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Posts posted by AuraKai

  1. For Lunaro, might I suggest that player must join in 2s to join a match? For example, if there is an ongoing match with 2 people (1v1) and someone else tried to join, the player needs to wait for another player to join as well and they both join the match at the same time, making it a fair 2v2 when they manage to get in.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Gruppesechs said:

    1) Someone else explained why it is the way it is. Mostly because of those dumb syndicate key packs. I'm pretty sure they are going to fix this soon actually.

    2) I know I can just solo them, I don't find it fun. I'm also not really on in the mornings usually so I have to use recruiting. I like your idea about having options to choose from.

    3) Huh? I stopped doing them because they always seemed to collapse on me, wasting large portiions of my playtime either sitting and waiting for the raid to form (god don't get me started on how much I hate this...I used to play EQ) or having to reform and try again. They just ate up most of my playtime and yielded nothing but frustration. So I stopped bothering.

    4) I wasn't trying to lable them as the worst offender of this or something. That was not my point. My point is that F2P game design is not focused on making a game good, its focused on making a game profitable (this used to be the same thing, but apparently not anymore). I agree that DE is probably the best when it comes to this--that doesn't change how fundamentally flawed F2P game design is...No debate neccessary.

    5) Ok.

    6) Not really sure how to respond.

    7) I'm not sure what your point is. Are you agreeing with me that it's repetitive? Because that was my point.

    8) I probably should have just kept #8 to myself. Though it can be a problem from time to time, it's always just a personal one.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    4. Yeah I got that. I kinda had the feeling that your view on it wasn't too harsh. It's mostly that I've seen this conversation several times before and I simply tried to cover my bases. Though I do see that by the end I sounded a little hostile towards your statement. It was more toward anyone that would come into this thread and comment on it. Though yeah, like you said, no debate necessary. Basically agree to disagree sorta thing.

    6. Hmm, well either I misunderstood what you were saying or I didn't really convey my message well. So I guess we can say... to each their own in this particular topic?

    7. I agreed in that there are repetitive factors, I touched on why that is the case which is summed up to, the game is designed that way and there's not any real way to avoid it... kinda like most game and I also mentioned how I personally avoid burning out. Basically we're on the same page and I added my thoughts on the matter. Nothing much else I think.

    8. Well it's fine. We have to rant about some factors of the community at least once right? That or we have an internal WAR inside ourselves. Like the Stalker weapon! Ha!? No... alright. I'll stop.

    For the other ones, I think there isn't much else to discuss with them so I decided that there wasn't much of a need to reply to those. Thanks for replying to my possibly overlong reply. Must be tiring replying to so many people.

  3. So hey, I kinda just felt like making a proper reply to your original post. Not going to try to change your mind or say that you were completely correct or wrong about anything you said, I just kinda wanted to state my opinion on it. I kinda think of this as a casual conversation and a writing exercise in some way I guess.

    1. I actually kinda agree to this. Other than Ducat farming, I don't really do T4 too often. Heck I tend to avoid it. I understand why there isn't anything super amazing there though. I would assume that its for less experienced players. For T1-T3 it seems like they can be done with only a bit of difficulty with a Max rank frame with no Potato. Heck, it can be done without being Maxed rank. For T4, I personally have a bit of difficulty handling it with weaker frames, which if I'm using a weaker frame I guess why am I doing it anyway right? I'm guessing newer players would be the ones that lose out. They can maybe get all the parts but not the final Prime part they need to complete that Primed Frame. Is it a problem that they can't get the Primed Frame? Not really but to them it might be a big deal for that slightly better version of Frame they want. I mean think about the normal grinding. Getting that last part is always the worst part but for them, they can't get it at all.

    So what am I getting to here? Do I call BS on your T4 problem? No, I said I agree remember. I think it's kinda dumb that T4 grants nothing much to the players that can do it. I would more say rather than put T3 stuff in T4, I say make T4 Exclusive items. The problem of spreading them apart is you feel entitled to being able to grab that last part if you grind for most of the rest of them. Now if T4 had exclusive items to that area, it wouldn't force the player to have to go through T4 if they can't handle it. I'm not saying put end game super awesome amazing ultra super... Crap I said super already... stuff in T4, I'm just saying that there should be some decent stuff that you may want in T4 only so at least you'd WANT to go there.

