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  1. Any chance we are still getting more QoL stuff for other frames? Specifically: * Lavos being unable to infuse elements with a subsume slot (even if you have to disable the ability to subsume abilities with a hold function, or make it so you can only infuse that slot by infusing multiple elements at the same time) * limbo dash creating portals that disrupt other players and just generally create conflict between players for no real benefit * Loki damage decoy having very low aggro or being bugged so enemies ignore them mostly * Mirage prism guard having very low duration * Vauban vortex frequently just making enemies get stuck on terrain * Nidus larva same problem as above but worse since it prevents the ability from ending * Furax wraith incarnon heat field being bugged to not work most of the time or just having an absurdly small hotbox and very low tick rate for procs. Maybe also change furax body counts secondary fire rate increase to slam attack radius. Would feel more impactful and fun after slam rework. Or separate slam radius mod. And so on.
  2. Status effects for blast and impact need to be swapped so if you want the slight stagger (from explosions now) you need to build for it specifically. 99% of players either don't care about the not useful at all stagger or it is actively detrimental and should not be on a base status you can't get rid of. There is a small fringe case of people intentionally using it for parazon buffs from mercy kills, but that is not common and should also be able to be achieved via any finisher making finishers as a category kind of useful again to some degree. Could also swap them but then get rid of the old impact status (now on blast) and change it something that fits thematically and is actually useful...like blast procs now deal the hits damage in a 5m radius with aggressive falloff, or blast procs now spread procs already on the enemy to nearby enemies (although that one would be better for gas tbh) Could also just change impact to give the shattering impact effect at base, but for both armor and shield. Then you have slash for doing DoT, puncture for boosting crit damage, and impact for chewing through defenses.
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