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Posts posted by DuskLegendary

  1. 1 minute ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:


    Link doesn't kill enemies. At higher levels, that skill might as well be nonexistent. Try this on a group of relatively low end enemies, even in the 60s. It barely chips away their health and/or armor. All it really does it further reduce the damage your receive, but by no means does it kill the enemy. Low level enemies? Sure, but I can kill them with half baked weapons.

  2. Then why have a supportive class at all? Might as well just take away our abilities as well and leave us with nothing but vanilla weapons and unforma'd frames, bet that would satisfy everyone. That way nobody could cheese anything at all, and everyone could enjoy dying and failing missions over and over again, everyone wins.

    I mean, Trinity herself can't even really kill enemies aside from EV spam, and even then, killing them that way isn't really all that efficient. I really don't want to resort to having to throw down energy pizzas on every single mission, just because our supportive role suddenly vanishes from the game.

    Why can't people just let us have our fun? Why does the game need to be so hard to the point that literally everything feels like a job? I just don't understand, so please explain it to me. RNG in this game is chore enough, you can literally do dozens of runs and still maybe never get the part you're after. Now everyone wants to turn this game into... I've not a clue, Dark Souls?

  3. To be honest OP, my idea of fun is playing with my friends and clan mates. But not just any content, I like playing the hardest content in the game with aforementioned people, which in my eyes are: Sorties, raids, and endless mission types to the point that the enemies scale into the 90s and 100s. But you know what else I find fun? Working my way towards having the most overpowered loadouts in the entire game.

    I like conquering challenges, I like looking over my gear and saying "Man I'm overpowered, and I sure as heck earned it." And I like grinding through the various ranks and trying everything out. So in a sense I do find being overpowered fun, because all of that Forma'd gear, all of those maxed out Primed mods, I earned every bit of that and I deserve to be overpowered. Weeks upon weeks of hard grinding to get to where I am now and still more to go. This is why I play Warframe.

    I mean, honestly... how many people here enjoy being killed over and over and say with a smile on their face "Man this is great, I want more!"? We have a game for that, and it's called Dark Souls.

  4. Why have an energy or healing support frame at all then? When I ask for a Trinity it's because I don't want to be stuck throwing down 10 energy restores in a really tight situation. When I go on an endurence run and I ask for a Trinity, it's because I want to keep the enemies locked down so they won't down the entire group and we actually have a fighting chance. When I ask for a Trinity on a Defense mission I'm doing so because I want my CC frames to keep up the pressure, and I want my Frost to have plenty of energy to keep those Globes stacked protecting the objective without resorting to stupid energy mats.

    And seeing as this is an (MMOFPS) game why wouldn't there be an energy and health support frames? Every MMO has a Mage that restores health and mana for allies, and Trinity is just about as close to that as we're going to get. Nerf her into the ground because she's seen as necessary and desirable in a lot of people's eyes? Why? I'm sorry but I very heavily disagree. 

    And before anyone brings up Oberon, I'm just goint to say this: No matter how hard Trinity gets nerfed, I'm not going to use him. I don't like Oberon. It's not Trinity's fault that Oberon basically lives in Trinity's shadown, that's an Oberon problem, and he needs to be buffed to make him more viable. And before anyone tells me that Oberon is every bit as viable as Trinity, if that were the case then you would be seeing "LF Oberon" spammed all over recruiting, and that's not the case.

  5. 8 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

    So, I see a lot of smack talk, but has anyone actually posted a video of them doing the raid with the new frame changes? I'd like to eventually do a NM Raid, and it'd be neat to see someone actually do it to learn from it, instead of just flapping their fingers.

    I second this. If any of you pros out there are half as good as you claim to be, then I'm going to politely ask you to record your Nightmare LOR sessions, upload it to Youtube, and give us all the link. This is not only a challenge to you, this is a learning experience for those of us who are now struggling to do them. If you're good and you're not just boasting about feats you guys can no longer achieve, this really shouldn't be an issue.

  6. On 5/29/2016 at 1:05 PM, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

    i dont know, but i feel like this game and a lot of its players, sees that if something works as intended, its broken.

    Pretty muchly this. "Oh Vauban is locking down the map with CC spam to the point that enemies can't fight back? Well, we better get that looked at so we can nerf it" Is just about how I can see this playing out real soon. God forbid a CC frame, I don't know, CC. And also watch Nova be nerfed in the upcoming months to the point of being useless as well, it will happen.

  7. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    even if the community were wrong, you're more likely to draw blood from a Stone than to see them admit it. Humility is a foreign concept here.

    personally, I'm just going to wait and see what happens with enemy scaling, and other frame reworks, but there will be Salt no matter what. can't wait for the day they touch Loki or Nova, if that isn't a kick up the a$$ to the #LokiMasterRace crowd I don't know what is.

    all I will say is that enemies need to get hit HARD with the nerf bat in order for things to feel somewhat justified for most; nothing short of massive nerfs or entire removals of Eximus and Nullifier units will do, or shish will go down.

