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Posts posted by NecromancerX69

  1. Op, all specters are unbalanced...

    Lets have a look:

    Hexis.- Corrupted Lancer  ( Average damage dealer).

    Suda.- Shield Osprey (Average damage and recharge shields).

    Meridian.- Rollers (The Joke).

    Veil.- Chargers (Another Joke).

    Perrin.- Moas (The weaker corrupted lancer).

    Loka.- Ancient Healers (OP as hell if used right).


    Now here are some ideas of mine on how this could be balanced...


    Simple Re-work:

    Hexis.- Fine no change

    Suda.- Fine no change

    Meridian.- Change the Roller for a Drahk Master or Hyekka Master. Who doesn't like pets.

    Or just upgrade the Roller to a stronger version of the Roller Sentry (the ones Executioner Reth uses in Rathuum).

    Veil.- Change Chargers for Swarm Mutalist Moa. Not only they deal damage over time, they can also grant a small armor bonus to allies.

    Perrin.- Moas are not bad, but I would like more a Shockwave Moa that can shoot more often than their normal counterparts.

    Loka.- Fine no change


    My ideal re-work:

    Specters will get a standing price increase for balance.

    Hexis.- Tanky Samurai that can use a katana with a pistol. Has access to strong tank abilities like (Taunt, Buff Damage).

    Suda.- New Osprey can recharge shields + heal you and spawn Mini drones to deal damage (also work as distraction). You could say a better version of the Carrier Osprey.

    Meridian.- Demolitionist can use grenade launcher and also throw mines like sapping ospreys. He will explode upon death, it will also stun enemies on view radius.

    Veil.- Assassin can use sniper rifle and a dagger. Can mark targets making them take triple damage, the assassin can also turn invisible for durability.

    Perrin.- Pff, screw moas. Give me a New Bursa that can aoe stun enemies and also recharge my shields (This is possible since Ergo Glast worked on the ambulas project).

    Loka.- Healer can use a pistol, grants the same buffs as the ancient healer. But it can also instant revive you if you fall in battle (this will not count your limited revives), sadly the healer will die for saving you (For balance, the healer needs to survive like 3 minutes in order to unlock the ability to revive you and needs to be within range).



  2. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    So, I take it you're opinion of the amps are they aren't worth the time too?

    Tier 3 amps are not required (if you are talking about the Breath of Eidolons).

    Not to mention the damage ain't ideal from the grenades of Granmu Prism (It sucks).

    Klebrik Scaffold is just the worse. Specially if it only chooses to shot the Eidolon instead of the vombalists under it.

    Lohrin Brace, it's a meme. That says it all.


    Arcanes... Just become a trader, easy life.

  3. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    So... how do you get Eidolon lenses, certain crafting components and Ostron rep?

    Not worth the time. If you are desperate to get extra Xp from your lens, just do Equinox Sleep with Greater Lens.

    Or farm the tridolons (since the tridolons I had no need to depend on lenses to max my focus).

  4. 1 minute ago, Almagnus1 said:

    In the plains on high level missions, it can actually be detrimental to the group if we're on a defend objective and there's not a good CC/Nuke frame in the group.

    Otherwise, they're slowing down the missions which is wasting my time because they're being lazy.  I want DE to do somethign about it before we start flaming them.

    Cetus missions are not worth it, they are a waste of time. If anything just farm Gara once and avoid them like a plague.

  5. I don't want to say this, but you need to Get Good OP.

    There is a reason Specters exist in the game, once I solo a mission with 3 afk players using specters with a level 1 Banshee (God Bless the broken Ancient Healer + Rhino specter).

    People can S#&$ all they want on specters. But the serious truth is that specters are underappreciated, they can help a LOT, specially if you end up on critical situations (like me with 3 afks vs 60+ level enemies).


    On another note there is the option to leave the game if its filled with toxic players, it doesn't take a lot of time to rejoin a new game.

    [ If you are doing sorties... Then that is your OWN FAULT. Do sorties solo, always solo the sorties, this is not a joke or me being a bad person. This is 100% true, never, NEVER do sorties with other players. ]

    Now lets talk about Cetus, never do the missions on cetus with other players or solo, they are not worth it. Maybe farm for Gara once and never do them again. Seriously they are a waste of time. Become a trader if you are desperate for those useless mods.



