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Posts posted by geogame11

  1. On 2019-11-15 at 2:32 AM, Tyreaus said:

    To play devil's advocate for a bit:

    The reason they made this change was because players could get 12x combo up on Glaives and not only use that combo on throws, but also keep it as long as one recalled the Glaive with regular melee. The throws, after all, don't expend the combo counter. Every other weapon's attack either benefits from the combo counter and expends it, or doesn't do either. That includes Gunblades. Thus, to nudge Glaives into line with other melee weapons, there's two fixes:

    1. Make any charged attack with Glaives count as a heavy attack, explosion or not, so the entire throw gets (and expends) the combo counter bonus, or
    2. Make the explosion count as the heavy attack so players can gain combo via regular throws.

    If you're wanting things to be consistent like DE does, those are the two options that fit within current mechanics. Simple reversion isn't going to work well.

    Which one do you advocate for? And how popular a solution would that really be? Or is there another solution with updated Glaive mechanics, e.g. block + heavy attack doing a charged throw that benefits from and expends the combo counter ala dual wielding mechanics (without finnicky timing issues)?

    "Make any charged attack with Glaives count as a heavy attack" That is my perfect fix.

  2. 21 hours ago, DJNeonNight said:

    Lo será, la única diferencia es que ahora se expandirá como Molecular prime de nova, no será instantáneo y "press 2/3 to win" Ahora tardará en llegar a todos los enemigos por lo que leo. Veremos que tan "malo" es este cambio cuando esté con nosotros.

    Muchas gracias por el dato y también por traducir la publicación, se aprecia tu trabajo.


  3. On 17/3/2016 at 4:23 PM, [DE]Dmitri said:

    Hey everyone,

    We're having a difficult time reproducing this on our end, so any additional info that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Some examples:

    • Which mods are you using with Ash?
    • Which weapons do you have equipped?
    • What are your PC specs?
    • etc. 



    My problem is blade storm, in all missions.

    Nvidia gt650m

    Intel Core i7 3630QM

    8GB RAM

    • DESCRIPTION: FPS drop when someone uses "Blade Storm" Ash ability, 60 stable fps drop 40/30 fps (ability used by other users)
      • Who Ash/Ash Prime
      • What Ability Blade Storm
      • Where Any mission
    • CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Tested in any mission, always happen with the ability.
    • REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps we need to take to recreate it?
      •  1. Enter the map
      •  2. Wait a player use ability 4 ash.
      •  3. Drop FPS.
    • SCREENSHOT / VIDEO EVIDENCE: Check others forums topics with the problem. 
    • My PC: intel core i7, 8 GB ram, nvidia gt650m.
  4. Hola a todos:

    Tengo un problema muy molesto cuando alguien dentro de la partida activa la habilidad de Ash "Tormenta de espadas", los fps caen de estables 60 a 40 e incluso 30. He leído en otros foros y el problema se repite desde meses en muchos jugadores, en caso de que no sea un bug deberian optimizar dicha animación porque el bajon de fps no es normal en relación al rendimiento general del juego.


    Tengo un notebook con una GT650m, Intel core i7 y 8 GB RAM, el juego me anda de forma estable a 60 fps a excepción del caso que mencioné.


    Agradecido de su ayuda.

  5. Update: Just had a friend test this and it did not happen to them. This glitch is only happening for me so far.. After verifying the files the glitch is still there. It only happens when online with other players, when i am solo it never happens.


    Sorry for my english.


    I have the same problem with ak magnus, after using hability. The ak magnus stop working, after shot only animation (warframe hability).



  6. Estimados:


    Les comento que tengo un bug muy molesto con la ak magnus. Cada que vez que utilizo la habilidad 3 de mi warframe las ak magnus dejan de funcionar, al intentar disparar con estas realizan la animación de la habilidad 3 del warframe. Desconozco si sucede con otras armas, por lo menos con la hikou prime no sucede.



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