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  1. Ya. I had Mirage/Lex/Fragor, soaked in 6 forma, 5 archon shards, an incarnon adapter, an exilus for both the frame and the secondary, AND bought a mod for mirage in order to see it all be rerolled. I know it's likely a bug, but I still spent about 150 plat worth of resources(formas and adapters.. not counting farming up helminth bile in my math) only for it to all be wasted in the reroll, and that feels pretty bad
  2. On both rolls of Deep modifiers sofar, I've gotten at least 1 weapon/frame I literally don't possess(and in half the cases I haven't even built the item) in each slot. I can understand not wanting to make the rng *to* forgiving, but consistently getting 1-2 dead choices (Dante when I have him subsumed. Protea when I've never farmed her) per slot when I have 42 frames and about 160 weapons feels...not great.
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