    +Get Good

    +Use Specters or Leave the game and rejoin a new game

    +Do sorties solo (No exceptions)

    +Cetus missions are not worth it

  6. 33 minutes ago, The_Caleb_Guy said:

    The game literally tells you it's dangerous to mine or fish at night for that exact reason.

    This is a lie, is way better to mine or fish at night. Just cause the game tells you, doesn't mean it's the truth.

    Here is a video of fishing, still backing up the idea of easy farming at night.


  7. Here is a PRO tip:  

    MINING AT NIGHT IS BETTER (The minerals are easy to spot thanks to the glow).


    Here is what you need to do:

    1) If you are using a sentinel. Remove the mod that allows him to shot or just remove his weapon. Sentinel will agro the little guys (Vombalist) + the big guy (Eidolon).

    2) If you are using a pet. Sorry to say this, don't use a pet, it will agro the little guys. Sentinels are better anyway.

    3) What ever you do, DON'T ATTACK the Big Guy and the Small Guys. Also don't use powers near the BIG GUY or the Small guys.

    4) Enjoy easy mining or fishing. Seriously is better to mine or fish at night. Less Grineer patrols and you don't get bothered.


    Here is a video backing up what I said.


  8. 45 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    Meh. Huras is still the best stealth companion you can ask for, and a being that will save your ass more times than you can count.

    As much as I love my Huras, my Raksa has saved me more times than I can think of. Specially in awkward moments that I have to reload in front of a bombard or a napalm trooper. That howl is really strong and not many people use it. The enemy spends more time running away from me, than trying to kill me.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Nayriko said:

    Why is Kubrow armor so bad looking compared to the Kavat's?

    On this I HEAVILY disagree, I like more the Kubrow armors than the Kavat armors.


    Kubrow Armors look really good in Gold or Red or Green Neon colors, almost any color looks good on them.

    I do admit I like the "Day of the Dead Wysar Armor" for Kavats (The only one I care about), the rest of the Kavat armors are just ugly (They don't even look like armors, they look more like cheap clothes bought on a discount store and one is nothing more than a Kavat with piercings). I don't even use the Tibor Prime Armor and I own it.

    The only Kubrow Armors I dislike are: Valinn armor, Kuva armor, Kiteer armor (This is the worst, just like the Kiteer Kavat armor).

    In the end the Kubrow Armors just look better and the latest armor the Helminth is just AWESOME, that armor alone makes kavats armor look like crap (even if Kubrows are weaker than Kavats, the irony, hope pets 2.0 makes Kubrows as strong as kavats).


    [ I won't deny it, I use more my Kavat than my Kubrows. Still that doesn't mean the Kubrow armors are bad. Kubrow armors are cool. ]

  10. Since you are at it, can DE also remove the Armor tail or reposition it on the new Kubrow Armor.

    Sure the skin is made for the Helmith kubrow, but damn I love it on my regular Kubrow. Sadly the tail of the armor looks awkward on normal Kubrows.

    [ Sorry, I don't have a good picture of the problem, but I will just show my War Hammer 40k Chaos Hound ]






    8 hours ago, SqualZell said:

    So with years of asking for universal vacuum and reading both sides of the argument (i was in favor of Universal Vacuum) I decided to try an experiment


    8 hours ago, SqualZell said:

    I would not use a sentinel for the next 30 days regardless if I like it or not. I would not change back to using Vacuum for 30 days no exceptions.

    The first week I hated it.

    The second week I got better at picking up resources.

    The 3rd week. I remembered, hey I have a pet. what can they actually do? (OMG REALLY???!?!?)


    8 hours ago, SqualZell said:

    the 4th week, I completely forgot that I was doing an experiment and just kept upgrading my Kavat.

    the 5th week and I just remembered I was doing that when I got a prime sentinel part drop from a fissure.


    9 hours ago, SqualZell said:

    Since week 3, I haven't wanted to use Vacuum. my Kavaat is too OP.

    All of a sudden it hit me: DE developed this game as with compromises, you need to make a choice. 

