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  1. A few reasons: A super short snowball, a vulnerability window, incentive to actually get used to using normal finishers on a semi-regular basis. I didn't want people to just be able to use it for free at all times, given how useful it is for survival given its ability to stall out taking damage and for upkeeping Scarab Shield to ensure Sarcophagus Revive has fuel to burn. Sarcophagus' instant revive cooldown in this design isn't exactly super long in the grand scheme of things, for something that doesn't need to be actively set like Voruna's fourth passive is, and the myriad healing, soft CC, and survivability options this iteration of Inaros comes with allows for some shenanigans with finagling staying alive without having instant access to 5 seconds of invuln followed by 90% damage reduction at all times - not counting Arcane Grace, Magus Repair, Vazarin, Adaptation, and myriad other stuff that already exist. Given all of that, I felt like having access to it 100% of the time even with poor resource management was a little overkill. Honestly, maybe it SHOULD cost Scarab Shield... or, maybe, at the minimum, Scarab Shield shouldn't drain as slowly from status effects as current Negation Swarm does. Either of those aside, maybe the health cost should be pretty high to balance out spammability if it didn't have a Scarab Shield threshold? Lots of thoughts to consider, to be sure. Those are certainly some neat ideas! Worth thinking about, for sure.
  2. It's the button right next to the 'align' buttons on PC. Could say they give a small amount of Scarab Shield, maybe. I had genuinely forgotten it currently ran on true damage. Maybe it could apply a stack of Viral instead of the whole damage vulnerability thing? (Contemplative) Mm... It would apply 1% if they die by any means, 5% if killed by finisher, and apply damage vulnerability in all other instances prior to death, is what I had meant. Perhaps I should have ordered the effects differently. Indeed, 50 seconds is quite a lot. However, given all the scaling methods involved with it, it can rather rapidly achieve silly number crunching. A relatively simple 200% ability strength drops it to 25 seconds, empowering with health further reduces it to 12.5 seconds, and Viral would reduce it to around 8 seconds. 3 seconds of 90% damage reduction is not all that big of a loss on health, all told, especially if using adaptation or other additive sources of armour for Scarab Swarm to scale up. Should also mention that it does not cost 20% of your scarabs. It requires 20% of them to be castable in the first place. That is to say, you need to have performed at least two finisher kills, or one with Desiccation's augment, or killed 20 enemies by any means with Desiccation's augment. The only ability that casts directly from scarab shield is Swarm. Given the fact that finishers are accessible through a variety of different means regardless of pocket-sanding enemies, it means that the resource is not strictly tied directly to Desiccation, nor that you need to use Devour to upkeep the swarm. I'm uncertain there's a single form of self-inflicted damage in the game that works with those. That being said-- recall that Inaros' health in this imagined iteration is his energy. There's no energy for Rage and Hunter's Adrenaline to fill. Thank ya' for your feedback. Definitely good food for thought in here.
  3. This post utilizes the page system. Foreword: Honestly I just wanted to put this on the forums eventually and it's been sitting around on my computer for like a year. Just a few ideas for what could be; the idea of Inaros casting from health led to a lot of different ideas. I N A R O S Health and sand. King of all he surveys. A desert survivor. Bringer of plague. - Survivability. Taking from his enemies. These will be his design ethos and identity both. Inaros in this suggested rework will utilize a health economy for casting abilities, to balance out atypical survivability options. Passive Resource: Scarab Shield On paper, this passive resource functions basically as it currently does, but as a passive resource, it can be used in more ways. It is generated by getting finisher kills or by Devouring. 1% Scarab Shield constitutes 0.03x current armour. Naturally, at 100%, this is 3x. Negation Swarm is a default function, draining over time as Inaros is affected by statuses, thus reducing Inaros' total armour in the process. Passive 1: Health gained on finisher kills. Additionally, finisher kills grant 15% Scarab Swarm charge. Parazon Finishers, naturally, are counted. Passive 2: Sarcophagus. If Inaros has at least 50% Scarab Shield, it will be consumed to heal him to half health as he bursts out of the Sarcophagus, with a 3 minute cooldown on this functionality. If unavailable, its life drain beam stats will scale off of the mods and bonuses of Inaros' secondary weapon - fire rate, crit chance, crit damage, status chance, base damage, elemental damage, Galvanized Aptitude. Can still hit 5 to enter Last Gasp rather than using the drain, if accessible and preferred. (1st Ability) Desiccation: Pocket Sand. Blinds enemies from the front, grants access to finishers and thus an aid towards early Scarab Swarm acquisition. Does 500 up-front Corrosive damage, applies 3 stacks of Corrosion on initial cast. Does small Corrosive damage over time with a small chance of further Corrosive procs. Miniscule single-digit healing over time to nearby allies, benefit grows with size of crowd affected. Functionally unchanged except for costing health instead of energy and some value tweaks. This ability is pretty core to his kit, but not completely irreplaceable if the player knows alternate means of accessing finishers outside of Inaros' core kit, or has alternate means of healing. (Augment) Desiccation's Curse: Enemies that die whilst Desiccated will grant 1% Scarab Shield, and +5% on finisher. Damage vulnerability of 50%, affected by Ability Strength. (2nd Ability) Devour: Gains scaling, marking, and meatbags to tempt enemy fire. Target invulnerable whilst Devour is channeled. Requires an initial 20% Scarab Swarm to even be allowed to be cast, although it does not cost any. Note that this means that