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Posts posted by Eternal

  1. Just now, Azrael said:

    Don't you dare say that! They WILL bring Banshee Prime, they will! Really, they will!


    you don't think they'd skip her again, do you? just.. *sob*... just abandon her like that?





    Don't even dare think about skipping banshee a third time lol

  2. The next prime frame, could very well be oberon (if we are going to keep the order and not be skipped *cough* banshee *cough*) And if that happens he will absolutely get a rework with him to actually entice people to buy him.

    It will come, eventually...

  3. 41 minutes ago, Demoonic said:

    I'm hoping this gets fixed soon, I've been having this problem since u17 hit haha. 

    It was different then where it somehow slowed down, but now it's going faster depending on how high your framerate is

    I just don't understand why they didn't revert the changes back to the way it was from the recurring dreams (the update before TWW)

  4. I got stuck using chroma once aswell, I kinda just slid around. When it happened on valkyr though I was casting warcry and it caused me to be completely stuck casting it, couldn't do anything for the rest of the mission. When I was casting warcry I was in front of a toxic ancient eximus it may have hooked me or put a toxin proc on me (probably one of those caused the problem)

  5. You're playing with an FPS over 60



    If you play with an FPS over 60 all cloth physics will break. For some reason in The War Within update the cloth physics were tied to the FPS of the engine, so if you play at 120 fps cloth physics will play and react 2 times as fast they should and even more at higher framerates.

    Seriously if you go and cap your framerate right now to 60 it will be completely fixed. The problem is that means you can't use high refresh-rates/framerates anymore which extremely bugs me that I can't use my native refresh rate (144) to play warframe and enjoy the nice cloth physics

    This has been a bug since the day The War Within came out and it's been a month with no fix.

  6. Couldn't help but notice that your playing with an fps well over 60 



    Playing with an fps over 60 breaks all cloth physics. Since your averaging 280 fps if you divide that by 60 is 5. So the syandana is reacting and playing its flow animation 5 times  as fast as it should and can't function properly leading to that

    It's been a problem since TWW dropped and still has not been fixed (it is also driving me nuts but with misa)

  7. On 11/15/2016 at 3:23 PM, [DE]Dmitri said:

    We are currently working to improve cloth physics and we hope to have a fix for you very soon. 

    Hate go back to a thread like this but is this still expected to be fixed? It's been 3 weeks and I have heard nothing about this in any of the patch notes. Still the most noticable issue (for me) especially on syandanas like Misa. It's driving me nuts not being able to play with my usual refresh rate just to enjoy the nice cloth physics.

    Anything would be appreciated

  8. 8 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Kuva Siphon missions will have its own selectable mission to enter (exactly like how other multi-mission nodes work). This way once you commit to it, you know exactly what you're going in for and matchmaking will reflect that accordingly

    Thank god, such a needed change, especially with the moving nodes it will remove such a headache

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