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Everything posted by -AncientWarrior-

  1. Yep crazy stupid but some peoples brains just never fully form to understand that unfortunately
  2. As long as the crew doesnt have to listen to it.. sure why not..
  3. lmao, this has to be the biggest troll post ever! .. DE listening to the community just lmao .. trolled hook line and sinker .. at least you gave me a laugh this morning :)
  4. Just go hang around Earth defense usually some new player turns up and ye ol stalker comes for them.. and you get the pleasure of helping out the new players
  5. Yeah I have been having issues with these races now, when the gates go mid-air in the caves .. try to launch Trojan (my Bag of Bones Horse) and he jumps straight up and hits the cave roof or rocks disabling the wings and falling through the holes and then cant reactivate the wings.. annouying ..
  6. Actually no its not it! .. those players have invested countless hours in getting all the weapons, companions, frames, grinding all the resources playing through all the bugs .. etc etc.. and in doing so learnt everything there is to know about this game .... so your lil post belittling them, insulting and disrespectful of their efforts and time input.. and you should know better.
  7. Heya OP, this has been happening more lately especially since Duviri release.. 1 smart Tenno suggested launching missions from the escape menu then select navagation.. so dont go to the nav console .. it might seem kinda weird, but its worked for quite a few of us that took notice.. it reduced about 90% of that horrid stuttering .. if I can find his post I'll link it..
  8. You'd think the 10 year would be a good celebration for all Tenno but seem like a 10 year commiseration instead, with a sign on the door.. "dont let it hit you on the way out"
  9. Thats quite a lot of development going on there! I think you may have over developed the developing development
  10. Just curious did you get off your board and see if they pickup?
  11. haha very true although thinking of it a different way, "17 pages of fixes" after a major update that is ridden with bugs is an achievement for DE atm..but its the bugs on bugs on bugs covered with bandaids thats a worry.. nothing seems to be getting fixed for many many months after any releases...
  12. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Venari#Heal_
  13. well I think both the good ones did .. the other was an intern .. Might want to rewrite the whole book using spell checker before you move on to another chapter written in crayon
  14. errr I know that one, I know that one ... thats Kahl
  15. I still got mine so nope not disappearing from game.. unless u sell it of course ;)
  16. Do it mate, I did mine about 8 years ago, never regretted it. Yes there are some manditory things, but Wiki will show you they way!
  17. Well due to the fact the content releases are always broken to hell, I'd like bug fixes for the next few months.. but why does it take the whole company to fix bugs.. surely you'd just put a good coder on to addressing and fixing bugs.. the rest can keep working on breaking release updates ..
  18. Yes and it hasn't gone very well due to DE's special way of coding :)
  19. Please explain.. if you know a fix let us all know thanks.. I run around for 2 hrs in Khora covered in crap and listening to that horrid pick up noise..
  20. Hah .. its DE's special coding to stop us farming for long periods of time.. This was a fixed bug years ago that DE thought would be good to bring back months ago and just leave it in as a feature .. I just wish we could put this in the face of the coder responsible for it and they have to listen and see this crap for 6 hrs.. [media] [media\]
  21. Yeah unfortunately DE forgot the codex exists about 4 years ago.. hasnt been updated or fixed since, in fact hasnt had any attention in a long time. Lot of enemies scan but dont appear in the codex..
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