a minimum of two finishers will be required to be performed before access is granted. Deals 2% of total health to enemy every second, scaling with strength. By holding left click (or 'fire' for controller users), 2% of maximum health may be sacrificed per second to double the amount of health drain on the enemy. Health drain may be separately multiplied by 1.5x if Viral status effect is present on target. Rather than gaining health from Devour, Inaros gains 1% Scarab Swarm per 2% health drained from the enemy, up to 50% for an enemy fully drained from 100% health to 0%. Inaros' invulnerability whilst Devouring only has a period of 5 seconds, during which time every hit against him will grant 2% Scarab Shield. Afterwards, only 90% Damage Reduction and Status Immunity (so Scarab Shield isn't drained by Status Effects). Enemies are marked on simply being cast upon, duration indefinite during Devouring, and lasting for 5 seconds following release, producing a minimum of 1 Sand Shadow when killed within 10 seconds following the initial marking, with an additional +1 identical sand shadow being produced for every 21% of maximum health Devoured (up to 16% of maximum health may be lost before Sand Shadows start being lost.) Sand Shadows produced in this way will overwrite any prior Sand Shadows, so going from a Butcher to a Napalm back-to-back will replace 5 Butcher sand shadows with 1 Napalm sand shadow. Sand Shadows have a hard minimum duration of 30 seconds, but also gain +1 second for every 1% of their health Devoured, moddable, but only up to a cap of 120 seconds, or two minutes, which is already met by nearly-fully devouring an enemy. Elite enemies such as Liches, Acolytes, and so on may be targeted, but will not pass 5 seconds of devouring, will not become invulnerable, will not produce Sand Shadows, may not be Devoured a second time, and are not susceptible to Empowered Devouring. (Augment) Devoured One: Additional Sand Shadows are traded out for increased stats and threat rating on a singular Sand Shadow. Each tier of Sand Shadow adds an equivalent amount of damage and health. Ability strength adds additional health for each Sand Shadow tier. 50% Ability Strength, for example, will modify the health value of each tier by 1.5x, resulting in 7.5x health for a full Devour. Ability strength will modify final armour value by an equivalent amount. 50% ability strength, for example, will modify final armour value by 1.5x. Weapon strength affected only by tier; ability strength will not modify. (3rd Ability) Sandstorm: Completely remade. For a cost, protect oneself and one's allies. Does not limit movement or attack. Toggle: Drains health over time for 50 health per second, reduces efficacy of health orb gains by 0.5x. Requires minimum 30% of maximum health to toggle on, shuts down at 20% of maximum health remaining. Whilst active, Inaros is given a shifting sand effect moving across roughly 50% of his body, granting him 33% dodge. Reduces enemy accuracy in an area around Inaros. Instead of a large visual effect, nearby enemies are buffeted by a layered, animated sand-blowing-in-the-wind texture following them around, moddable with ability strength to increase inaccuracy potency. The shroud of sand takes time to clear; enemies will remain affected for 8 seconds following the ability turning off, with decreasing potency of debuff for every second that passes. Increased duration both makes this effect last longer, and decay down from full effect to no effect more slowly. Cost over time unaffected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration; health drain is a static value, so simply modding Inaros for more health will make it more efficient. Unaffected by Ability Range; effect radius is 0.5x Affinity Range. Fosfor consumables and the Vazarin affinity range passive will increase that effective area. Fire a flare when lost in the sandstorm, Tenno. (Augment) Unforgiving Sandstorm: Affected enemies occasionally inflicted with Impact, Puncture, or Slash status effects; weapon status chance on affected enemies increased by +20% final status chance, affected by Ability Strength. (4th Ability) Scarab Swarm: The Swarm descends. 25% Scarab Shield is consumed to cast within a cone for no additional health cost. (Naturally, this reduces Inaros' armour in the process, as well as sapping at his Sarcophagus bank.) All enemies within this cone take a combination of 100 corrosive, 100 toxin, and 100 viral damage, with a 100% status chance per damage tick (one of the three is procced with each hit, sequenced), Damage ticks twice per second. The durations on these listed status effects are halted for as long as an enemy is affected by Scarab Swarm. If an enemy is killed, their instance of the Swarm will seek out another nearby enemy -- initially, only one jump per instance of the Swarm, scaling with 1 additional jump per 25% ability strength over the initial 100%, capped at 175% for +3 additional jumps, a total of 4 jumps or 5 targets affected per instance. Swarm gains in strength when it jumps, increasing its damage by +100% and gaining +50% status chance -- by the second jump, the procs will go (corrosive+toxin), (viral+corrosive), (toxin+viral) due to the sequencing -- by the fourth jump, all three statuses will be procced per damage instance. Every tick of damage produces a tiny amount of health for allies within a small-medium range of the Swarm, with the amount healed increasing with each jump. Swarm has a base duration of 14 seconds and an unmoddable range of 20 metres on initial cast, although Swarm instances may travel further should enemies present themselves. (Augment) Swarm of Suffering: At the expense of completely disabling swarm-jumping, instances of the swarm grow stronger as their target continues to live throughout their duration. Every 1/10th of maximum duration that passes, strength of Swarm instance will increase in potency as if it had jumped one enemy, until maximum potency is achieved. Maximum number of Corrosive stacks on afflicted targets permanently increased by 10 (unmoddable). Concerns: Some folks don't like unmoddable stats. That's fair. In my opinion, they help guide players away from getting tunnel vision. There is a balance to be found, I think.
