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Posts posted by _Kai_

  1. Hello! So, since trend on weapon improvement has started, I decided to pitch in. I took two guns that has nearly been forgotten and abandoned for new and shiny bangers that not only look cool, but also pack more bang. The  infamous Braton and Burston. And I am not talking in this thread about primed versions unless it is specifically stated.


    So, Braton, gun some more or less fondly remember as starting gun(yes, in mk-1, I know) . I mean it did it job, still does as staple of pvp. It's a decent gun - and if you are willing to put a catalyst and forma to it, you can even extend it's mediocrity to higher enemy levels. At least it's full  auto, right? Because Burston's burst is a plain waste of ammo, time and damage, meaning - a bad gameplay mechanic. Something to be looked at and improved.

    Now, I know some enjoy using both for the reason they are sort of "underdogs" among weapons, but well, for lack of better comparison - I'll put it blunt - Braton and Burston now are like buttsex - quirky and only popular in certain circles. Whereas they could be a potentially fun weapons without quirks and improper metaphors applied to them.

    So, I present my hastily assembled and very crudely exhibited ideas on Braton and Burston improvement.


    I start with the fact that I actually like original models of both weapons. They are good, and honestly - I don't want Burston getting a replacement model, this one is very cool and stylised for 21st cen. gun - which is something not often seen in Warframe and thus - cool. What I don't really like, apart from mechanics, are animathions, that are old. Most new weapons have dynamic models and stylish animations, why not give them to our old working horses, they sure deserve it.

    Exhibit A


    Current clip placement based on animation is suboptimal and uncool. There's plenty of room in stock to suggest bullpup design, but no, clip is stored inside weapon frame some way forward from trigger group, and does not extend out of frame. It's not terrible - it served its purpose, but I think it would be better with some style and rational design to boot.

    The depression in stocks of both weapons - Braton and Burston is perfectly suited to house a full clip of rounds, moreover it offers an interesting and cool option for upward clip ejection M1 garand-style.

    Please check Youtube tags garand+reload , if you are unfamiliar with it.

    With proper sounds this could make weapons downright satisfying to handle.

    Exhibits B and C (click to view full size)



    In case of Burston clip upper side could serve as chromed part we see in stock, or alternatively, it could be a working bolt or sliding clip cower

    Exhibit D


    Moving on to stat and weapon mechanics. I must say - addition of separate alternative attack and aim buttons is very nice and welcome. It simplifies things a lot.

    So, good tenno folk, would you like more damage? Clip capacity? Crit? No. You have it already. You want a weapon that does it's job, and does so good and in style. What Burston need to have it all? A proper application of reason in design. Having only burst fire available is a shortcoming, and on a weapon without advantages it leads to a worse gameplay experience on average. Meaning whining gamers. But it's also a main weapon feature - as stated in weapons name. So, how to improve it?

    Again some style and ration design decisions - there are such thing as delayed recoil system, which delays recoil for single and burst fire. Such mechanism allows for greatly improved precision, however to be usable with burst-fire it requires firerate of about 2000 rpm. It has been implemented in russian AN-94 assault rifle and tested before in HK G11. Main idea of the delayed recoil - to allow bullets escape barrel before recoil can alter their trajectory through barrel sway.  By implementing such design into the  Burston we receive a precision rifle, capable of placing rounds with impressive accuracy at the cost of practical firerate due to delay between bursts and necessity to compensate for recoil.  It's here, that alternate fire button comes into play - it allows to fire weapon fully automatic, however without recoil delay and at moderate firerate - giving a self-defence and ammo expenditure management option.


    As for Braton  apart from animation and slight model tweaks it would be nice to have a  high end non-primed model, like Prisma or any otter prefix, except currently unobtainable Vandal. The design is nice, just wish we could see it more often at higher difficulty levels. Some alternate firing mode is also in order, so I offer this - firing mode that allows for non-hitscan projectiles that hit harder and potentially ricochet of surfaces or pierce them, if the angle is proper. Power-lacking mk-1 and Braton might benefit from such a mode, and it's always cool to hit enemy with a bouncing projectile, especially if enemy is behind cower.


    As one final thing I wanted to mention - caseless rounds. Hard to believe, that with all the advanced tech in Warframe such simple and effective tech was not implemented. Both weapon should have it, and former case ejection ports -  well, let's say they are maintenance and mod implement ports. This means two things - no more casings flying around (and possibly clinking on the floor) and advanced weapons are actually advanced. I don't think that all weapons must utilize only caseless round, much the opposite - I think SOME weapons should use them for design and coolness purposes but not Braton and Burston - they have suffered enough.


    So, thank you for your attention, I know this is a lot of text for a forum post by modern standards, fell free to share  your opinions on Braton and Burston and what they should be and any ideas on their improvement.



  2. List:

    Arcane Vespa, Vanguard, Meridian, Avalon, Thrak, Aura, Aurora, Chorus, Essence, Gambit, Hemlock, Meridian , Phoenix. More per request.

    Pricing 200/100 depending on type. (Vanguard, Vespa, Aura, Hemlock - 200)

    Also selling ton's of parts and mods.

    PM for details.

  3. Seeing as discussion flew off I'll try to get it back on track. Grinlock desperately needs buff. It is quite weak for clan research weapon in my opinion, and isn't worth forma at all. It's main problem is low fire rate coupled with ridiculous magazine capacity. It's accuracy is good, but not perfect and hitting moving target at closer ranges (or very long)may be a problem, moreover except status chance and ammo efficiency Grinlock has nothing to offer.There are better choices for mid to long range combat, and there are better choices for both status and damage.

    I think  Grinlock needs larger magazine capacity of 12 (at least) to 20 rounds. This way it gets  slight damage per minute buff and overall becomes more comfortable to use. Increasing damage per shot (either dirrectly or via crit) will turn Grinlock into better-than sniper rifle, which is bad, considering the current status and popularity of sniper rifles.

  4.  I wish DE just answered, because there are several topics around this section dedicated to size and stats of Machete Wrath. More importantly - I would like to see it the size of regular Machete and preferably a little bit faster than it is now.

  5. ... which does indeed make Machete Wraith the TOP DPS Long Sword ingame, but it suffers from a slow attack speed and awkward animations that just set it back. It's one of those What-if situations honestly.

       being "top dps long sword" hardly makes Machete Wrath better weapon.AND it has several downsides such as attack speed, not most comfortable animation set and less than useful charge attack. AND there are several better choices among craftable weapons DPS-wise.AND it looks like toothpick compared to regular Machete, which looked brutal.

       So it should probably get a buff.It is not a weak weapon, but certainly weak for Wrath-version event weapon. 

  6. I agree with topic starter. Wraith Machete is really weak, especially so for event-exclusive upgraded version. I liked normal machete mostly for its looks, but this one is both weak and not so good looking. Galatine beats it performance-wise in every aspect, and it's just a craftable, not even high tear weapon (required level 3).Serrated Blade damage and multi-hit is nice, but sugarcoating a weakness doesn't make it a strength.

     Conclusion: Machete Wraith needs a buff.Primarily - attack speed. The rest is in the first thread post.

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