    You know, I would feel completely at ease if Nullifiers were just removed from the game entirely. In my opinion, they're one of the most annoying enemies types in the entire game, if not the most annoying. 

    They put an abrupt halt on combat and force you to focus all of their attention on them. As they scale into the 80s, 90s, 100s I noticed a lot of the heavy hitters like Bombards that can outright one shot you start packing tight in that stupid bubble. At that point, you can no longer just jump in there and kill the Nullifier. I eat through tons of ammo just trying to pop the bubble. To me, they're the most unfair enemy in the game. Bursas, Sentients, The Stalker? All very enjoyable to fight, all very engaging. Nullifiers?... Yeah no.

    So in short, I hope the Nullifiers are smacked right in the face with the nerf bat or just outright removed from the game completely.

  8. Hey there man! I know the excitement of scoring that 75% off all too well! Start off with some of the essentials at first like weapon and Warframe slots. If you have your eye on some particularly hard to get mods or event mods that are no longer accessible to us like Bladed Rounds, now you have the option to buy those. 

    Cosmetics are always a great thing to buy too, make yourself dazzling with some fashion frame. Capes, nice armor sets, all of these things are amazing, because you want to look good while you slaughter your enemies  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  9. I tried my hand at another raid today, making this the second raid I've done since that nerf wave. The first raid went terribly wrong and we ended up getting the bomb destroyed on the driving part. The second raid took twice as long as normal (But the reason for this was partly due to 8 people being on the team) but with a whole lot of CC spam, we managed to complete it in the end. 

    I was using an optimal Blind Mirage build and no matter what anyone says, she flat out sucks now. If it wasn't for the Vauban, Loki, and Nova basically shutting down the entire map, we wouldn't have made it. After seeing how hard a normal LOR is after the patch, I won't be doing any more Nightmare raids at all. But once again, it also didn't help that we had about 4 new players that were just getting into raids, but that doesn't really change the fact that Blind is now basically trash compared to Vauban's Bastille and Nova's Molecular Prime, and that a Blessing would have made a ton of difference.

  10. What got me was that some of this Tennogen stuff, specifically the Frost stuff was pretty freaking cool man. I currently have like over 4K Plat and yet, I can't buy any of that awesome stuff without spending more actual money. I would be really grateful if they changed it to where we could buy Tennogen stuff with Platinum, even if it cost the same as a Deluxe Skin, I would buy this stuff in a heartbeat.

  11. I actually support this idea 100%. It seems every day we have tons of new players coming into region and asking very basic questions (Hey look, the game is growing) which I'm not opposed too, but more often than not they just get told, "Go look on the Wiki." Which, you know, that's not bad advice, but if there was actually a proper channel for new players, they could get the help they were really after. +1 OP.

  12. 1 hour ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    I wish the min-maxers were stripped of their Primed mods -- and the simulator -- and forced to play like 90% of the game.

    Low energy.

    Low health/regen.

    No exploits.

    No 6 forma weapons, too.

    Then come back talking about frame and weapon nerfs.

    But the thing is, we worked for these things. Why should we be stripped of things that we bought or spent weeks grinding for? That's like saying MR21 folks should have their rank stripped of them because I'm not as high of a level as them so screw em". Us min maxers, we have to sacrifice something for those maxed out Primed mods man, don't you get that? We're either going to be out a good 500 Platinum, or we're going to be out a lot of time grinding for cores to max said Primed mods. Synoid Simulor is MR locked as well, and if you made it to MR12, you deserve to use it. That 90% of the game chooses to play like that and can spend some time grinding for the things they want like the rest of us.

    1. Low energy can be mitigated. Of course new players are going to have low energy because they don't have access to Primed Flow or Zenurik right off the bat, and why would they? That's like entering a traditional MMO for the first time and being able to use the most powerful gear straight from the get go, pointless right? Sorry, but new players have to earn that or buy it like everyone else.
    2. Doesn't everyone have low health regen unless there's a Trinity or Oberon in the party, or they have a Sentinel mod? Not sure what you're getting at here, my health still regenerates plenty slow enough unless I use Life Strike melee combos.
    3. What exploits are you talking about? Not saying there aren't any at all, but they're few and far in between.
    4. Once again, we worked for that. You're either going to sacrifice your money and buy the Forma from the shop, or you're going to farm for Neurodes, Neural Sensors, or the Forma BP and either way you lose something: your money, or your time. Then we're talking about leveling the same weapon up 5-6 times from scratch. Draco or not, that's tedious. We earned it, and you can use 6 Forma'd weapons too.