  4. I may be in the minority, given a lot of the initial response is in favour of 'toggle' or 'tap/hold', but Eclipse is one of the few Helminth options that has an innate synergistic function that allows it to operate better in some builds than others - the fact that its buff is snapshot whilst benefiting from effects which grant invisibility. I find that to be an inherently interesting function that makes it seem as though it can be considered an unofficial extension of those kits that have access to that functionality. I would love to have that functionality preserved, whatever path is taken. To that end, I lean towards the 'light pillars' design, with a radial fall-off on effect strength the further you are from those light pillars, yet still allowing for invisibility effects to snapshot the effect's current level for their duration.
  5. Where: Orb Vallis (Post-'The New War'), cave north of Central Maintenance and south of Ustara Crater Status: Unscannable by Host, Client cannot even see name of "Hash 00111" collectible Concern: Perhaps worth checking all other lore scannables in the region to make sure they are all scannable.
  6. I've discovered recently that there are people who have certain crippling fears that overlap with the extraction animation. It may be well-received by the playerbase to un-fix that one.
  7. One would assume that we'd just put this mod in where Adaptation or Rolling Guard would normally go and it'd be a null issue. As for Limbo, I haven't actually had much issue with him, as usually I just jump in the opposite direction when Arson Eximus come by, or otherwise hit 5. And this is in the scenarios where I'm not running Silence. I find that nullifiers also are pretty handily handled by hitting 5 on average... but honestly that's getting slightly off topic in my need to reply to absolutely everything. I should bring up the differences between this mod as it will be and the Decaying Dragon Key as it is at moment of writing - the Decaying Dragon Key is -75%, or 0.25x, meaning you have to be as low as 400 to get 100 shields, while this mod is 0.2x, or -80%, meaning you can be as high as 500 and get 100 shields, and any builds which would have used the Decaying Dragon Key before, assuming some mod or other is swapped out, will suddenly now have even lower shields than they had prior, meaning that, lost mod slot aside, it should be easier to hit breakpoint numbers with reasonable efficiency values on abilities without having to use multiple Augur mods on top of Brief Respite. Going back to what you said, if I'm completely honest I've just straight up never paid attention to the actual window of my gate. I hear my shields go down, I roll away or hit 5 and sling away to lockdown or escape. I've never planned around specific durations, it's just "oh, audio cue, time to skedaddle." The extra duration to me is just more of a 'nice thing.' Speaking of hitting 5, unrelated to our current discussion, but potentially synergistic, in recent years I admit I've kind of yearned for a 'universal' focus school of perks, like 'on Transference Out, cleanse status' or 'on Transference Out, restore 50 shields to Warframe' or 'able to use Transference from Staggered or Knockdown states' or 'hold 5 to Transference In back to Warframe's location.'
