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Posts posted by DuskLegendary

  1. He's not that bad though, did you have the right setups? I'll share mine with you. I was using Blessing Trinity with CP, and there were 2 other people in my group using basically whatever they wanted with CP also, and 1 person with Rejuvination. There was an EV Trinity alongside me as a Blessing, an Excal, and a Loki. I was using the Synoid Simulor, 2 of the other guys were using Tonkors, and I think the last person was using some kind of beam weapon.

    Anyhow, it took about 10 minutes to actually reach the boss, we were taking it slow and we wanted to keep our energy up because the eximus kept draining it every so often. The boss fight itself took maybe another 5 minutes. I had Zenurik active, so I was basically there to keep the team immortal while shooting Vay Hek with the Synoid whenever he was vulnerable, while the guys with Tonkors kept bombing him. He died in about 5-8 minutes if I'd have to give a guesstimate.

  2. I've been messing about with the builds in PUG and recruiting, and you guys were right about it needing Fleeting. A un-optimal Trin can't keep the build going. But, with Fleeting in place of Natural or Cunning, it performs really well. I keep experimenting with it, and I think I can probably get by without the Natural Talent, thanks for all of your help guys, now I have a really reliable Draco build

  3. 7 minutes ago, ashrah said:

    that is most effective build u made ^^ cheers


    6 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    You don't need Cunning Drift, swap it for Fleeting Expertise max and you're good to go. A decent Trin can EV the ones spawning in the room below you and keep you topped up without Streamline equipped.

    Thanks for the response guys, I'll swap out the cunning for the fleeting and hopefully I won't be having as much trouble in Draco when I'm using this build

  4. Hey guys, it's all in the title. I'm just wanting to know what you think the best RJ Draco build is, so if you don't mind, share your builds with me. I was playing Draco not too long ago and a Trinity said he'd been watching how fast my energy drained and asked if I had a Primed Flow on. I told him I did, and he then said that I had a bad build. The other guy in the party commented that my build was fine, and the Trinity wasn't doing his job and it was his build that was messed up. Keep in mind I copied this build and didn't make it myself, so I'm not sure what makes a good RJ build. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  5. 41 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

    The new title is much better

    Well, the old title upset a lot of people, and I noticed a few people complaining about a misleading title earlier, so I went ahead and changed it

  6. 2 minutes ago, -S-O-Kranker said:

    Yes and the great thing about it: You wont meet ignored players in public matches anymore. thats a win-win situation

    Is that how it works? Well, I've never had to make use of the ignore button until yesterday, but I think I'll start making a lot more use of it. I knew it stopped them from sending messages, but I had no idea it also made it to where you wouldn't be matched with them in public, that's even better

  7. 3 minutes ago, RayPerth said:

    You might want to choose a different title mate.

    Well, I actually just took you up on that, I think the new title fits the post a lot more and probably doesn't offend quite as many people.

  8. 48 minutes ago, (XB1)TheLegend 64312 said:

    There are three types of people who play warframe regardless of MR. The ones whole just chill and do their own thing, the ones who help other people, and jerks (since it would be frowned upon to say what they really are). You ran into the last of these.

    I was unfortunate enough to run into the last type, very unsavory. But someone on here just saw my thread, and decided to invite to a sortie, in which he pretty muchly carried me through the entire 2nd stage (I really suck at spy missions). We have our bad apples, but then we have our really cool members like this that I really do respect and appreciate. I like being helped, I like giving help if I'm able too you know? It's never my intention to make the game unpleasant for others

  9. 24 minutes ago, SinReplica said:

    Generalizing, click bait'ish, and passive aggressiveness all in one title.

    The needless drama is strong in this one.




    I'm not sure what you mean about click bait, you could tell it was going to be a post about a toxic player just by the title "Are all high MR players entitled and toxic?" The post was basically about how a self entitlted player got mad because I didn't play his way and proceeded to be toxic the entire match, that pretty muchly sums it up. And yes, I was passive agressive, I was seething when I made this post. Needless drama? Don't know about needless, but it might have been a little dramatic. I was just trying to point out that it's definitely not okay to harass people like that. Me, you, a random, be excellent to each other.

  10. 14 hours ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    Mastery rank does not indicate that at all... and generalizing higher ranked players doesn't help.

    Players can just be jerks, regardless of MR.

    True, I've met my share of low MR players who were just as rude. It really does just come down to the indiviudal player... also probably reveals the character of the person too. But maybe not so much, the guy could have just been having a bad day, I don't know.

  11. 14 hours ago, Magneu said:

    Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

    Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

    Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

    Well, the generalization wasn't really intended to come off the way it did, I was just flustered mate. And I'm not familar with NYX's abilites, I believe he used Chaos, not his mind control, because I was able to kill them as a group with the Synoid. This would be an easy mistake for me to make, as I've never touched NYX at all, not even the vanilla version.

