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Posts posted by YagoXiten

  1. Most frames getting reworked but I honestly don't see anything wrong with Trinity. I want DE to focus the reworks on frames who really need em. Like Hydroid or Limbo. But someone had a cool idea for Well of Life that I really liked. Upon cast, u will unleash a healing zone on the ground (where your reticle is) & players who step n it will have health restored at a decent rate. I would like to see that n game but then again Blessing you will get dmg reduction so using her 1st ability is kinda not worth it tbh unless you also got some kind of bonus that's not dmg reduction.

    In all honesty, Trinity is on Hydroid and Limbo tier as far as poor ability design. It's just that she's 'more' functional. Well of Life does nothing but a worthless stun, a cheap silly one-shot combo, and troll your allies with making some enemy exceptionally difficult to kill for no reason. Her other two abilities do nothing but power Blessing. I suppose Energy Vampire enables your allies to spam abilities--but most frames can already do that quite effectively and more than necessary.


  2. I'm super psyched about Trinity Prime being out, I've waited a long time for her, and I even got the Prime Access.

    But she's still riddled with design issues, and so I do not find myself using her all that often.

    Well of Life is clunky to use, because of the long disabling cast animation. It's completely redundant with Blessing. Even more so when there are magic healing pancakes, Rejuvination, and Life Strike. It requires that you focus a single specific target to heal, in a game filled with dozens of enemies. And that target is made exceptionally difficult to kill.

    Energy Vampire is powerful, but rather redundant with energy pancakes. Even without said restores, it's rarely needed with Energy Orb drop rates being respectable and  high efficiency being pretty much core on every frame in the game. Increasing duration hurts the rate at which you gain Energy, which when this was first implemented, was obviously a nerf, but since then, killing the target restores the full amount, making it unclear as to why that quirk is still there.

    Link's damage reflection is limited to three targets, and is virtually negligible at higher levels, since enemies have vastly more health than they deal damage. Link's damage reduction is useful to prevent going down during Blessing's cast, but is otherwise completely redundant with Blessing. The only unique thing Link brings is the CC immunity.

    Blessing was nerfed to not provide total invulnerability, but essentially still does this, especially with the self-damage exploit. In general, it renders the majority of two of her other abilities completely redundant and flat out does too much for any one ability.

    To make matters worse, her powers don't really scale with anything other than efficiency.

    So with all this in mind, please rework her?

  3. Why do people always want to buff the ammo economy? Yes, it needs improvement, but that still won't make it worth using. A weapon's purpose is to kill things, and the Embolist does not have the damage to cut it, even if it had infinite ammo.

  4. Miter + Bullet attractor should hit the same target repeatedly but in reality the blade just loop around their legs....

    It will occasionally actually hit the target again. And it's enough to still provide a significant DPS boost. But I shouldn't have to play Mag to rely upon those weapons. Even if it's still only slightly more reliable.

  5. QFT right here. This is the main issue.

    Having less down time in between bursts is a straight up DPS increase over not having fire rate. It might not be as much as you would expect, or desire, but it's not negligible, either--even if it is less of a DPS increase than, say, another elemental mod.


    I always find this a strange complain with them. Most of the burst weapons I can think of actually perform fairly well, despite that fire rate doesn't affect them the way you would think they do. And, I mean, the Castanas family have much worse problems. They don't particularly benefit from fire rate, multi-shot, or reload speed.


  6. the wall bounce being utterly useless because it doesnt "gravitate" towards enemies is something that leads a lot of players to run -bounce. They never experience the magic that is the "hit an enemy, it moves to a close enemy" thing you get when you actually have a bounce (since -bounce removes them all). In esscence you want the bounce to behave the same regardless of your bouncing off "platform" and i can agree with that

    Pretty much. And it's a real shame. When the Glaive first came out so long ago I was super excited for the bounces, but they weren't useable. For awhile, just after Quick Return and Power Throw came out, it was a power house, since the thrown damage on it ignored armor. But when damage 2.0 changed, the damage tanked dramatically as a result of the non-armor ignoring damage, plus you can't really use it reliably without running Quick Return, which hurts your damage even more.

