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  1. Update: My internet connection was running a bit slow and that led to me finding more information. A link *does* exist to the correct patch number, however there are GET variables that appear to be redirecting to 35-0-0. The link below includes the culprit: https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/35-5-7?gameplat=1&utm_source=in-game&utm_medium=game&utm_campaign=game_2024&steam=1
  2. Within the orbiter's News component, the update/patch/hotfix items are all links to the changelog for 35.0,0 - this has been occurring for every update I've seen since I returned to the game. Expected behavior is for the link for a given update to go to the changelog for that update. For example, when I select Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.6, the browser that is pulled up is pointed to: https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/35-0-0 I would expect the entry for Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.6 to link to https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/35-5-6
  3. During first playthrough, the player reaches a friendly who proivdes two swords. Afterward, the player exits onto a big stone hand to face Dax with the objective "Break Dax's block 1 time". I could not break Dax's block with the heavy attack, for some reason. Instead, I used the Jump-slide combo to knock Dax down and kill it. With Dax despawned, the objective to break its block remains. No apparent way to progress without maybe? restarting.
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