    Now I understand: I have to make a choice. Do I want Utility or Combat? I can't have both.


    9 hours ago, SqualZell said:

    For those who think Universal Vacuum is a must have I challenge you to spend 30 days without it. But be warned,







    Do you want to eat your food with your hands (pets)? or with a fork (vacuum)?

    We can all make choices...

    [ Kubrows / Kavats are awful for squishy warframes since they hardly benefit for the hp / armor increase. Not to mention their AI pathing is horrible. Pets can get you killed for risking your life just to pick them up from the ground, Sentinels don't risk your life since they just rebuild them selves if they die. Also Sentinels have RIVEN MODS. Sentinels are just superior in every way over a pet ("But my crits..." JUST USE BANSHEE IF YOU ARE DESPERATE FOR CRITS!)  ]




    Out of this house, out of this house!

  12. 42 minutes ago, Jicematoro said:

    We use the Cutter like it's a gun, which means we are limited to the way the camera for shooting works, meaning Ores that are either on the floor or the ceiling are immediately harder to trace. What looks like a simple tracing job is ruined by the camera refusing to go up, or down, and most of the time it means you'll have to settle with less rewards.

     Can't believe I forgot about this, yeah, another huge problem with mining.

  13. I am not going to beat around the bush, I will go straight to the point...


    Mining is downright bad / boring / annoying to farm, sometimes I even think is worse than hunting for wisps.

    Not only that, it's full of issues and I am impress I don't see many people talking about it, specially with Venus coming out with also, big surprise more mining...


    I am not here to hate on mining, no, I am just here to post the problems I have with mining using screenshots from the game and how mining could be fixed / improved / become as fun as going fishing in PoE (maybe, we all have different likes / dislikes).


    Problem 1.- The Mini game

    Tracing sometimes doesn't work (Most of the time), even if you draw the pattern as it ask's you 2. Screenshot can't do justice, but believe me, I do the patterns as they appear.


    C5D2F66E3F03B7FF32077F1D4D9D14905E3CF4D3 ( I will talk more about this screenshot ahead ).

    https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/930441531073155904/8B8A01611F7A1DDE6189A05932711F086DC598B1/ (I did the pattern, and it marked me nothing for extra gems).


    Problem 2.- Finding Mining Spots

    Almost everyone and their grandmothers know that the best path to take in order to find a decent load of ores on PoE, is to take the path of the grineer beach camp with the caves along the way. BUT, sometimes even if you do the same run over and over again, you might find that the ores sometimes just don't spawn at all on the path you usually take. Forcing you to leave the plains and enter again hoping ores will spawn. Sometimes even less ores spawn.

    The point I am trying to make is that mining is inconsistent, unlike fishing, if you go to a fishing spot, you will always find fish. But when you try mining, you beg to Rngesus for ores to spawn, that is not fun. Caves should always have mining spots.


    Problem 3.- The Mining Spots Size / Colors / Environment

    This is the worst problem in the game, the mining spots are just way 2 small is annoying to try and find them. Sometimes they even blend with the environment you can't see them and not even the best mining cutter can help you find them. Here are some screenshots showing the problem.


    C0C5A7258F5BBC7FCA0EF66C5A55B78A1F30C674  Sometimes the mining spots can be seen.

    A313C71CC49AD906A7B2AA0007B4F282F307B07E The problem is moments like this.

    ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma Can you see it?

    3B21198775A1836C28476810AACB0E8A9FD773B4 Closer Look, another good point, can you even see the pattern?

    ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma Mining spot

    170A400D2E09E5E99032B8105FBD87D674D3498E What are you doing?

    3D58C59EC182278E4B9AB24155BED39CC4C702FF Mining Spot

    ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma Please

    ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma Stahp!

    9DF998276D933D3B0CA40E6F5974565672E1FFC1 I said Stahp!

    3AB6C51C56E8A1F1E54E697CE0866E25E7F028DC These are the ones I hate the most...

    04941DB3A15D117BC4A6958C9F574D6FA3FA20BA Just in case you don't see it or think I am joking...


    Problem 4.- Mining in caves can sometimes not even be reachable with the laser of the mining cutter... Screenshots can't do justice, but believe me, I can't reach the mining spot in order to cut it, I even try wall latch only to find it doesn't work if you are using the mining cutter.


