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Posts posted by TheBeastoftheNorth3952

  1. I think this is a great idea. I've been in love with the sentient since I found them in the game, what they are and they're architecture, although most (if not literally ALL) focus is on Fortuna, I would LOVE a sentient-only devstream!

  2. "Margulis Did You Know?" (Original: "Mary Did You Know?" By: Mark Lowry)


    Margulis, did you know
    that your Baby girl would one day fly with the butterflies?
    Margulis, did you know
    that your little babies would save our sons and daughters?
    Did you know
    that your little babies would never withdraw
    The Children that blinded you, will soon blind all in awe.

    Margulis, did you know
    that your Baby Boy will take sight from evil men?
    Margulis, did you know
    that your Baby Boy will conjure a storm with His hand?
    Did you know
    that your Baby girl has walked where cephalons datastore?
    When you kiss your little Baby you kiss the face of the Void?

    Margulis did you know.. Ooo Ooo Ooo

    The greedy corpus,
    The toxic grineer,
    The infestation,

    The sentients,
    will all fear the arrival,
    of the Voids blessed children.

    Margulis, did you know
    that your little babies are children of pure power?
    Margulis, did you know
    that your Baby Boy would one day rule the stars?
    Did you know
    that your Baby Boy is the Voids perfect instrument?
    The sleeping Children you placed in a dream, would one day slay giants


  3. The past three days I've logged onto Warframe, it would show the Daily Tribute, but I can't click on it, so I can't do anything, so I have  to close out Warframe, and when I open it back up it doesn't give me a reward, I really hope it doesn't happen another three days from now, I've got my 150th day milestone

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