    My point? If you want to have some of the best stuff in the game, it's not going to be given to you. No new player is going to have access to this stuff without dumping some $$$ into the game. We've all spent time an/or money to become this powerful.

  13. I realize that nerfing is necessary to the game as a whole to allow it to grow, but I don't want the game to turn into nothing but a nerf fest. I play this game to have fun and I do plan on sticking around a good long while. While being extremely overpowered isn't fun, neither is having our abilities nerfed. This would be like playing a traditional MMO and grinding through quests every day for a year to max out your character and make it as strong as possible, only to hear that the class you just maxed out is now getting a huge nerf and all of that time you spent went to waste. Nice way to slap me right in the face.

    Now luckily for us in this game, classes can be fixed in a matter of a few hours, but that's not the point I'm getting at here. I guess what I'm trying to say is, balance is a fantastic thing, but gimping us to make the enemies more threatening is not the way to go. I recommend setting an enemy level cap and fixing the armor and health pool scalings, and then building the frames and abilties around that. The devs need to take a very close look at each individual frame and they need to determine exactly what we're aloud to get away with, and what we're not. So we don't want to lock down the entire map with mass CC, so we don't want challenge free invinciblity? Well, don't put such things in the game in the first place and allow us to get accustomed to them for a very long time, only to then strip it from us.

    It's all being fixed a little late in the game, but it is being fixed. And not all of this was totally bad. Before I absolutely couldn't stand Volt at all, but since he got some worthwhile CC, I now plan to make a proper build that doesn't just involve running around the map like Sonic the Hedgehog. Likewise, I also hated Mesa because well... this is very subjective, but she was downright worthless in my eyes. Now she's been given a worthwhile boost, and I think I'll pick her up too.

  14. I'm sorry, I have to disagree with this, or at least some of it. I think as long as we're having our abilities nerfed, the enemies should also be looked at. Like I was told before and I'm very well aware of, some of these enemy types were created to stop player cheese. So, since they were created to stop player cheese, should they not be tuned down a few notches as well since all of our cheesing methods are being nerfed?

    First of all, armor scaling is not okay. If you ever do endurance runs with your friends or clan at some point they're going to require everyone in the party to run a CP. At no point should one specific mod be required by the entire group, that in itself should throw up red flags. Then there's the issue of the enemies damage. Trash mobs are literally capable of either outright just one shotting you, or downing you in a couple seconds. This is pretty absurd. I realize that lv. 80-100 enemies should be pretty tough, but c'mon, this is a bit much, and it definitely should be reworked and fixed.

    Now, about the challenging enemies bit. Yes, we do need more challenging enemies in the game like Bursa and the Hyena Pack. I enjoy these types of encounters, and I absolutely love fighting the Stalker. These types of encounters are challenging and fun. But there's a difference between being challenged and being cheesed. I consider Nullifiers a cheesy enemy. They're there to stop our cheese, while protecting their heavy hitters and the worst part is the bubble doesn't even pop based on how much damage you're doing, this is annoying. Same as those dang sapping Ospreys, another annoying enemy type I despise. These things are easy to deal with: on lower levels. But when you start doing higher tier content in this game, they just become downright demonic real fast.

    And that last bit about rewards, I'm going to have to disagree with you there also. I do not think that I should get what I call "scraps" from completing an extremely challenging endeavor. If I do something worthwhile, If I do something very challenging, naturally I want to be rewarded in full. If I do 60 waves of T4 Defense for example, I don't want to come back with nothing but cores. If I complete a Sortie, I do not want a lense, especially since some days, Sorties are nuts. Yes, I feel proud when I complete a difficult task, but I also play for the rewards I'm after. As such, I think rewards should be tied to difficulty: the harder and longer you go and the more the enemy ramps up in difficulty, the more you'll be rewarded. 

    These are my thoughts on the matter, this is just my opinion. I am indeed speaking for myself and not the player base as a whole, and I am quite biased.

  15. In the many MMOs I've played over the years, I play for just two sole purposes: To have fun of course, and to make it to end game. End game in a lot of MMOs is usually Raids, PVP, Castle/Territory Sieges, and sometimes a mix of all of the above. Here in Warframe, it seems the devs want Sorties and Raids to be end game to some extent, ... and of course, fashion frame, we can't forget that.

    As such, I've built my loadouts for raids and sorties because that's what I consider to be end game. If they were to get rid of these things, I wouldn't really have an qualms with it, but the game definitely wouldn't be as interesting to me.