    6CE49309C8A2BB2912893CEC1A12ED7EF69E8A2D I seriously can't reach this one (The black spot near the center of the screenshot).

    EF529F87E4C56EF1D44472619B80141E7C89D737 Or this one...


    Problem 5.- Mining spot size again, but this time is the big bug that is not fixed.

    Thanks to the size of the mining spot it can become a pain to find, specially if it's 2 small it can end up inside the rock or in middle of 2 rocks, this has happen more than once.


    2A984E76EB4AC327F96BC78EBDC9A8850D861B4F Moments like this grind my gears.

    ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma But this takes the cake, can't you see it?

    C5D2F66E3F03B7FF32077F1D4D9D14905E3CF4D3You must be blind it was there all this time...

    8B8A01611F7A1DDE6189A05932711F086DC598B1 Yep, it's real...


    Now that I show the problems, how can DE fix the problem to make mining more enjoyable that people will actually want to go mining and not complain about it.


    Fix for problem 1.-  Dots

    DE could simply use dots on the pattern (like dot drawings), if people at least manage to connect the dots they get more gems / ores. The more complex, the more dots it needs.


    Fix for problem 2.- Sure Mining Spots on Caves

    Simple and clean, make always mining spots appear on caves for sure, there could still be some random ores around the map outside of caves, but if you really want ores, you can always count with them being found on caves. Just like fishing, we all know if you fish on a small place you get less fish, but if you fish on a good place, you know there will always be the fish you need. If DE could make this, people will like mining.

    [ If people think this is 2 easy, DE could simply add a guardian inside the caves or something to protect the mineral spots. Idk, to be honest it's not fun to farm for minerals, I don't think we need to make it even harder. Fishing is already annoying with the random patrols (I like fishing btw).]


    Fix for problem 3 & 5.- Make mining spots bigger or even solid crystal looking

    If mining spots are bigger, it will solve most of the problems we have in trying to find them. But if they where also solid crystal looking it will be even better and less annoying to try and find them. Say all you want people, other games do this and even if it's grindy it's more enjoyable to farm for them on other games than warframe, one really, really good example is Monster Hunter.

    monster-hunter-world-red-outcrop.jpg Don't tell me you don't want this.

    latest?cb=20160922151830 I am pretty sure DE can do it ( Argon crystal anyone? )

    Fix for problem 4.- It's just a bug

    DE could come up with something to fix this small problem by simply not allowing mining spots to spawn above the player height or something.


    That is all, thanks for your time. If you have other suggestions or ideas, let me know.



    DE needs to make mining enjoyable or it will become a huge problem on other future open world maps.

    There are also bugs that need to be fixed.


  14. 1 hour ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    Oh my gawd

    Typical genji player...

    I love the name calling even if I have Blizzard on my ban list along with EA, Activision, Konami and others...

    Anyway this has gone long enough, I just don't like your idea. DE never makes good buffs for the better, they always come with awful nerfs or bugs.



    Good day sir (pizza spam before leaving)


  15. 1) Yes

    2) Yes, specially reapers, they didn't needed their stance removed, they could have improve them. If you don't believe me just look at sazamael from soul calibro.



    3) Deeply agree on this, DE did planned to get rid of Damage mods, but sadly out of fear they didn't wanted to start World War 3 on the forums ( my forma ;u; ).


    4) I don't see this as a priority. The better suggestion would be Syndicate assassin squads getting BUFFED / Replaced for something better.

    Seriously when was the last time you run away in fear cause Steel Meridian decided to attack you with murder balls or Red veil unleashed their hounds of infested... Never...

    One quick example as a good Buff for Redveil Assassin squad: Replacing the chargers for swarm mutalist moas. Not only they can chase down tenno with efficiency. Being able to summon your own mutalist moa (If you are allied with RedVeil) comes with benefits like lower aim for the enemies and give armor to you and your allies. lastly it can easily follow you around.


    5.1) [Simulacrum] YES, we really need this.


    5.2) [Area change] Not really needed, but I can see this being a possibility.


