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Posts posted by WolfmanX9

  1. 2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    “Only a handful of times.” Grukta says. “It will get better as we start deploying troops more often.”


    “News travels fast.” Kal says. “It’s a small colony on Earth. There are two parts, a small market and the wide open plains. I’ve heard it’s quite breathtaking. Quite dangerous too, at least at night.”

    "I see.. should we head toward the weapons lab then? By the way, why do you want to visit the weapons lab anyway, if it's ok to ask you sir" he asked out of curiosity


    "I bet my kubrow would love to run around in the plains area" he said with a chuckle. Silver responded with a bark as she thought that a big, open area sounds fun.

  2. 6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    The Prosecutors clamor to their feet, bothi panting heavily. One extends his hand to the other, who shakes it weakly.

    ”Looks like you two worked up quite a sweat.” Grukta says. “A night in the the brig should help you cool off.”


    “It’s somewhat of an exaggeration.” Kal says. “Tenno can easily be confused for eachother by outsiders and we do prefer a vast variety of weapons. So it can appear that we are experts with almost anything. Most Tenno prefer to master and maintain a smaller arsenal, switching to other weapons only when needed. Of course a few truly are masters of all known weapons. Most of those are Elder Tenno, elite soldiers if you will, and do it more out of boredom than out of necessity.”

    He laughs.

    ”Of course we possess enough knowledge to be lethal with just about anything.” He says. “There is a saying. If it can hurt you, Tenno have murdered a small army with it.”


    "How often does this happen sir?" he asked Grukta as he had stopped to lean toward the wall.


    "I see...ok, last question; I have heard about a place called "plains of Eidolon", what kind of place is that?"

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “Once these two finish I’m headed there myself.” Grukta says. “I’ll show you where it is.”


    “Unloke Meridian the Tenno aren’t actually a fully united group.” Kal says. “Apart from a few special jobs, most work is done for third parties. They give us the details and the pay, and we deliver the desired result. What kind a Tenno will accept vary based on their own views and their end goals, so we are more picky than most mercenaries, but we still plan our skills out for a price. Even our work with groups we share goals with, Meridian for example, coke with certain rewards. Tenno never do anything for free. At most we simply ask for less payment.”

    "Roger that sir" he said and lean toward the wall, watching the two morons fight each other.


    "I see...I have heard that the Tenno are good at pretty much any kind of weapons, is that true?"

  4. 12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    The Prosecutors rolls past, still trading blows.

    ”Any and all explosions would be behind bulletproof glass in a soundproof chamber.” Grukta says. 


    Kal laughs.

    ”You are certainly more curious than most.” He says. “Probably something the Grineer considered a defect.”

    He moves back and takes a seat.

    ”Well I have time.” He says. “Go ahead, ask any questions you want.”

    "Good to know. Then I will accept this line of work until I have recover. Just say where to and I will head toward the weapons lab sir"


    "Um...why do some grineer call you "Mercenaries"? Are you some kind of bounty hunter group?" he asked to start off with.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “That particular individual has done this before. Several times. I’m surprised no one told you. Given that I can authorize recovery time. But you will need to find another task to occupy your time. The weapons lab could use someone with a knowledge of the craft.”


    Kal’rok shakes your hand, his grip firm but restrained.

    ”So what brings you here?” He asks. “This floor is rather out of the way.”

    "As long as this task doesn't involve anything explosive, then I can certainly do it sir"


    "Well...I have never interacted with a Tenno before, so I wanted to see how you were up close. Other then that, I guess my curiosity brought me here" he said as Silver barked to confirm that her master was telling the truth.

    "Oh...almost forgot, that is my kubrow named Silver, named for her silver-gray like fur. I adopted her a couple weeks after I escaped from the grineer. Did get a few strange looks, but I understand why though, it would be weird to see a bombard come to an...adoption clinic for homeless kubrow's and kavats"

  6. 2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    “Ian this about the explosion in the range?” He asks. “I take it you want to press charges against the responsible party and install some preventative measures?”


    “You’re the one that made the cake right?” The slim female asks. “Mjoll and I were just talking about that.”

    ”It... wasn’t terrible.” Mjoll, The Valkyr, says. “Could have used more.. well actually it was pretty decent.”

    ”Kal’rok.” The bulky armored man says, extending a hand. “Pleasure to meet you...?”

    "How did y... nevermind, about that...I'm wondering if I could take the time to recover as someone who shall not be named, damaged my ear drums badly and I need about a week to rest, if that is ok sir. Normally I can handle loud noises, but that "accident" was way louder than expected and of course there was a sign that ironicially reminded me to wear ear protection which didn't help at all"


    "Krunk, the name is Krunk and yes; I was the one who made the cake. Found that recipe in a very old cook book that I'm carefully preserve for future uses" he said as he gently shake hand with the Tenno named Kal'rok.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “You’ve found him.” The Seeker says. “What do you need, lad?”