  12. 11 hours ago, _Rue_ said:

    Why did he bring a nyx instead of a blind mirage? >_>

    Good question, I'm not sure myself ^ I mean, he did good and everything, we actually had a very solid team. There was me as a Blessing Trinity, NYX, Mirage, and a Rhino, he was just... salty... very very salty. Everything went as intended in the match, I kept everyone alive (But I did get one shot at one point right before I could cast off a Blessing), Mirage kept the CC up, and Rhino just... you know, did Rhino stuff

  13. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

    mr 19 or 20? here after a game I used to invite lower mr ranked players to our dojo to give them a starter pack of helpfull mods

    But these days after seeing a lot of feedback be ignored on focus(packman? really? lol no thanks!) and saryn, etc I most times just barely bother to log in in favor of playing other games

    Now you see, this is what I love to see. My current clan leader, I remember he picked me up as an MR1 and gladly took me in, before I even knew there were clans in the game. I didn't know anything about anything at the time, and he knew it... he didn't care. He immediately invited me and gave me a loadout of essential mods, and he was MR14 at the time, still is. I still remember that, and I still appreciate it. Now we normally just play a lot of Conclave together, this is the kind of stuff that makes this community great

  14. 9 hours ago, SYL3NZR said:

    seems like you got the same sense of "toxic entitlement" if you need to generalise everybody down to that, and if "every high MR" is toxic and entitled and whatever you consider negative then you must be the problem and not the world around you

    Whoa, whoa easy there man. How do I have a sense of "toxic entitlement" explain that to me? I did nothing wrong. I was simply trying to play a match and somebody got upset because I didn't play how they wanted me to play, and that is all. I'm not entitled to anything, but I do like to be shown the same level of respect I show other people. At the end of the match, I even apologized to the guy for upsetting him, and was still mad and most likely would have continued to smack talk and troll me if we continued to play together.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the problem when someone continuously taunts me, trolls me, and tells me to F*** off when I apologize to them. I don't want to say that this guy was &#! and he was the problem... but he was &#! and he was the problem. And I'm not generalising anything, I simply said that I'd had some pretty bad experiences with higher MR players, though I've met some good ones and some bad ones, but it all comes down to individual players and not the MR itself. 

    Yes, I did generalize a bit in my first post, and yes I did make follow up posts saying that I was pretty flustered by this players horrible attitude and treatment at the time, so of course my post was going to be a little harsh. And yes, I did make follow up posts explaining the good experiences I've had with higher MR players too. If you think that I was the problem here man, you're out of your mind. Never have I ever trated another player the way I was treated, it's just disrespectful. Wouldn't want it done to me, so I don't do it to others.

    So what you basically said is Gets trolled, gets taunted, gets cursed at, gets harrassed > I'm obviously the problem here. Sorry, but your logic just doesn't make much sense at all to me.

    I know by the responses in this thread I've gotten that there are many many high MR players that are very kind, and very generous. Please do not get rude with me, and think before you speak. My generalization was out of nothing more than bad personal experience, that is all. Sorry if that offended you. And as I've said before, I've had higher MR players go as far as to even give me full weapon sets for literally nothing, I'm not here to slap around higher MR players and belittle them, that was not my intention, so don't take it as such. And what I consider negative by the way, is one player treating another player like trash for not playing their way. And sorry to break this to you my friend, that's not just my problem, it's everyones.


  15. Haha thanks for the feedback and replies guys! I just ran with a group of higher MRs in a keyshare for some Loki pieces, and one of them ended up sharing about 6 or 7 keys after we all shared ours, and I was honestly pretty surprised. There does seem to be a lot of kind people in this community, a lot more so than the handful of toxic players I've met, and that's fantastic. Maybe, I was a little too quick to jump the gun in saying that all high MR players were as I described.

    I'm far from expert at this game, but I do my best. I kill, I Bless, I do the objective the best I know how, and I guess I need to try NYX out because I'm not familiar with her playstyle, or her abilities. I've been getting into Raids lately and I've done pretty good in them, even a couple of nightmare raids, I'm trying to become more experienced so these types of things won't happen. But in this case, I think it was less of me being a noob, and more of conflicting play styles. He wanted to CC everything, I wanted to keep the team invincible, and nobody could come to an agreement. But to be fair on my part, I did apologize to him, and he just got angrier.


  16. Well, true. Maybe the generalization was a bit much, and I've met my share of extremely helpful people in this community. I've even had people give me weapon sets for free, so there are indeed many many kind people. It's just that the toxic players usually stand out a lot more, because they... "shout the loudest" it seems. Not going out of my way to attack the higher MR players here, by any means. It's just that I've had some bad experiences with them, that's all. But I do realize it's the player and no the MR per say.

  17. So, I just ran Sortie 1 and proceeded to cap my point, right? Well, the enemies start spawning in, and I'm playing as a Blessing Trinity. I figure, why not keep my team with a constant 99% Blessing so they won't go down, and they can stay on the points to defend them? Especially since there was a new looking player on the team, and he didn't seem to have that great of gear, so I thought this would be a good idea.