    5.3) [Blueprints] Yes, we need this


    5.4) [Arcwing poe] While I do agree, I can also suggest not giving all grineer rocket launchers to take us out of the skies with one shot. This drives me mad, specially if I am just passing a camp to look for the eidolon or something... At least make it 5 rockets needed to take us down.


    5.6) [More cosmetic slots] ALL OF MY YES, I am even willing to pay money for more slots, I do have many copies of warframes just to have fashion for every moment. We really need more fashion slots, specially with all the syandanas we have and armors.


    5.7) [More Mod conf] Also Yes, specially for my Equinox.


    5.8) [Primary / Secondary holster]  ALL OF MY YES. I want to look like this when I take out my ak-secondary anything.




    I really liked your post. But there is one quality of life chance you might have forgotten to add.

    6) A better universal vacuum, I want to take out my Kubrow for a walk but I also don't want to go pick up everything if I could just suck it all in with my sentinel.

  16. 4 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    Its basically a buff to these items. Im starting to think you dont even read anything at all, you just came in here to simply say no, no reason needed. 

    Yes, I read it and sounds more like a NERF (The reason I complained, again just cause you hardly use them, others DO USE them. I just didn't wanted to make a wall of text having to explain the most basics of things involving your idea of tracking grenades or why is bad).

    Why? cause grenades are not reliable at all. This is coming from a guy who got to play with actual healing grenades in other games like Killing Floor, Brink, PlanetSide2, Borderlands, etc.

    Grenades with auto tracking is bad design, why? it takes forever to get to you or some other player.

    Even worse if you are on a pub game, you are desperate to get healed and the grenade ends up healing another player cause the auto tracking is bad (DE has a bad record for tracking enemies or allies with skills. Just look at zephyr tornadoes for example. Even if you added Oberon's tracking + share it will take 2 long to reach a target, specially if you need the heal NOW or as people like to call it "yesterday".

    That's why I said in the first post there is no need to change it. Using pizzas instantly heals you or do what ever they do, but they do it instantly, that is why they are reliable and effective. Even if you are bullet jumping you can cast one pizza mid air and it will heal you a portion (sure you wont use the full pizza), but that portion is enough to keep you alive till you can get to a safe spot and properly heal.




    I seriously dislike grenades, also the main reason I no longer bother with the Tonkor.


  17. Another HELL NO!


    Pizzas are fine as they are, specially for players who don't want to bother with pubs or just want to play solo.

    Pizzas are needed to stay alive on really harsh situations. Plus not everyone can afford pizzas, to me they are balanced since the crafting cost is really high for new players, while experience players can use them for solo play. Not to mention veterans can also use pizzas to keep new tenno players alive during their missions since they are trying to learn the game but they want to try hard content like sorties. I lost count of pizzas used to carry a team of 3 newbs to kill an assassination sortie target.


    Not to mention thanks to pizzas I don't have to play trinity 24/7 just to carry / teach new players and can use warframes that do benefit from pizzas like Limbo, Ember, Banshee, Nova, Ivara (if you end in the crossfire by mistake) Since they are very squishy, they need the health / energy recovery in really tough situations.


    If you think pizzas are easy, DON'T USE THEM, no one is forcing you to use them but also don't ruin the fun for everyone else.

    It's thanks to posts like this that Ember is useless for sorties (No, umbra mods on Ember are not worth it, no matter how many people try to claim it works).

  18. On 2018-07-14 at 3:03 PM, (XB1)EPOSSTYLE said:

    Limbo being so squishy, all it takes is bubble u can't get going or gets popped immediately to put u on your back. At the least they should retreat your bubble. If u cant breathe the air how are gonna fight. Under level 40 i dont even consider gameplay. yes your a god at low levels. If that's where your gameplay is your golden.

    Limbo is a God in all levels, I hate saying this but you need to get good.

    As for the bubble if corpus is your problem you need to change your build to negative range. Limbo doesn't need to stay in the rift 24/7, you need to man up and face level 100 bombards in the face. There is a reason we have strong weaponry. If you are still having problems you need to practice, I recommend starting small, start with a Banshee sonar build (never touch your 4th) on MOT (Void) and try to survive till 30 waves or more. That helped me get better with any squishy warframe, the trick is always keep moving + use cover.

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