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Posts posted by Draglide

  1. After reading the main post something came into my mind and I want to share that idea.
    Since reading through 27 pages of text is time-consuming, if any of these ideas were already mentioned please accept my apologies.


    You want to eliminate mods completely so that the main reason for playing is experimenting, not farming. While this idea is divine, the downside is that it can be easier said than done. There are many people who would get tired of no actual "reward" (other than more points to spend due to leveling equipment) from doing missions.


    While focusing on gameplay rather than drops is a good thing, but drops should not be cast in the background. My idea is:


    Make players get a certain ranking at the end of the mission based on their performance.  This consists of  killing enemies, executing melee combos, finishing the mission without being detected,  and so on.


    Then   make every NODE   (not mission type, node )  have a given set of weapon blueprints/parts, addons as END  MISSION rewards,  which are based on performance. This would 


    -Eliminate rushing through missions an eligible way of completing a mission/progress since it would result in lowest rank achieved

    -Would maintain some farming elements but not too much to cause frustration

    -Make the starmap more diverse


    since now when someone reaches endgame, the 200 something nodes become utterly useless. Most of the people play only 20-30 of them "There to get neurodes" "There to get money by rushing through deception" etc. This method would render each and every node useful in a way that each would have replay value and I'm not saying replay it 100 times, think of for example Terminus having 3 weapon components, and an addon for assault rifles to be given as reward. 4 possible drops, easily gettable without frustration, while maintaining something of the so-beloved RNG DE loves so much.


    Then reduce market-obtainable weapons to a bare minimum, keeping mostly Tenno-originated weaponry (some could also be scattered around nodes eg: salvaging lost technology, or a rescue target reveals blueprint, dunno...) so that the node-reward idea is more rewarding. With all the weapons available, DE could easily fill each and every node with 2-4 weapon parts/addon parts so that each has its purpose.


    Performance ranking system should give weapon/addon blueprints as rewards like Void missions does. Each of the 2-4 end-game rewards would be sorted into tiers: common, uncommon, rare, and ranking would influence the drops of rarer parts to drop at a higher rate, while average performance could still reward rare drops, but with less chance. This way:
    -Players would be encouraged to try out new builds and combos to achieve higher endgame rating and obtain weapon parts/addons more easily,

    -But would not make people with less skill frustrated because of the chance to get those rewards regardless.


    As one last thing I'd refer to the result of a study: If there are too many choices to choose from, the brain may refuse to chose any. While the ability of customization is an essential thing, exaggeration should be avoided.


    Since English is not my native language, I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I made, and I hope there will be no problem in understanding due to errors.


    Draglide, out.

  2. Hey everyone!

    The amount of information we know about the new damage system is absolutely minimal. (TL;DR at the bottom)


    What I'm trying to say is that while it is good that DE showed us how to make the new fancy elements, and told us (again not clearly, eg. what does sickening of viral damage is exactly for?) what effects they could have in 10% of the cases, they forgot to tell us how to use them: What to use them on.


    The best thing you can do is speculate, take the base elemental mods and what their usage was back in damage 1.0, and try to make a conclusion of "if fire was good against infested, freeze was good against shields, so the combined Blast is effective against infested and shields" which is, according to the information on the wiki, is not the case. (And in the case of the wiki, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly Flesh is for, if it only stands for Grineer, which are armored targets obviously, my guess is that it's for the unprotected parts, but this is another story of uncertainty)


    Also I've done some high-level grineer missions with my Vectis, and was puzzled when I found out that the gun that essentially killed any Lancers even if i shot their pinky toe, was totally useless against Troopers, doint something like 300 damage. Out of this, I conclude that there IS an actual difference of elemental/physical vulnerabilities between units, not just factions in general.


    My suggestion would be, that there is the new shiny Codex system. Knowing what does each unit drop is good, but the Codex should contain more than that and a 2-line description of the unit and some numbers on health-shield-armor (Mobs scale over levels, so that information is again not so useful) Instead, I'd consider adding weaknesses/resistances to units in the Codex, ending the frustration of having absolutely no information (beside speculations) on what damages to use on what enemy.


    Codex should contain information about a given enemy's weaknesses/resistances towards damage types, hence making things clear about the new Damage 2.0.


    Sorry for the wall of text, and if there are grammatical mistakes. (English is not my native language)


    What do you think about this idea? I want to know your opinion!


    Draglide, out.

  3. All of you forgot our fellow fluffy infested, they are probably weeping in a nearby corner cause they were fully left out of the event. But at least give them a chance to shine in Cereal business!






    Photoshopped by me based on the idea of my friend Arbither

  4. Hey everyone!

    I was just thinking about sharing my opinion about the recent changes...

    It seems there are many people who think the mission dots are too close to each other but for me its not that kind of a big deal, its better than it was when the info about a mission was off the screen due to overstreched planet mapping.


    Im liking this update so far, but one problem came into my mind. I've done like 70% of the missions, all planets at least unlocked, but for a newcomer this new map is just a mess... I dont speak about the visual concept of it, but the new assortment of planets, the way to get from A to B. I'd post an example here, say you want to go to Saturn, which is the 2nd lowest lvl planet out there in my opinion (around lvl 8-15) with the new system to get there you'd have to get through Earth which is around lvl 20-25, but there are other examples... So DE should either repath the whole thing so that low lvl planets can be accessed by going through other low lvl planets, so enemy level goes up as a gradient not jumping randomly (thinking of the "old" system) or change the levels of the given planets to suit the thing I was trying to explain above.


    Tell me your opinion about this, let me know if i left something out, or if Im completely wrong.

    Best regards


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