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Posts posted by Eternal

  1. If you went through that many driver versions and hotfixes you'll probably want to use DDU and then install 376.33, just to clear your registry and make sure that there are no problems

  2. Hey @ivsa You will want to roll back to driver 376.33. Turns out the latest drivers cause a memory leak.

    Also, it's impossible to play warframe without dips below 60 in those bigger combat situations

  3. Just now, TheRoaringLion said:

    I will say tho that Warframe still runs like dog S#&$ on some moments

    Yeah, because of the AI pathing and Physics causing a bottleneck in many different situations

    Just what Steve said 


  4. 1 minute ago, Lord_Impaler said:

    Well you can give him a steam gift card, or i may be wrong but i thought there was a way to gift someone through steam itself with a dollar amount for their wallet or perhaps buy a steam card through steam itself for someone else. either way, a steam gift card can be picked up at a corner store.

    He wants to take advantage of his friends platinum discount though, that steam gift card could only be used on his account then

    OP I wouldn't do it, if you're doing it just so you could get discounted plat I don't think they will care if it's your friends account

  5. Got this amazing one roll riven for the vasto here 

    Thing is capable of hitting damage cap if done right (by exploiting that crit)

    Let me know if any of yal are interested, asking 1000 obo

    If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them

  6. I've noticed this recently aswell, Screen flashes white for a few frames and usually goes away after a bit, though for some reason it happens in the liset and missions. For me it seems random so I can't say what's causing it

    This has never happened before until very recently so I 'm really confused as to why it's happening. (I could also post some examples I've come across later too)

  7. This happens in Archwing only missions, submersible and combo missions like on the kuva fortress are not affected. This happens to literally anything that has cloth physics applied to it, so things like Frost's coat and Vauban Prime's leg drapes are shrunken too. This has been broken for like 3 weeks and I still haven't seen a fix for it so I thought I'd bring it up here.

  8. On 1/16/2017 at 2:57 PM, reanidj said:

    never crashes in any other game but Warframe and the problem seems to go away if I run it with graphics on low (ew). A lockup or the game crashing would be expected, but this is always a full reboot with no warning

    You should check on your power supply, My old PC had this same problem where if a game pushed my pc too hard it would end up drawing too much power and it shuts off because the PSU can't handle the load (this actually happened in warframe aswell).

    If your "pc hasn't changed in the last few months" It could also be possible there is some wear and tear on your psu (since efficiency is lost overtime). Go and check your power draw and maybe diagnose your power supply. In my case it came down to decay and my old 560ti just drew too much power when in combat so it would shut off when pushing it too hard.

  9. Just now, xcynderx said:

    eh...dont get your hype train too hot...Edo prime armor came with Volt Prime. I started with Loki Prime (who still hasnt been vaulted...yet lol) so i dont recall what the accessories were for Rhino..if any

    They say that they bring back "highly desirable Vaulted Prime Accessories" so it's very unlikely people want the noru syandana that came with rhino (it really wasn't anything special) 

    Also, Loki Prime was vaulted months ago man (back in May actually) and Volt Prime is next to be vaulted in about ~2 months, which is going to be before the next prime vault opening.

    It will be Edo Prime, you can quote me back in this topic when it happens

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