    The slim armored figure relaxes slightly and walks forward, letting the Kubrow.

    ”You’re Meridian right?” The round figure asks. 

    “Everyone here is Meridian.” The Valkyr snaps. “What, do you expect him to go ‘no I’m actually a Grineer spy.’?”

    "Oh...first off, I'm sorry If I didn't recognized you sir, somewhat new here. Secondly, may I get your permission for something that may or may not turn a facility offline unless I find a replacement for the time being" he asked with a quick salute.


    "I was never really a true grineer either to be honest. I was deemed a defect, but thanks to a friend of mine, I escaped before I got turned into "goop". I work in the kitchen, but have only done it for one day so far" he said to the two Tenno for no particular reason whatsoever. He though that telling them something about himself could help him in the long run, hopefully.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “You aren’t a Colonel.” The Seeker says. His badge indicates he is. “Are you looking for someone, or just lost?”


    “Awww look, a puppy.” A voice says. “Are you lost little doggie?”

    The mood changes as you enter, however. You barely manage to stop in time to avoid being skewered on the prongs of a Venka Prime held by what appears to be a Valkyr given the earlier description.

    A slim armored female and a rather round armored male move to stand protectively in front of a very bulky armored figure.

    ”Mjoll.” The bulky armored figure says. “Put it away. This one poses no threat.”

    Even without seeing it’s eyes you can tell the Valkyr is staring at you intently. You can feel it’s gaze. 

    “That is what you said about Faron.” It hisses. “And now we are here.”

    The bulky figure steps over and pushes the Valkyr’s arm down. 

    “My Apologies.” He says. “She is very protective of me.”


    "I'm looking for Colonel Grukta. You don't happen to know where said Colonel is? I'm going to ask for permission for something that isn't that important"


    "It's ok..I'm more scared of her than she is to me, he he..." he said with a nervous chuckle.

    Silver barked happily once to the stranger before she notice that her master had enter the same room. She walked back to him with no rush at all this time.

    "What I told you about not going on without me?"

    "Bark bark" she responded in return, looking innocent as she had no idea what he meant.

    "Aw..how can I stay mad at you with that look" he said as he hunched down and petted his companion. She gladly received the patting from her master.

  9. 4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    “Let them go at it.” The Seeker says. “Better they get it out now than get snappy with eachother during a mission.”

    ”Tules say not fighting.” A butcher says.

    ”Aye, and a night in the brig will remind them of that.” The Seeker says. “But no amount of time in the brig will fix this disagreement.”


    The base becomes more and more empty as you make your way to where the Tenno are. 

    As you draw closer you can hear the sounds of an argument. 

    “I told you, you should never have let Faron into the clan.” A voice is shouting. “Now everyone is going to associate the Graxx with treachery and dishonor.”

    "Right...if this isn't a "problem", I will be on my way" he said before he continued to follow the direction he got from the doctor.


    Krunk stopped himself before he enter the room with presumably only tenno. He wonder if this really was a good idea or not. I mean, he's with the steel meridian, so he should be fine. Although, he wasn't sure if he should wear something so the tenno didn't think he was some kind of regular grineer. Come to think of it, he didn't see any other grineer wearing a badge or the mark of the steel meridian. 

    Before he continue his internal debate, his fluffy friend Silver didn't want to wait as she sprinted into the room. Krunk almost cursed to himself as he tried to stop the all too happy kubrow from running into the room, but when he had caught up with her; it was already too late as he was in the room with her.

  10. 23 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    As you make your way down the hallway on the third floor you see two Prosecutors engaged in a fist fight while a Seeker watched with his arms folded.


    “It’s your choice.” The Barkeep says. “Not sure what you’d have to gain from it though. They’ll be on the twelfth floor, can’t miss it.”

    Thraks walked toward said prosecutors to see what was going on.

    "What are you two doing fighting each other?" he asked both of them.


    "Got it, I hope. Come on Silver; we are going to see some Tenno" he said to Silver who barked back in response, following him with her tiny tail waggling. She felt exited to meet new people.

  11. 58 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “You’ll want Colonel Grukta.” The medic says. “Three floors up. Thirteen doors down. Six doors past the caved in wall, unless that’s been fixed.”


