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Posts posted by DuskLegendary

  1. 2 hours ago, JohnViande said:

    I've switched from Hieracon to Triton and now I'm getting R5 cores again. Only farmed for about an hour and I got 40. So maybe Hieracon is the problem. I don't feel like going back there to check myself though, those 6 hours were not fun at all :D

    (50 cores in today's sortie, yay!)

    Now you're farming at a steady pace! That's what I like to hear. I'm reporting back as I said I would, I've farmed 164 gold fusion cores today by using the method I stated. I could keep going, but for the sake of my sanity, I think I'm going to stop now, I'm burnt out. RNG screwed me over worse today than it ever has, I went 20 straight A cycles and got nothing, then all of a sudden got 4 core packs back to back. I personally think they need to raise the drop rate about 15%

  2. 2 hours ago, JohnViande said:

    I'm going to try to do more testing today on Excavation drop rates. I didn't go back to Hieracon since my awfully painful no-core run in 6 hours of Excavation, but I have some free time now and I'll try it again.

    150 cores seems a bit unrealistic to me, but if I can at least see with my own eyes that cores still are obtainable this way, I'll be happy!

    6 hours straight with no cores?! I thought RNG was screwing me over, but this definitely takes the cake. 150 cores a day is a very unrealistic goal and I feel sick of the grind when I'm done, but there are just so many R10 mods to max that if I played normally, I feel like I would never max anything. It's 8:35AM here now, and I will start my grind in a few moments. Whenever I hit 150, I'll report back. Generally, I've noticed it takes 6-7 hours of nothing but straight A cycle core grind to get that amount of cores though, very very tedious.

  3. I think Hiericon and Triton excavations are about as good as we've got right now. Sometimes, it feels like they really did nerf the drop rate a bit, but then I remember 25% really isn't that high of a chance of a core pack dropping. It's tedious, but this seems to be the best way for now. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Codesco said:

    If you are looking for melee only

    Blood Rush - Body Count - Berserker - Pressure Point - True Steel - Life Strike - 90% damage elemental. It works for my friends i havent gotten hands on experience with it yet thought. 


    4 minutes ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

    Pics too small...

    Also ignore builds without Body count+bloodrush+organ shatter if you care about above-all end game.

    Thanks guys, at least now I'm getting a general idea of how to build this thing. I need a reliable melee I can take to 60 minute T4s and Sorties

  5. So, I saw a couple of builds that I wanted to try out, and I had no idea where to start. One build I saw was built for pure damage, and the other, red crits. What is the ideal Nikana Prime end game build? I'm completely open for builds, since I have no idea how to build a Nikana P. But, the builds I saw where:




  6. So today, with much patience and frustration, I did mange to grind out another 150 gold cores and max my Primed Flow. Some random that has apparently been playing for 4 years seemed completely skeptical that I was able to grind out so many in a day and told me I was lying, and called me a "wallet warrior". If I had 500 Platinum to blow, it definitely wouldn't be on a Legendary Core, or a max primed mod. My schedule was clear today and I had today off, is it really so hard to believe that one can go to Triton, do 2 drills, and abort if you don't get anything? Rinse/repeat. This took me from 10AM in the morning to 3PM in the evening. Most people don't have that absurd amount of time to waste, but today, I did. I did notice there were times I went 12 straight runs without getting a single core pack though, that 25% rate sometimes seems a lot lower.

  7. Well, I've somehow managed to farm 150 gold cores a day, have the drop rates really been nerfed? And this plan is actually pretty flawed. The entire reason I avoid sorties now is because I'm not powerful enough to do them, and I usually drag my team down. The only way I'll be able to effectively get through sorties is if I continue to level my mods at a steady pace so I can put them on my good, unmodded gear. I made 150 cores a day my goal, but it's honestly pretty taxing and takes quite a bit of time. I've maxed my Primed Continuity in 4 days, and I'm now working on my Primed Flow. The drop rate now could be a lot better, but it's tolerable. Here's hoping they don't further nerf it. 

    With all that being said, instead of basically punishing the players, I think they should just give us better rewards for sorties. For example, why not give us our random reward, AND a guaranteed 25-50 gold cores, upon completion of the sortie? That sure would get me to participate. But of course, I'm just speaking for myself here. 

  8. Hey guys, I guess I'm a somewhat new player. I've been playing for 18 days so far and I've managed to clear all the planets. I'm currently grinding out my Rhino P. and Trinity P. end game builds. I'm happy to be a part of the community! If you veteran players have any advice for me, don't be afraid to let me know.

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