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Everything posted by Eternal

  1. Well it's pretty common for P2P games to use UPnP, your computer and the everyone elses need to be able to talk to each other. The TCP rule is for the actual game server and the UDP rule is for matchmaking. What's your router or ISP, some are known to not support UPnP such as wireless providers like tmobile and verizon home internet
  2. Clean install your gpu driver https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000098031/graphics.html Use this program, do "Clean & Restart" for gpu driver only https://www.wagnardsoft.com/display-driver-uninstaller-DDU- Download this gpu driver for your setup and install after system has rebooted https://downloadmirror.intel.com/824226/gfx_win_101.2128.exe If still not working verifying and optimizing game cache can potentially help 👍
  3. I didn't notice this before but now that you've pointed it out I can never unsee it lol
  4. Yeah I have tried switching back to dx11 right before jade shadows update as well and it is still crashing, contacting support yielded a "use dx12" response I actually caught an EE log with one of my dx11 crashes and this is all it came back with 2930.119 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch (1) [0.07s and 2 frames at 34 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1/1/2, 20 item(s), 576k total so far, 3.00% utilization 2930.119 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed 0x0000019C8EB44500 (7 root types) in one pass and 2.6s (I/O ~= 0.3%, inherited 1,682 of 5,303) 2930.152 Gfx [Warning]: ResetDriver called on: Dx11Driver 2930.153 Gfx [Info]: Dx11 Driver Failure 2930.184 Sys [Info]: Initiating fast shutdown Again support couldn't tell me much and in fact asked me to submit another support ticket if it were to happen again but I just switched back to dx12 once again since I can't stand the crashing. Event viewer shows generic nvidia driver failure. For reference this happened when loading back to orbiter from sanctum anatomica Everything is up to date 7800x3d and 4090, would still love to see this get fixed
  5. this is actually an issue related with dx12, if you swap back to dx11 it will go away. I still really really wish they would fix this, it sucks :(
  6. Switch to dx12 in the launcher, otherwise you may have a memory leak somewhere else in your pc, haven't seen anything myself with the new update. 4090 and 7800x3d so practically the same platform here
  7. There’s a really big PSA in the news section in your orbiter explaining this but it was supposed to give an azure shard this week, they had to switch what archon was on rotation because of crashing issues
  8. I would like to add to this as well as I just found out about the new setting. This did absoutely nothing for my setup but I think that's just because it's not meant to help in my situation. My guess it's using a similar approach to NULL (nvidia ultra low latency) where the game can keep the render queue empty when gpu utilization is at max, I've heard it described as a low level framerate cap. So if you can't keep a steady framerate at your fps cap and you don't use vsync this will reduce latency, in every other scenario this won't do anything for you I have a Ryzen 7 7800x3d and RTX 4090 using gsync + vsync with an fps cap of 138, which is why I think this didn't do anything for me, I would be interested in testing it further but I already have the best latency setup possible to have a tear free experience. Wishing there was a dev workshop by now just to get a proper explanation on how this all works and how the team implemented it.
  9. They did change how range mods work with melee 3.0 so it’s now a static +x meters from each mod. Just keep in mind that only primed reach, spring loaded blade and riven stats can affect the disc range. So I guess depending on the riven it’s likely a max of about 10.5 to 11m? But yeah zenistar has been hurting real bad for a long time now, it’s sad tbh
  10. This is a long time running problem for the past few years now, I'm personally not sure why or how it happens but the fix is pretty simple. You'll have to download Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to uninstall your gpu driver and get a proper fresh install of your graphics driver. There's plenty of guides online to figure out how to use the tool if at any point you get stuck but it's fairly straight forward, downloads are available from guru3d and wagnardsoft but I'll post the link to guru3d as it's more accessible https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/ I will say I usually notice the problem more with people using AMD gpus but doing that fresh install of your driver should completely fix this for you. As another side note, directx10 support ended a number of years ago now, so yeah it's definitely a strange bug
  11. Oh no, the chat does get moved for me as well about half way up the side. I'm on 3440x1440 on 1 monitor.
  12. Just want to add to this real quick, I switched back to dx11 just to test it out and got another one of these crashes, this time I actually have log files. Unfortunately they don't show much of anything. Happened from alt tabbing in borderless windowed mode sitting in orbiter Event viewer shows a generic nvidia driver crash, similar to it being "not detected" because the driver crashed And here the EE log shows about the same but it makes me think it is a dxgi swapchain issue So I'm going out on a whim here and saying this is likely an issue with using Optimized Flip Model Presentation in the dxgi swapchain for dx11. Again using these exact same settings I haven't had a single crash inside of dx12.
