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Everything posted by Friede

  1. Can't wait for the feature when I can pay for tau shards to skip the grind! Don't worry though there's a free path you can take that is weekly timegated like circuit with RNG so it's all excusable!
  2. Next in line: Selling mastery ranks for platinum! Now anyone can truly skip the game. Don't worry though as a lot of people in this thread have said: You'll get there for free eventually it will just take time😉 Just pay to get there earlier!
  3. Don't worry 🙏 DE has listened to our prayers at the circuit loot limitations of 2 a week and gave onto us the ability to purchase everything for platinum! They're really listening!! Even skipping the circuit bugs too!! Two objectives completed in one! That's efficiency.
  4. I'm not sure what you mean...the game is fixed. DE fixed it by making the endgame all purchasable skipping the circuit RNG and host migration issue. If that's not listening to the community I don't know what is!
  5. I just want to say thank you for making the Incarnons purchasable for platinum in the future update. I no longer need to deal with the buggy circuit and host migration. 😉 Lets keep pushing this great change community! 🙏 Lets make our voice heard! All incarnons purchasable!! Tauforged shards too!
  6. Thank god. I hope they make it so all the incarnons are purchasable. I'll just buy it all. Tauforged archon shards next pls <3 I'm glad most people on this forum and reddit are defending this great change!
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