    “Most Tenno wouldn’t I’ve in the time to wave it.” The Barkeep says. “As for interacting with them. Well there are two methods to take. One is to just play dumb, be. Speak like this. Not look smart. Nine times out of ten they’ll leave you alone. Other method is to just be polite. Most Tenno don’t go around friendly places just murdering people. As long as you don’t give them reason they won’t give you trouble.”

    He pulls up an image on the projector.

    ”Now that aside there is a small group that likes to hang out in the upper levels.” He says. “So I’ll give you this advice.”

    An image of warframe with a very catlike appearance pops up.

    ”They call this one Valkyr. I think it means death kitty in their tongue.” He says. “Never, ever, refer to it as kitty. Pulling its tail is also a terrible idea. Last guy that did that was reduced to a pile of meat and metal before he could blink.”

    One of the patrons laughs.

    ”I’m not joking.” The Barkeep says. “If you look under your chair you’ll see the stains.”


    "Quite a long way, but I think I will manage. I will see you in a week" he said before he left the medical ward and followed the instruction that he got from the medic.


    "I see...Maybe paying them a visit wouldn't hurt, if only for a short moment. I could bring my kubrow with me too as I have heard that the Tenno seem to like these furry little fella, isn't that right Silver?" he asked his companion who kindly responded with a happy bark.

  12. 5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    The medic holds up his hands.

    ”Not my call.” The man says. “You gotta take it up with your commanding officer.”

    Like most of the human personnel on the base he does not seem to want to argue with a Grineer clone.


    “I’m just glad it was only one.” He says. “Maybe we could get Tenno to look at the systems.”

    He took a deep breath in order to calm himself as getting angry wouldn't help.

    "I think that is what I will do. Do you happen to know where I can find an officer?" he asked the doctor in a more calmer tone.


    "Speaking of Tenno, have seen a couple of them, but never really interacted with them because of...well, you know, feared of being injured by them. I had my makeshift white flag with me if there was a time a tenno would spot me though.." he told his knowledge about the Tenno.

  13. 2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    “I can get you fitted for a prosthetic hearing aid.” The medic says. “We can’t really afford to have the range offline.”

    The Scorpion opens her mouth to protest.


    “Suit’s filled with toxic, corrosive gas.” Barkeep says. “That’s why their faces look like they went through a blender. His had a bit of a leak so he had to sit by the air scrubbing systems so it wouldn’t spread throughout the room. Good thing I got the filters replaced.”

    "Is it really that important that the shooting range is online? I mean, if I can't use it because of HER, then why can't I just hire someone in the meantime that could take my place while I recover" he complained as he was not keen on having to have something help his ears. He rather take the time to recover than using hearing aid.


    "Oh...I guess that would be bad, unless they were in the same room with the same kind"

  14. 1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

    You feel something crawl into your ear and a moment later the ringing fades.

    ”There we go.” The medical officer says. “Keep that in for a week and try to avoid explosions for a few days.”


    “Ahh Captain Loxis.” The bartender says. “He was called away. Something about a group of Nox on the surface.”

    "I will not ask what or why, I will just follow your advise. Looks like the shooting range will be offline for at least a week and you.." he look at the scorpion

    "You are temporary banned from using the shooting range for the time being" he said passive-aggressive to her as he slowly got up from the bed.


    "So that what's kind of trooper he is. I have only seen a few pictures of them, never actually seen one in person. Why did he sit under an vent anyway?" he asked as he had no idea why.

  15. 22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    The medic sighs and points to two beds, motioning for you and the Scorpion to lie down. It seems this has happened before.


    “We’ll go with a Silk Kavat then.” He says. “Foamy stout and creme. Enough of a kick that you’ll notice it, but not enough to make you stumble home after half a dozen.”

    Thraks nodded and laid down on one of the beds. The constant ringing started to get to him in an annoying way.


    "I think I will try that one" he said, looking around the bar while he waited.

    "Where did that big guy that sat under the vent go?" he asked as he just noticed that the other big guy was gone.

  16. 23 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    The medical officer takes one look at the Scorpion and sighs, reaching under the cabinet to grab a bag, and begin pulling instruments out. 

    He appears to be saying something to you but all you can hear is the loud ringing.


    “Alright.” He says. “I can serve anything you want, short of a double serving of Meridian Moonshine, aka Meridian Hull Cleaner.”

    Thraks searched around for anything to write on as he still couldn't hear anything. He pointed toward his ears and then did a cross with both of his arms, hoping that the doctor would know what he meant.


    "Um...something that doesn't make me that drunk, just a little bit" he said as his request.

  17. 3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    There are a few medical kits but nothing for ear damage. 

    Amusingly you also find a sign stating that ear protection must be worn at all times inside the range.


    “Good good.” The bartender says. “Say, aren’t you the new cook?”