  8. As someone who has gone an hour and a half in steel path circuit with just base shield gating and zero mods or keys to augment it, on frames that are not built to augment their shield gain in any notable way, such as gyre for example, I rather think that's underestimating it a bit. The shield gating mechanic was plenty utilizable with only a single augur mod in the vast majority of instances - if you're far enough away, or are moving quickly enough, it's quite rare that you get blitzed by more than one hit at a time, so casting can easily get the base shield gating up enough to compensate for another stray hit. Or rather, that's how it has been thus far. Between a combination of... More shields = faster regen Shield gate maximum duration goes up the higher your max shields, and Shield gate minimum duration goes up the more shields you've regenerated I rather think that it'll be considerably easier now for people to survive without having to use this new mod. I certainly was doing just fine before without ever using a decaying dragon key, and that's about to get easier to do, so. Keep in mind that you will no longer have to fully regenerate your shields to get a decent gate time, and that we finally have access to adjusting the recharge delay, with one mod cutting it down by 40% (so it won't take 4 seconds to start up, but 2.4) and another one cuts it down by 35, for 75% reduction total (1 second to regen start). New shield-related builds suddenly become possible without having to explicitly use augur mods or brief respite to get decent gate times in decent intervals, assuming the mods aren't mis-described and actually just increase speed of getting to activate shield regen by 1.4x and 1.35x. Also, I would like to point out that part of your concern was immediately addressed directly below the mod image you pointed out. Remember that the mod cuts shields down to one fifth of their current value. At rank 30, there are only a ten warframes that have more than 500 shields, many of which are Primes: Hildryn, Hildryn Prime, Revenant, Revenant Prime, Styanax, Harrow Prime, Caliban, Frost Prime, Gyre and Hydroid Prime. Brief Respite alone could cover most of those examples without any additional augur mods - if not for the fact that Styanax and Frost Prime are pretty much exempt due to being cc and overguard gods, Revenant has Mesmer Skin, Hildryn has Pillage, Harrow has Condemn, and Caliban is usually just fine thanks to his Crew topping up his shields the moment a single cast of Fusion Strike gives him a non-zero shield value. So the only ones you need to worry about over the 500 shield threshold are Gyre (aka kill everyone before they can even touch her) and Hydroid (tentacle cc, staggers, tidal surge just being immune during cast). Every single other warframe in the game, aside from those just listed, has fewer than 500 shields at rank 30, meaning this one mod will cut their max shields down to below 100. Even if you somehow don't regenerate all 100 in a single cast courtesy of Brief Respite, getting 70 will still yield like 1 second, a negligible difference compared to the full gate, and more than double what the minimum gate would get you prior to these changes.
  9. I was literally just about to go back to edit my post to include "5. A 0.1s mini-gate every 1,500 shields, getting potentially up to three from getting overshields over 4500"
  10. Just while Hildryn's name is on the table... don't run away, this isn't a rework, I promise, just one small issue and a bunch of potential small-scale solutions. I appreciate that Hildryn's personal shield gate is going up in time as a result of these changes to continue cementing her as the apex example of shields, but even with shield resistances getting buffed, Hildryn will continue to have an issue of 'three fourths of her kit are turned off and crucial combat time must be spent reactivating them if all her shields get shot off.' This is especially deleterious given one of those abilities is an exalted weapon, which should by all rights be a weapon she utilizes regularly. This issue becomes more and more prominent the higher level enemies you deal with, and make it incredibly difficult to utilize any portion of her kit that isn't Pillage and only Pillage after a certain point. Obviously the changes to damage resistances help within steel path star chart range, but endurance range is pretty shot all the same, especially in the Circuit where you don't have to do crazy endurance durations to hit ridiculous enemy levels. I have a few different thoughts on my mind as to how this could be addressed with relatively minimal effort: Given that the direct benefit of Haven for Hildryn herself is pretty much nonexistent - that it pretty much is just there to buff allies and for enemies to ignore outside of increasing the cost, maybe in this modern day of Overguard existing, enemies killed whilst linked by Haven can give, let's say, 60 Overguard to Hildryn? Making this an augment would feel like such a band-aid, and would make it pretty much a mandatory mod, I hope this gets considered as base Haven functionality given there's basically no reason to use it outside of obscenely low level content and high level players are pretty individualistic and typically out of range. Alternatively, energy orbs could give Hildryn 'mini-gates' that act as consumed charges, operating in a similar manner to Mesmer Skin or Health Conversion charges, that prevent her shields from being damaged by enemies below the 500 point, and have a short duration before the next charge can be consumed. The shields could still be consumed by abilities, of course, but anything to shore up actually being able to continue using more than just one ability in her kit at high levels would be exceedingly helpful, and actually running out would be more down to player forgetfulness and tactical awareness. Maybe her abilities simply only turn off once her shield gate ends, while during her shield gate ability costs are free, giving her a three second window to Pillage before everything shuts down. Perhaps energy orbs could function as a 'reserve battery', which might operate similarly to Nidus' 'Undying' or a version of the Sentinel's "Guardian" precept: Hildryn could hold up to 5 charges of Reserve Battery, which would instantly bump Hildryn's shields back up to 300 every time they hit 2 shields with a 0.1 second shield gate. Reserve Battery could also be consumed by Toxin attacks attempting to bypass her non-overguard shields, maybe? Although I admit that is pretty similar to the second idea, just more complicated, maybe... There's a bunch of options to achieve the same result without a full rework. Just food for thought.
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