    2. I don't have too much of a problem with Sorties. I don't actually go to recruiting for Sorties since it does take too long. You know why that is? Because when the gates to a new Sortie day opens, people just jump into the mission. They then wait a little and BOOM, they're in a squad of 4 out of no where. Will some of them be crap? Maybe, but I think you should be generally be prepared to fail a Sortie a few times before you find a good group. Doesn't always happen but yeah. Though if you come in later, like 12 hours after the new day, I think recruitment is a decent choice if you really can't find a group from just jumping into the mission. As for Spy mission in sorties, I'm biased since I'm actually really good at Spy mission and I like the extra challenge... expect Uranus Spy mission. I hate those ones. The only thing I can recommend with that is solo it if you can. Less error for mistakes oddly enough.

    I generally don't play too much for the rewards, heck they're mostly Plat for me... except for Lenses. I play them since it's challenging and kinda fun. If your with a group that decided to go all the way with you, you're bound to have something interesting happen. I kinda wish there was more there at times though. Like if there was a Sortie level mission for each mission type but you only need to do 2 and the Assassination or you can get more rewards by doing past 3 of the Sorties or something. And I know there have been several hundred post on it already on it but rewards table really do need some fixing. Like I don't know if Potatoes or the Legendary cores even drop. It's rate is to low for what's it's worth. At least make it drop one of the good items up there once you get all of everything else or something. Sheesh.

    3. No real comment on this. I haven't been to one. If you decide to come back, maybe you can teach me how not to F*** it up. You can fill in half the squad in look for 2 more people to not be rude or ruin your day on it XD.

    4. I think there's little they can do about this one. I think it works. Most other companies have really abused this and in all reality, DE is really the best among them. Most people argue that since they've gotten so much money they they shouldn't be charging for this and that but they might be a successful company but that doesn't make it less likely that they'll face a real problem in the future and they'll have to shut everything down because they decided to let this and that not be something you pay for. Is this an extreme? Perhaps. Though it's not like it's not a real possibility that we haven't seen before for larger companies. And please, no on say Dota or TF2. That's Valve. They get so much money from other ways that they can turn off all their game for a year, buy themselves a year vacation for all their staff and they'd still have more money than they'd know what to do with.

    So yeah, I think it works. I won't say it's the perfect way to go about it (I only said "best" earlier not "perfect", don't try to make me sound like I contradicted myself random person thinking of doing so... maybe) but I think grants us, the player, the a great experience and the Dev a good amount of money to update and keep the game going. You may agree with me on this but not here. PM if you with you have a civil argument on this topic.

    5. No real comment since I don't really have an issue getting them really. I feel like there was a lower leveled mission that I did that just gave me T3 keys. I think it was a Dark Sector on... Mars? Don't know. I could be wrong. Anyway... Yeah sorry for being less than helpful. If I find a good fun framing spot, I'll let you know.

    6. I mean it's only some parts but not all of them right? I mean rotation C since it a part for a Prime Frame and Survival since some parts need to be in survival? I don't know. I don't really think you're right or wrong but I guess it person to person. Like I don't like doing Void Defense missions for some reason and I don't like farming it for parts but you do what you gotta do right? Yeah...

    7. I mean, it's the type of game that it is. It's session based. I mean in a shooter, you shoot, you get better guns and you shoot some more. Rinse repeat? Not tying to make fun (since I realize it does sound a little like it) but it's just kinda that. I tend not to play for too long if I'm not having fun so I guess that's why I still enjoy the game. I try to regulate myself when possible. Though if I get tired of playing the same thing over and over, I just do a new mission type for a bit to cool of. Normally I need more than one item so I just go between different things that I need to stop myself from burning out. Even if it means I play some Defense missions with randoms. So yeah, to each their own? Do I want more stuff to do? Sure but in the end I'm going to end up playing that new thing over and over until I get bored. I don't think they can (or should) update so quickly just because we can't control ourselves at times.

    8 HI! THAT'S ME! Wait... But all jokes a side... ok maybe not all of them... Anyway, it's bound to happen. Some people agree, some don't, argument, drama, boom I quit. Not even joking on that part. I quit for 2 years because the community got a little toxic at one point. I wish we can just be civil and talk out our opinions without hating one another but that's no the case. I mean it just happens. Like as I wrote all this, I don't mean hostility but someone might think of it as such even though I merely attempted to give out my opinion. It's something that we sadly can't avoid. I've met seen some amazing people in this game but there is also a good amount of rude and toxic people here as well and it's their words that affect us the most. Though yeah. Sorry for the long reply though if you read it. Cool. If there are things that you disagree with I'd actually like to know what you have to say. I just hope we can both respect what we say and not become a crazy mess of, Hate, Dread and Despair. I know that was bad. I'm so sorry.