    It'd be nice to see them returned to something around their former strength, and I think improving the base mechanics of the weapon would help a lot.

  7. Your example you just used for the Atomos wouldn't be single target...if you are needing other enemies to arc off.

    Which is why it would be the in same Theory crafting boat as Embolist.

    But neither of those weapons excel in single target application.

    Both Atomos and Embolist don't need enemies lined-up either....they have wider frontal cone than say a Marelok with Seeker or Ak_________(insert spray&pray) sweeping auto-pistols with Seeker.

    Ignoring the Frontal cone AoE and only looking at Single Target DPS is a rather harsh assement.

    Penta, Tonkor, Stug, Angstrum, Castanas: aren't known for big single Target DPS.....doesn't mean they need to buffed for the sake of single target DPS.

    Punch-through is not a Mod that benefits Embolist.

    Since they buffed Supra because it is a MR weapon, I can see the Embolist getting an adjustment soon, for the same reasons.

    If theu triple the damage and adjust ammo economy like the Spectra: Spectra went from 8 base damage to 30. Plus mag and reserve ammo buff plus lower fire rate.

    If they apply the same to Embolist and possibly give it more base Range it may be awesome.

    "I recall people saying Embolist was the weapon you run up to and delete an enemy from the game -Damage 1.0"

    To reiterate: A true, single target spawned, the Embolist, full damage build, does 21k damage. The Atomos, with two mods that are essentially useless to single target damage, does 15k. The Atomos still has better ammo economy against that single target, and still has better range, even if I ignore that said Atomos build has Ruinous Extension. If I run a similar, full damage build, on the Atomos, I can achieve

    29k DPS.

    Against any more than a single target, the Atomos does vastly higher damage.

    The 'frontal cone' on the Embolist is still extremely limited. I own one. I use it. I know. It is still bad. I tested it today, actually, at maximum range, with Ruinous Extension, it only enables you to hit about two more enemies to the side of your main target. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if the Embolist has a large hitbox if you're still not going to hit enemies in normal gameplay unless you're using Vauban's Vortex.

    And also, the Penta, Tonkor, likely Stug though that one I haven't actually run the numbers on, and Angstrum, all have higher single target DPS than the Embolist, by a significant margin, by the way. And the Castanas actually do need a buff.

    The Embolist's AoE and innate punch through would be great features, even with its small range or ammo economy, if it did damage worth noting. As it is, though, it's damage is low, and even though it can achieve reasonable (though still low) damage at the moment if you even want to try and use it for damage you have to put on AT LEAST one of two mods that add literally nothing to its already lackluster damage, and in fact, use up mod slots you need to compete for weapons used in low T4.


  8. Is that 21k burst DPS for a Single Target?

    If people are wanting Embolist buffed for Single target damage....I won't argue against it.

    It will just make the weapon more proficient at the primary job of attacking multiple enemies.

    Phage already has innate Punch-through as does the Embolist.

    Increasing the status chance while keeping it as per/sec is a waste.

    All weapons should be status per beam/pellet/projectile

    Meaning Phage at base fire-rate of 1.0 is 7 beams with an individual status chance of 15%

    Embolist with base fire- rate of 10 should have 10% status every tenth of a second.

    Status chance would be getting applied to ammuntion per sec fire-rate.

    Multiplied by mutli-shot(beam/pellet/projectile)

    Currently if status is under 100% for high pellet/multi-shot weapons status chance is greatly hindered.

    Also continous beam weapons are hurt by increased fire-rate not assisting status chance ecen though it should......If status chance per second was removed.

    Embolist(or Atomos) with a Primed Ruinous Extension would be Rona Thorne "Amaaaaaazzziing!"

    Would be nice if Spectra got bumped from 15m base to 18m or 25m base.

    Allowing Embolist to be bumbed up to 15m base range.

    Phage, Synapse, and Ignis could use a 35m base range buff.....

    All my opinion

    Yes, that's single target damage. That said, saying 'It does 84k DPS if I hit four enemies!', sounds like a defense on paper, until you realize there's plenty of other weapons that can kill crowds quicker, either by quickly taking out single targets or by modding Seeker. Not to mention, you won't have an easy time lining up four or more enemies, anyways.

