game works is because players can choose their favorite builds and it's always fast and engaging like WARFRAME has been for years. Having my game f'd up by rng at the most basic level and not letting me choose my warframe is infuriating and insulting. Not to mention you can't even use your warframes in half of the content anyway.. I'll say it once more, I. WANT. TO. PLAY. WARFRAME. I want to use my favorite WARFRAME. This is WARFRAME. I have played for literally 8 years now and one of the most hyped updates of the entirety of the game AND I CAN'T EVEN USE MY FAVORITE W A R F R A M E???????? Duviri paradox is a great update in it's own right, but it is not WARFRAME because I'm not allowed 100% use of my favorite one. I hope content in the future accounts for the fact that some players expect to play WARFRAME.
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