  4. 2 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Never said Ash was getting a rework, just seen random posts about or asking about it.

    Though Mesa's 4th is getting de-nerfed a bit hopefully, since they are bringing it in line with all the other Exalted weapons so it scales off weapon mods.

    Oh, you misunderstood what I was saying which reading back to what I wrote, I understand why that happened. The thing about the Ash rework was a question directed towards @Ghost_1302, and I mentioned your name since you previously mentioned it and I opted not to quote you but rather mention you since you're post was right above what I wrote. Sorry about the confusion.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Ghost_1302 said:

    I think ash is getting some work done too, I heard his getting the mesa treatment.

    Speaking of Mesa, no one has yet to mention this but she is also getting some work done on her. It's less of a rework more of a buff I suppose but her 4th ability will be affected by her secondary weapon. As far as they've mentioned about it, they still need to balance it out.

    Also like @SilvaDreams mentioned, I have not heard about this Ash rework from the DE unless I've missed something. Perhaps you could source your findings?

  6. 1 minute ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

    Saying it's all about how popular they are seems narrow minded...

    HA! Narrow Minded. Like the Mod! Hahahahaha, I'll just show myself out.

    I agree to a degree. I mean he didn't state that one frame is better than others, just that there are "no "bad" warframes" which you kinda agreed with by not stating that so and so frame is just straight up bad. I agree though there are just some Warframes just better at doing other jobs. I think it's better to say that it isn't about how popular they are, more how efficient people see them in certain situations.

  7. I usually go with Blood Red (looks menacing), White (just looks really nice), A light blue (very calming) or just black (depending on the Frame and ability, it can look really cool or really boring).

    Side-ish Note: I really like using Banshee. Been using her a lot since I got her. Her abilities are just so cool looking and at times I can dish out quite a lot of good damage with her while avoiding getting a lot as well. I don't know how well she plays in Conclave though.

  8. 2 minutes ago, TheRaidNade said:

    I feel that the pause between turning to be a major detriment to how fluid it is and i understand you're in space but the float after you stop boosting is ridiculously annoying and I think the lotus or tenno or orokin... whoever invented the (s)archwing should have them better suited to the vacuum of space as stopping to not hit a sword swing or bullet but hitting anyway due to archwing technology doesn't make sense on a battlefield which it was obviously designed for imo

    That's fair. I mean I like it since it does give that feeling of a large open free space but I do see why people would find it annoying. I think if they didn't have it though, it'd feel kinda off personally. That said, now that you mention this, I feel like there should be a button that basically pushes air in all direction from your Archwing that to stop the momentum in free space. It just seem like a logical thing to put in considering that's commonly seen in most equipment in space travel.

  9. 2 minutes ago, TheRaidNade said:

    1.) movement not as fluid like... at all

    I think this is the only thing I disagree with. I feel it is quite fluid... just difficult to control in small spaces... which there really only is 2 tile sets, open space and small spaces.

    Though yeah, otherwise I agree.

  10. I like Archwing as it serves as a breather from normal gameplay. It's simple and it reminds me of the old flight and Gundam games.

    I think it's biggest issues are synergises with the rest of the game and the enemies you face with them. For one thing, the only mods that affect it from your Frame is the Aura mod which I didn't even know about till recently. It would help if either 1) Warframe Mods have a small effect on the Archwing or 2) each Warframe gets a passive that affects the Archwing (Ex. If using Volt, you have a higher chance of electric Damage or if Valkyr, you have a higher chance to do Crit damage or something)

    Now the enemies you face. I think the issue is that they attempt to use the same formula in Archwing as in with regular mission. Kill a lot of guys, Protect objective, defend a point etc. Archwing is something the Tenno uses when simply going in and killing all the guys in the ship isn't good enough. The feeling of destroying something larger and bigger than what you'd normally face is the feeling I get from it. As is, the Archwing missions are just the regular missions but it has more directions to go by and a lot less fun to be honest. You know what is fun though? The Balor Fomorian and the Jordis Golem mission. It feel like you're taking on a larger enemy that you can't face normally. I don't mind having to kill a bunch of random enemies but make it that if I am, it leads up to some big battle in the end of it. Basically, I want more boss battles or multi stage destruction.
    It also doesn't help that you get so little exp from these missions as well. It would really help sell the Grandness of the battle if I got more out of it.

  11. I actually do still use my snipers. That being said, you do make some good points. As someone that really likes the idea of snipers, I really would like to just avoid needing to get several headshots in a row in a short amount of time just to get my combo going. It doesn't help that the second you need to reload, it also kills the multiplier, which with a weapon with slow reload AND a small clip, it kinda a hassle.

