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Everything posted by Pajcekralj

  1. Boy, oh boy, where do i even begin? So, instead of fixing the thing that people were complaining about, aka Dante's overguard negatively affecting Chroma and Hunter Adrenaline/Rage players (which can be fixed by either stopping Dante from being able to give allies overguard, or by preventing overguard gain if you have Hunter Adrenaline/Rage equipped or having vex armor active), you nerf his damage output by adding LoS??? It makes no goddamn sense! The overguard regen changes i can somewhat stomach, but the Tragedy change was very poorly thought out! Edit: So apparently Tragedy's LoS is gonna be fixed in the next hotfix. While that's good to hear, why implement a mechanic that doesn't work properly in the first place? Also if you're already fixing LoS for one frame, do it for the rest of the game as well. Nezha's new augment got a 50% range decrease? Why??? Couldn't you have just toned the damage down a bit? And to top it all off, because CC CLEARLY wasn't in a bad enough spot already, you nerf it even MORE??? I mean you nerfed THE HALIKAR FFS, THE HALIKAR! WHO EVEN USES IT???? If you're planning on keeping this up, you might as well rework all the CC-oriented frames... A SINGLE WEEK has passed, and stuff is already getting nerfed? Unbelievable. What compelled you guys to rush these changes out as soon as possible? Were people really complaining THAT MUCH?
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