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  1. A story skip would be extremely helpful in getting new players to try the game. I myself have gotten 3 friends caught up (working on a 4th!), and have literally bought each one of those friends a necramech to get them through the New War (along with giving them tons of mods). And while the new necramech parts for standing introduced in this update will be very helpful for the next person I bring in, having a simple, giftable option so they can catch up and play the same content as me would seriously help in keeping them in the game. That said, I think it's important to make sure that the prices for items within the story skip are competitive with the story skip itself. If the skip includes a necramech, I think that just buying the necramech should still be a reasonable option, even if not the best deal. Otherwise I'll just end up buying story skips for all my friends even if it's not exactly what they'd want. The story skip should be a great deal, but not the only good one in the market. I also think a lore recap video would be good as well. Heck, I want that even for me.
  2. This is such a good idea, I wish I had thought of it myself! Having a prime resurgence along with the rework would be awesome. While admittedly the request for a Leverian or a lore entry is more wishful thinking on my part, I believe the other requests are pretty reasonable. Further, my suggestions are meant to make reworks more worthwhile, rather than less. I won't be surprised if Hydroid's rework gets mentioned in the update screen for Abyss of Dagath, since that just makes sense. I mostly added that request for completeness (and because 3 is a magic number). And I would think the addition of a skin along with the rework would add an incentive to do the rework than not. Especially if the timing of the rework fit with the timing the skin would have been introduced anyway. For example, one of the Voidshell skins being released in the next update could have been for Hydroid. I understand that this will lead to more work in content planning, but my argument is that the additional work would be worth it.
  3. The Hydroid rework looks really fun and I'm excited to try him it out! That said, one thing I wish he was getting with it is some lore so I can feel invested in him. Moreover, I think a bit more pomp and circumstance to a rework would get more people interested in trying out that warframe. So with that in mind, here are some additions that I think would help make reworks feel more like events! 1. Reworked warframes should get a Leverian or some lore added to their codex entry A Leverian would really sell the "eventness" of a rework, especially if we could find Prex cards in them like the others. That being said, if a Leverian isn't feasible, a nice alternative would be to add lore to the warframe's codex entry, similar to Mag or Rhino Prime. 2. Reworked warframes should be featured in the new Update History Screen This screen shown off in the dev workshop is a fantastic addition and a perfect means to show off a warframe rework! I think a section that shows how to acquire the warframe alongside, say, directing them to a new Leverian or codex lore entry, would really be helpful in getting people to try the rework, especially for newer players who might not know how to get them. 3. Reworked warframes should get new skins Hydroid's deluxe skin is incredible and I'll be using it a ton when his rework comes out. That said... I also bought that years ago when it came out. Since reworks take a lot of dev time, I think it makes sense for new deluxe skins, bundles, and Tennogen to come out alongside a rework. And those are my suggestions, let me know what you think!
  4. Hydroid looks so cool now, I can't wait to try the rework! I am curious how his 3 augment will work on allies though. Will Rousing Plunder heal companions and defense objects like his old augment did, or does it strictly heal Warframes?
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