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  1. Id Software because this game sorely lacks a double barreled pump action shotgun or a minigun.
  2. The Arcane Pistoleer buff is procced by pistols but also applies on primaries and it always has...
  3. Just use Arcane Pistoleer and get infinite ammo for your Zarr on command lol. It's one of the best weapons for it due to its higher fire rate compared to other AOE guns.
  4. Auto-mantle is at best useless and at worst incredibly annoying. Even when it applies in a situation where it should be useful like in that video, it's still slower than simply wall jumping then bullet jumping upwards onto the ledge while also entirely taking away player control which is always annoying. And speaking of skill issues, how is it better to have the game simply play itself for you instead of letting you figure out how the parkour mechanics work in order to avoid falling like a brick when hitting a ledge?
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