    For me though, Point Strike and Critical Delay give decent enough crit results but it could be better. Considering Argon Scope isn't exactly easy to acquire if you didn't find it through the event. I suppose some sniper exclusive critical chance mods would be appreciated. Also, someone mentioned Nullifiers, I kinda wish that they would include a bubble breaking mod for snipers instead of the Miter. 2 shots against those guys would be a good reason for people to get back into snipers.

    I guess for me, the reason I don't mind so much is because I don't tend to use my sniper against large groups of enemies but on my big target, that target being bosses. I leave my teammates up to distracting the boss while I aim at a weakspot and do the damage needed to take a good chunk of his life out or even be the one to finish the job. Snipers are inherently, the weapons of assassinations so it's best in those type of situations anyway.

  12. Well you aren't wrong that Hydroid does need some work but for me, it doesn't seem as necessary as some other frames like Mag and Volt. Hydroid works really well as disrupter. All his attack are basically used to stop and large set of powerful enemies from being able to attack and he usually leaves them open to ground finishers. When I use Hydroid, I don't expect to be able to be close to being the one doing the most damage in a higher level mission, I expect to be able to keep my teammates from having to deal with too much and getting us all killed. My main complaint with him is he seems a little too squishy and there isn't a lot you can do when you use his 3. I think the main reason not a lot of people use him is due to him just being difficult to farm really.

  13. Hmm, I'd have to say Power Strength Nezha is the one I use a lot. I also like using:
    Range Wukong
    Power Strength Ivara
    My favorite build for them are usually Power Strength but I usually have a support based build for each.

    17 minutes ago, Swailwort said:

    I probably never use Meta frames besides Nova.


    I love Ivara, LIMBO, Volt, Banshee, Zephyr, LIMBO, Chroma, Inaros, Did I mention LIMBO? 

    We need to play a few rounds one time. I quite enjoy using Limbo but I suck at using him. Teach me Sensei! Bossu! Master! XD
    Though seriously, I'd love some pointers =P

  14. 1 minute ago, Mastikator2 said:

    It's possible that people can crash or get disconnected, when someone leaves always assume they didn't intentionally scam you, contact them and wait for them to log back in. If they don't respond then add them to your ignore list.

    I don't personally think adding them to your ignore list is a good idea. It kinda makes it impossible for them to message you back if they were disconnected and maybe they decided to take a quick wizz after or something.

  15. It's a sad truth that it's bound to happen. I always keep an open mind about it though. The way I see it, if at least one other person chooses to use their key, it's already a win for me. Which is generally why I always prefer to go at least second in the squad. Either way though, it at least made the mission go by faster. I also suggest messaging the people or person that left. Sometimes they just got kicked out of squad for some reason and didn't mean it, it's rare that it was the case but you'll never know unless you ask.

  16. 1 minute ago, ChronoEclipse said:

    Real life Mios or Lacera.

    Or Silva & Aegis.

    EDIT: if those are too wacky, Fang Prime

    They made the Scissors Blade from Kill la Kill already do I feel like at least the Lacera would be less interesting. The Mios has an interesting aesthetic though so that would be cool.

  17. That sounds like an interesting idea. I do love seeing their works since they show you the process and it's really quite informative. I say Dex Dakra since when I think of a melee weapon to that you can really tell it came from Warframe, it'll be the either the Dex Dakra or War/Broken War. With the Dex Dakra though, you really see the Warframe inspiration since it's marked by the Lotus herself.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Leo17453 said:


    Oh and that other cold weapon is the Glaxion, a primary which requires only 2,500 cryotic to build and no other prereq weapons.

    Oh yeah, that was it's name. I only recalled it was a Primary weapon. Technically though 5k including research cost under a ghost clan. And a forma which I would easily trade 10k cryotic for a single one but that's me and my crazy thoughts. Though yeah, like I mentioned at a later post, I do think it's quite a bit but there is a bit of logic to it. So yeah, perhaps they can lower it, or buff the weapon but at this moment, I don't think its as bad as people seem to make it out to be.

  19. 15 minutes ago, Silent_Eagl3 said:

    The Sibear is definitely one of the most expensive weapons on there. Unfortunately the weapons stats don't meet the level of investment ( they're mediocre) of a day's worth of playtime to fund the cryotic cost. This problem can easily be solved in two ways, buff the Sibear or nerf the cryotic cost.     

    Or both really. Personally I like the idea of buffing it but I'm sure a lot of others will want the latter.

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