    Honestly, that's just fallacious theory crafting, and is rather similar to arguing that the Ignis is a great weapon because Ember can make it usable through Accelerant.


    Also, on that note, an Atomos with Seeker and Ruinous Extension installed can still do 15k single target damage. And it has better range, better ammo economy, and its damage increases exponentially, since each target hit from Seeker will create additional beams which boosts its crowd clearing potential, and they can even bounce to the initial target, which raises its  effective single target DPS significantly. And it's really easy to recreate those situations.


  9. +1 OP


    personally i dont think this should be an innate feature of the weapons, but i think this should be what the rebound mod does [to actually give it something useful]


    but i also think that all of the glaive-type mods need to offer dual stats, as they require too many slots and give too little


    FWIW power throw is a great example of this, since it not only gives punchthrough but also the blast


    quick return could give less bounces as well as additional flight-speed [say half what whirlwind gives]


    whirlwind could give its base flight-speed bonus as well as additional base dmg 


    then rebound could give the additional bounces as well as the better post-bounce tracking


    IMHO these changes would really be a huge boon to the throwing melee weapons


    still sad that i cannot throw the glaive from a wall-latch or from a zipline however =[ [epic sadface] {this would be an awesome QoL improvement as well}

    Yes, throwing weapons would still require additional buffs, in addition to this, though I still assert this should be an innate feature of the weapons. The Miter wouldn't have access to Rebound, for example, and I should not have to put a mod on my weapon to make it function at all. And I can't really say bouncing around pointlessly and wasting my time I could be spending /using/ the weapon is actually functioning.

  10. Anyone remember the Acrid at all?





    I do. Unfortunately. The constant disgusting noise of that thing in every mission haunts my nightmares.

    That aside, it does need a significant buff.

  11. Currently these weapons bounce with respect to the angle they hit terrain. This works nicely for the first bounce, since you can aim it effectively off of the floor or walls with enough skill. After the first bounce, however, this does nothing more than look pretty, waste time, and ever so rarely cause the occasional lucky glancing blow.

    I propose that they instead bounce with respect to the angle they hit terrain, with additional aiming adjustments to prioritize the closet available target, such as containers, or more importantly, enemies. This does not mean that they would home in, however, and quickly moving targets could still dodge the bounce.

    This does two things: Buffs the effective damage output of these underpowered weapons, and also gives flight speed mods more use.

    I have included a lovely diagram for those of you who are visual learners.


    Now with a proper diagram because my link isn't broken anymore!


  12. That is not anywhere near enough of a buff to the Embolist. I've spent several consecutive hours trying to make it work efficiently, and it just cannot be done.

    That thing requires an extremely large amount of resources to craft, Mastery rank 8, has very low range, very poor ammo economy, and very poor damage.

    The only real purpose to a weapon is to kill things. You can buff its status chance, you can buff its range, you can buff its ammo economy, but that is not going to do anything to make it more usable if the entire reason you are using a weapon is completely invalidated because it shoots confetti instead of bullets.

    Even without Ruinous Extension, or Pistol Ammo Mutation, or Eroding Blight, the highest damage I can get on the weapon is 21k burst DPS. There are several secondary weapons that can easily achieve that, and a few that can do that even including utility mods like Pistol Ammo Mutation.

    Even if it had its base range buffed to 30m, and the ammo economy of the Latron, that would still not be enough to warrant using it in T4 missions, trials, or endless missions such as Defense, Survival, Interception, and Excavation.

    It would be somewhat usable in such content, then, but that does not reflect the effort required to get the weapon, or actually compete with other weapons used at that tier.

    Sure, not every weapon needs to be SomBoltorPrime level, but if it takes Mastery rank 8, 5 Mutagen Masses, 15,000 Salvage, a Forma, and 80,000 credits to craft, it should be around that level of effectiveness.

    If you want to buff the Embolist:

    Damage: 50
    Fire Rate: 7.5
    (Total of 375 damage / second)
    Range: 10m

    Ruinous Extension is no longer required, though still quite nice, ammo economy is still bad, but not unbearable, and the damage is actually acceptable. Synoid Gammacor, for reference does 420 damage / second.

