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  1. I entered an ongoing instance of the Duviri Experience, two other players already in-game, entering during an Undercroft stage, my gear having been auto-selected. Once out of the Undercroft, I proceeded to do maw fishing while the other players went about their own business. They were engaging predominantly in the main story missions, and, while I was in the midst of piloting the maw, they engaged the Dax Gladius, triggering the short cutscene as Bombastine waxes on. I did not get the cutscene, and instead all entities in the environment deleted and the screen became the first screenshot below. I'm locked out of all controls, including chat. The game is not frozen, the environment is still active. Eventually the other player that was left began the Undercroft segment again. I was active and participating as normal, but once it was over, it seemed to consider my Drifter dead, and spawned me as per the second screenshot. Some controls are active - zoom, show/hide party, open menu - but I'm kind of simultaneously dead and alive and can't revive. It only became fixed as the last player left and caused host migration.
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