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  1. I like this point, it does tend to steer builds in a very specific direction with most likely using all three Umbral mods. Don't exactly know how to go around it though; all three mods are fantastic for Chroma, individually and especially together. Even the cursed ranged electric Chroma of yore still would use those mods. I just prefer that the effort that went into this post was equal to the time actually playing the warframe they want to give ideas to rework. Ideally more.
  2. I mean if you read anything of what I said it clarifies things like this. Secondary posts made validated points about how at lower levels it is hard to stack the buffs. This wasn't a form of an ad hominum argument either; if someone asked what qualifies you to speak about something and you told them "I've played 10 missions with this frame, I know what I am talking about" I would think most people would be skeptical. This can be true but statistically unlikely. At one point I asked myself if the post was made with any substantial knowledge of Chroma and his kit. Rather than not know for certain and assume things, I checked. 'Think assuming things of others without the smallest degree of insight is the worse behavior but I abstain from passing judgement in this.
  3. Getting mad like this solves nothing and adds nothing to the discussion. It is an argument to me. If they wanted to flip all tank frames to Overguard mechanics they would have done that already. Valkyr, Chroma, Inaros are designed to be HP tanks, Hildryn Shield tank, Baaruk and Revenant tanky due to mitigation or temporary immunity. Imagine how dull it would be to switch all of these frames to use Overguard. The best point you raised wasn't really yours to begin with with this quote. This is a fair assessment at lower level content where Chroma isn't as useful, I would expect something to be done to work with this in the future with consideration to his kit. Maybe you need a decent build, 2 Umbral forma isn't really enough for him to me and he just does better in higher level content. Switch out the melee focus to whatever you do best with. Should be noted that this is with Tauforged Crimson Shards for added Str. This should be able to clear all content in the game pretty fast if you use it right. Hope it helps give a better idea of what his strengths/weaknesses are for you. Please comment if you have any questions.
  4. Personally I just don't think you are equipped to talk about what Chroma needs. There is a good amount of effort put into it but fails to recognize core components to what Chroma can do as it stands today. Overguard is great but not everyone needs Overguard.
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