    Well, an MR18 which was play as NYX proceeds to come over to my point and Chaos the enemies in my spawn, and I needed the energy, so I sapped it from the group, and proceeded to kill them. He gets all upset, and calls me a noob and tells me to stop. I tell him to go back to his own point and protect it, and to get out of my spawn, that I needed the energy, and I was going to keep the team Blessed so nobody would die. He tells me that's what energy packs were for, and I told him if I wanted to use an energy pack, I wouldn't have brought Trinity. After the first round ends, I activate Zenurik and I tell him that I don't need to sap enemies anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about me killing his goons, and then he retorts by laughing and saying literally everyone has Zenurik, and calls me a noob, in which I reply that I never said nobody else had it, I was just saying mine was active.

    But wait! I finally get downed and he proceeds to come over to me.... and tea bag me, while laughing and calling me a noob. Luckily I was revived by my other team member who was actually helpful, and stayed silent the entire match while actually playing the objective, instead of throwing out insults. Granted, I might have started the whole thing by killing his Chaos group , but he was on my point and should have been protecting his own in the first place anyways, and all I wanted to do was make sure nobody got downed. He ended up being the first person I ever put on my ignore list.

    Edited: Guys, I know that not all high MR players are like this. I've met a lot more helpful ones than I have bad ones, and at the end of the day it all comes down to the player and personality rather than the MR. I'm not meaning to generalize, and if I did, that certainly wasn't my intention. I'm not pointing fingers. This is me, explaining only one of the several bad experiences, I've pesonally had, and that is all. And as I've said, I know that not all high MR players are like that, maybe a fraction of them at best.

    What I really mean to say, what this entire post is about: Guys, be cool to one another regardless of play style, MR rank, or skill, that's all it really comes down too, and it doesn't get any more simple than that.

  18. Frost is basically great when it comes to anything defensive. He excels in excavations, defense, mobile defense, and even survival. You should decide what type of build you want. Are you looking for a CC build, or a Snow Globe build? If you want CC, his Globe is going to be sacrificed. If you want the best Snow Globe build possible, his CC is going to be sacrificed. I do not recommend a mixed build though, because it doesn't shine when you need it too, it always comes up short, and this is why I have 2 separate builds. 

    If you opt for a CC build, the entire strategy relies on spamming Avalanche to keep your enemies frozen for as long as possible, all while making them squishy. Even lv. 80 Bombards get cut through like wet paper after being hit by an Avalanche. Now, with a Snow Globe build, it's pretty self explanatory. You make the strongest Globe possible so you can protect your team, and your objective. Sit behind it all day, stay safe, kill anything that gets close or inside your globe, this is how I like to play. 

    Now, there is an Ice Wave build that uses his Ice Wave Impedance augment, it's also pretty good and focuses on his CC potential. If you need any ideas on how to build him, I can screenshot my 2 separate builds for you, both the Snow Globe, and the Avalanche armor reduction build.

  19. 3 hours ago, Xgomme said:

    How many "noobs" will actualy go after 40mn or even in a sortie ?

    Tonkor + common elemental set is enough to rekt all the content that "noob" will do

    Well sadly, I've seen my fair share of noobs that want to go straight to T4s for 40 whole minutes, and I've seen lots of low MR players tagging along for Sorties. Just yesterday, an MR1 using Valkyr tagged along with his friend that was hosting, managed to survive with us 40 minutes. Obviously, he was too low of a level to have a Tonkor, but I couldn't believe my eyes. I think DE needs to adress other problems first before they go messing with the Tonkor, either with a nerf, or with more MR requirement imo. Just to clarify, I wasn't asking for a nerf, I was stating that I hope they don't go nerfing it or messing with the requirements, it's fine where it's at.

  20. 32 minutes ago, (PS4)Francis_Boudreau said:

    Please tell me how a newbie can achieve OPness with Tonkor when they usually don't have many mods and forma to put on it? Besides, said mods will most likely take time to rank up. Mod acquisition and the knowledge of how to mod a weapon correctly are enough in terms of progression in my opinion.

    Now this, I agree with. How many noobs are going to have access to Argon Scope, which costs anywhere from 200-300 Platinum? How many noobs are going to have a max rank Serration? Heavy Caliber? 5 Forma? The know how to mod the Tonkor in the first place? 

    Yes, the Tonkor is power creep at it's finest, but the builds to get that power creep take a lot of resources unless you like to min max. Even then I understand that the Tonkor is still powerful, but the fact that so many people feel compelled to use it in the first place tells us that the enemy scaling and damage system is broken once you get into higher tier content. I'm not talking about normal missions or even 40 minutes of T4 Survival. I'm talking about endurance runs, Sortie 3s and the like. The enemies become gods that can eat bullets for breakfast and 1 shot you with a spoon.

  21. I have to partly agree with the above. MR does not equal skill, it merely states how much more garbage than me you've used, that's all. You can experience Raids and Sorties at almost any MR, and start maxing mods right away. Truth. But a higher MR person is likely to have experienced more, not always though. For all I know you could have spent most of your time doing nothing but leveling your MR and not actually playing the game itself.

  22. Hey there guys. Today I decided to play a little bit of T4, Survival since I almost never play it. My team came across this weird room, and I was just really curious about it. Has this always been there? Either way, it seems like a good camping spot.


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