  13. I have 240% power strength on my Volt. That's 120% speed increase. I parkour all the time. And yet I still can and do get snagged by a Scorpion/Ancient when rounding a corner, or through a wall, or when they sneak up behind me with no notification they are even there.

    I'm all for having enemies that can rock my world if I'm playing sloppy, but I'm not a fan of them using poorly telegraphed attacks to punish me when I wasn't even aware they were around, or when I otherwise have no way to respond.

    I don't know how many times I've had an Arson Eximus spawn in behind me, around a corner, and knock me down with the fire wave through the wall, only to get pulled by an Ancient and then *@##$ slapped back down to the ground after getting back up. It can get a bit ridiculous, because that's several seconds of crowd control and damage I have to eat on a very squishy frame.

    It's even worse against the Infested, because they swarm and pack you in so tightly in some of the corridors that you literally can't get out of it if you're knocked down. And it might not happen all the time, sure, I can typically avoid it, but it is cheap when it happens, and it's not uncommon for there to be no notice it's coming.

  14. I don't mind so much if the AKSomati are worse than the AKZani or the Dex Furis, or <insert name here> weapon, because those weapons are essentially clones of each other. And it makes sense that there's some progression and scaling to that type of weapon. But then there are weapons such as the Miter, or the Ignis, which are entirely unique weapons that have a feel unique to them and they are so weak they are nearly unusable.

    I remember ranking up my Ignis for the Mastery and being tempted to put a potato on it just to rank it because it was so painfully weak.

  15. They're pretty good as they are but could definitely use some buff-tweaks. Increasing the reserve ammo capacity and the amount of explosion-ready Castanas allowed out would be very useful, because they didn't need to be reduced to 32 maximum when weapons like Despair have upwards of 200.

    Agreed. I would mostly like to see the Castana cap raised/eliminated, though some ammo tweaks would not be out of line.  'm not actually sure why there is a cap in the first place. Perhaps visual clutter, but that doesn't seem like a very valid point considering what I've seen Mirage with Concealed Explosives / Kulstar / Attica / Angstrum do. (And that mod single handedly outperforms the Sancti Castanas even on the MK-1 Kunai.)

  16. I am absolutely in love with the Castanas / Sancti Castanas, but they are doomed to be horrible, inefficient weapons, and it's not hard to see why. They have exceptionally low stats across the board, are riddled with mechanical issues, and their damage is forced to scale linearly when nearly every other weapon in the game scales exponentially.

    They don't scale with fire rate, because the low clip size, the travel time and the cap on the number of Castanas you can have out only lets you spend more time waiting and reloading than throwing them.


    They don't scale particularly well with multishot, because it only serves to reach the painfully low Castana cap sooner.


    They don't scale well with status chance because the base status chance is low, and they do not benefit from fire rate.


    They cannot utilize critical hit mods.


    To make matters worse, you also run out of ammo exceptionally quickly, but cannot run Ammo Mutation because you need to squeeze every ounce of damage out of them.

    This thread is to brainstorm ways to fix these weapons and make them more than mere Mastery Fodder.


    I came up with the following changes which I believe would fully fix the Castanas:

    Clip size changed to 6. Castana Cap raised to 18.

    With a build consisting of Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Quick Draw, Pathogen Rounds, Deep Freeze, Heated Charge, and Convulsion, this would enable the user to hit the Castana cap in about .75 seconds, detonate them for ~30k damage, and reload in .7 seconds, or around 20k DPS on average.

    For comparison, the Synoid Gammacor with a similar build (replacing Quick Draw for Ammo Mutation) deals about 30k DPS for 5 seconds before reloading for 2 seconds and the Tigris, can hit somewhere around 60k+ damage before it's 1.8 second reload.

  17. correct, it´s the same as before.

    But the Mobil Def was redesigned a bit

    I'm 98% certain they were buffed. I was instantly killed in a T4 mission earlier by a single Corrupted Crewman through Quick Thinking with 300 Energy. And it wasn't an hour long Survival, either. It was just a Mobile Defense.

    See this in the patch notes:

    Reduced the attack range of Corrupted Crewman.

    Why would they reduce their attack range if they weren't buffed by the shotgun changes?

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