    "Great...time for plan B" he thought to himself as he beckon the scorpion to follow him to the medical ward. He wouldn't give up until he could hear again.


    "Yeah, that's me. I came here a couple hours ago"

  18. 2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    The Scorpion points to her ears and yells something back. 

    All you can hear is a loud ringing noise.


    When you return to the bar the Nox is gone. The other patrons are as they were left.

    Thraks still couldn't hear her as he simply shrugged. If he had known that the faulty experiment would cause this amount of noise, he would wear ear protection. Suddenly, he got an idea; he walked toward the storage room and look around to see if there was anything that could help them fix their problem. Otherwise he had to resort to plan B.


    Krunk sat down at the bar.

    "He's safe and sound...I think" he said to the bartender.

  19. 1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

    The vent button works and the smoke begins to clear. The Scorpion is standing at the table working on something. You see her lips move and realize you cannot hear anything.


    You make it to the bombards quarters without being stopped. They are some, just a bed, a worktable, and a locker.

    “What? I can’t hear you!” He said as he pointed toward his ears, hoping that his eardrums weren’t permanently damaged.


    Krunk walked toward the bed and put down the drunk bombard on the bed as carefully as he could. Once that was done, he walked out of the quarter and closed the door after him.

  20. 50 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Several minutes later....

    You pick yourself up off the floor. The last thing you recall is running towards the Scorpion as the cannon begins to smoke, and then wrestling with her trying to find and hit the off switch.

    The room is filled with smoke. 


    “Ahh a good old barroom blitz.” One do the officers says. “You never forget the smell.”

    ”Or the bruises.” The other one says, rubbing his head.

    ”Just make sure the General doesn’t catch you.” The Officer says, turning around the corner with his friend.

    Thraks coughed, wishing he had a gas mask right about now as he could barely see or breath. He tried to find the control panel of the room as he recall seeing a vent button, presumably used to clean out the room of any gas.


    "Y..yes sir" he said, starting to power walk quicker toward the quarters before said general would spot him with the unconscious bombard.

  21. 1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

    “I can promise I’ll try.” She says. 


    As you love back into the hall a door opens. A trooper looks at you. 

    ”What’s up with him?” He asks, rather loudly, pointing at the Bombard.

    The two Officers pause at the end of the hall.

    Thraks thought about it for a moment

    "Sigh Fine, you can use the shooting range to test your thing, but I will be there to keep an eye on you for safety measure"


    "Um...He...got hit on his head with something heavy, so I will take him to the medical ward to see if he's fine" he lied as he tried to sneakily grab the arm of the non responding bombard and put one hand on his head.

    "What he said" he said in a deeper voice while he had his mouth hidden behind the bombard to make it look like that it was the bombard who spoke.

  22. 53 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    “Woah woah woah.” She says. “I don’t know what you heard but that whole incident on the third floor was totally exaggerated. I’ve already learned not to use homebrewed detonite as propellant.”


    You manage to squeeze into an alcove as the officers walk past. 


    "ok....If you are going to test this creation of yours, promise me that you will abort using it at any signs of instability"


    Krunk waited a bit until the officers were far away from him. Only then would he left the hiding spot.

  23. 2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

    She nods.

    ”Could go boom outwards, could go boom inwards.” She says, making a gesture that implies her arm exploding. 


    You are halfway to the quarters when you see a pair of Majors walking down the hall towards you, discussing something. 

    The Bombard reeks of alcohol. Thankfully he is uncocnious.

    "And you want to test it in my shooting range? Don't you think that sounds reckless?"


    Krunk panic a bit as he tried to find a hiding spot for the bombard before the majors would come near them.

  24. 1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

    “One word.” She says. “Armcanons. I’ve already got one designed. I just need a spot to test it.”


    “Here.” The Barkeep says, tossing you a key. “Down the hall are the Quarters. Don’t let a superior office catch you though.”

    "I guess you haven't tested it yet, so you want to test it in the shooting range, right?"


    Krunk catch the key with one of his hands.

    "I will try my best" he said as he put the key into his pocket and grabbed the drunk bombard, helping him toward the quarters while at the same time keep an eye out for any superior officers.

  25. 29 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

    Her eyes light up. 

    “Quartermaster ehh?” She asks. “Say, would you have any interest in an experiment?”


    “Why always with the taking.” He says dreamily. “Why no fighting. Why doesn’t anyone just duke it out anymore.”

    ”Might want to get him out of here before the General sees him like that.” The Barkeep says. 

    "Depends on what you have in mind" he asked to be safe so he didn't agree on anything dangerous.


    "Right....um, where exactly should I take him?" he asked the bartender.

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