  13. I actually was thinking about this just yesterday since you had me noticing it more often now, yeah it seems like the entire window size actually resizes within loading screens into a small corner at the top left. You can see it happen in real time if you're hung up on a loading screen because of a slow (console) host. The only thing I can think of is how warframe handles scaling or it may be a strategy to boost loading times when the game hasn't readied the mission yet? Mostly conjecture coming from me but I would be curious to find a solution to this as well, seems to happen more frequently inside of dx11 for some reason
  14. You're seeing the animation and resource updating as you "feed" the helminth, but you're not FINALIZING the feed. If you don't press the "Feed" button at the bottom right after you're done selecting your resources it's not actually consuming the resources and giving helminth resources. I make the same mistake sometimes where I'll just press back on my mouse and it hasn't actually consumed anything, just make sure you press the button in the future 👍
  15. Not saying dx11 is inherently faulty, it’s just that the issue exists only while using dx11. There’s always gonna be some api specific bugs, especially with a game like warframe that has more than 1 available to use. Unfortunately it is difficult for them to track it down, they don’t have any crash reports of this, the game just brings you to the faulty hardware page when it happens. Also, dx12 stutters from shader compilation, not from using all your cores at once or anything. Once your shader cache has been built up the stuttering goes away. Games don’t have asynchronous shader compilation yet so the main render thread has to abruptly stop to wait for a new shader to be rendered.
  16. I think it’s all but confirmed that it’s an issue solely in dx11 mode. I’ve even seen it affecting people inside of Linux using dxvk proton. I’ve been using dx12 again for the past month now and I haven’t had a single crash again where it was happening at least once every couple days before. New system, no mem issues, bios and drivers are up to date, totally stable on my 7800x3d and rtx4090
  17. Warframe actually does have mouse constraint, the only time it doesn't is when you free the cursor in a chat window. So why not give it a shot?
  18. Have you tried starting the game in windowed fullscreen then? If the problem goes away by switching to windowed fullscreen then you could just use windowed fullscreen. Turning on optimized flip model presentation eliminates any latency and essentially just makes it better than exclusive fullscreen in every way. If it still does it even after switching then I’d start looking elsewhere
  19. Interesting to see oodle already has documentation on this specifically, I still think that was one of the best updates they did for this game 😁 Updating the bios and turning off Enhanced Multicore Performance should be all you really need to do though, latest bios version has added the stock turbo power limits in by default, turning off Enhanced Multicore Performance just makes sure it's not bumping your core ratios past x55 and having the bios automatically adjusting your voltage further for the higher speeds. If you still have crashing that's when you'd want to turn to tweaking in XTU and limiting clock speeds etc but your 13900k would have to be pretty worn out for that to be the case You can find the latest bios version F11f for your motherboard here, I'm sure you know how to but if you don't there's plenty of guides out there on how to flash your bios https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/Z790-AERO-G-rev-10/support#support-dl-bios
  20. Common problem with 13th and 14th gen intel cpus on z790 chipset motherboards. Go into your bios and disable “Enhanced Multicore Performance”. I’m assuming you’re on dx11 as well, when it’s loading you’ll notice it maxes out a core momentarily, likely spiking your cpus voltage for single core turbo speed and subsequently crashing. So you could try and see if dx12 will help with that as well as it evens out the workload across more threads. I would also suggest looking to see if gigabyte has a new bios version for you as well. The intel power crashing issue is more of a recent find, you’ll see articles about it everywhere though. You can read more into it here if you’re interested https://www.techspot.com/review/2836-intel-cpu-crash-baseline-spec/#:~:text=About a month ago%2C we,systems to avoid stability problems. Good luck, hopefully that does the trick for you
  21. I think you’re on the right track there, I would guess the same thing. I think this is just an issue in general with windows scaling in full screen applications. I’d start by making sure you’re not using full screen mode in warframe, you need to use borderless fullscreen, then turn on optimized flip model presentation in the settings as well. Specifically with exclusive fullscreen when alt tabbing, windows will “rescale” on the fly and occasionally it will set the bounding box to be a lower resolution ie your other screen. Same reason with older games when you increase the resolution the mouse won’t move to the edges anymore, it will just stop like the mouse hits a smaller window. Good luck
  22. Per the wiki Refraining from Mercy killing a lich candidate will remove their weapon from the pool of potential lich weapons until each has been refused, but only if the mission is completed. Weapons rejected from aborted missions will remain in the current cycle. Best way is Cassini Saturn Capture, you have to make sure they DESPAWN before you extract and you can't quit the mission early. If you don't do both of those you aren't using the mercy system Good luck
  23. dx12 works much better in general in warframe, I run protonge with dx12 and never had any real issues
  24. Unequipping and re-equipping the warframe will solve the issue
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