  16. No, absolutely not, I strongly believe that this feature shouldn't be added to the game. Why do I say this?

    1. People may feel inclined to kick you because of your MR. As petty as this sounds unfortunately we do have petty players in our community like all communities.
    2. People may feel inclined to kick you over your choice of weapons. This would definitely happen in a heartbeat. If you need proof, look through all of the complaints about cheese tactics, the Synoid Simulor, and the Tonkor. Look throught posts about people complaining about how they left matches until they found the perfect set of people to play with, all because they didn't like how their teamates were playing and what they were using.
    3. People would do this to troll. Working your way to the end of a survival, event, Sortie, or raid, and then kicking you right before you could secure your reward. As awful as this sounds, people would do it because some people have a very childish sense of humor. I don't like my time wasted like that.
  17. Just did a raid and failed it. Partly because we didn't have our team damage reduction but mostly because Blind now sucks and might as well not even be an ability anymore, as it did nearly nothing in the raid at all. EV was the glue that held the entire raid together and if we didn't have the EV, I suspect we wouldn't have made it to the driving part. So I say once again, please leave EV alone, it's a powerful ability that's very muchly needed for end game as OP as it might actually be in Star Chart missions.

    Scratch that, it's not even overpowered damage wise, it's just when a CC or DPS frame gets in the same match as you, it allows them to run rampant with their powers however they please, which I'm not saying is a bad thing, it's needed sometimes. 

  18. Hey man, you have a Megathread tag, only the moderators and admins can use that. But I understand your concerns. MMO type games in general usually go through periodic class reworks and the players usually end up having to completely redo their builds, or at the very least tweak them. I myself had to change 3 of my builds after this recent patch, but that's just the way the space cookie crumbles I suppose.

    It's not a good feeling pouring money, effort, and above all else, time into your frames and weapon to have them nerfed at a later date. But metas change with class reworks, and like I said, this happens in every MMO type game.

  19. Absolutely, Trinity is fine as she is currently. Her only useful build in my very biased opinion is now EV, and there's no need to further gimp her to please everyone who detests her and wants to see her fall into mediocrity. She's not even really that useful for solo play, and she's advertised as a support frame and plays like one: she's meant for groups.

    Notice how she doesn't have a single offensive move in her arsenal? Yeah, she's a support frame, and she's not even that fun to play, she's necessary on some missions or at the very least, makes them a lot less agonizing and tedious to play. If people spamming their abilities just burns you up on the inside, don't request a Trinity. Don't play with a Trinity. Don't play support.

    Further nerfing her won't give other support frames like Oberon a chance to shine, it's just going to add more salt to the pile. How about we keep Trinity as she is, and buff Oberon? Not everything has to be nerfed into mediocrity, and further nerfing Trinity isn't going to make me want to pick Oberon up at all. A medicore frame is still mediocre at the end of the day, no matter how badly you nerf the "top tier" frames.

  20. 11 minutes ago, Fifield said:

    Make it worth my while.

    I didn't raise LoR and I didn't say it's generally doable without cheese.  But if you put money where your mouth is, I'll give it a go.  Fair?

    If not, let's get back to the topic everyone's desperately avoiding: why shouldn't Mirage have been nerfed?

    I will answer this since nobody else wants too. I want to start off by saying that Mirage is my favorite frame, I love her to death, and I mained her for a very long time. Her 4th was very broken and I know a lot of players used it to reduce grind and counter enemy cheese in a game where the enemies cheesed you every bit as hard as you cheesed them in end game content.

    Now, does this make cheese in the game okay? No. It's not okay from either end of the spectrum, enemy or otherwise us. I do beleive that Mirage's Prism did deserve a nerf, but I also very strongly beleive that likewise, the enemies deserve to get one too.

    Now in normal Star Chart missions the enemies are quite laughable: You can go in with half modded frames and weapons and still do great. But this end game content, it requires team cooperation, cheese, or min maxing... sometimes all of the above. I don't beleive any sort of end game content should require cheesing.

    There, I've answered that biting question to the best of my abilities, though, there may be those who disagree with me and that is absolutely fine. I'm not speaking for the entire player base here, I'm speaking for myself, and my personal experiences in the game thus far.

  21. 2 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

    Love nothing. Dont find another crutch. Itll end in tears, Dont worry about power, worry about fun. Unless you find being overpowered fun, then no one can help you. Do you have fun playing Banshee? If not, find something else. Because if Banshee is a broken as mirage was then you can bet at some point it will be fixed.

    This is actually very good advice, I truly do like this game a lot, and do you know why I play? Because I enjoy helping my clan members out and relaxing after a long day of work. I don't find being overpowered enjoyable, but I do legitimately like Banshee, she's a really fun frame in my eyes. Mainly, I really like how she can perform many roles at once. And it might be a little weird or unheard of, but one of my favorite frames in this game is actually Zephyr haha (Those tornadoes can be pretty fun to throw around at times)

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