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Everything posted by (PSN)Exia0321

  1. With over 50 frames and 100 weapons per slot it is about time DE allows us to custom arrange/order our items. I want to be able to place my frames and guns in a specific order so that I can find them quicker. Yes I know there is a search feature, but who can spell some of these weapons. Seriously, I dont feel like participating in a spelling bee when I am trying to find that new melee weapon. Also, can be get a "unequip" button in the Arsenal for weapons.
  2. Nope your not blind...its not there. But hopefully they are correcting it soon.
  3. It is counterintuitive to have to abort Duviri missions as the ONLY way to exit without doing the Worm fight. Plus, when I do abort to extract I am not getting ALL the intrincics and items I earned. I have tracked and checked this several times, I only keep about 60% of my rewards. DE you need to do better. This is your 3/4 open world. In each one you added an extraction portal. How many hotfixes will it be before you add one?
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