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Posts posted by What_is_your_ip

  1. Hey there! 

    Hope you have room for an oldtimer like myself :) 




    invite sent. Welcome to Avengers of the Lotus.





    i'm looking for an active clan which taking part/focusing on events. I'm rank 14, active player, playing every day. My favourite warframes are Nyx and Valkyr.. that's all for now. If you have any question, feel free to ask. :)


    invite sent. Welcome to Avengers of the Lotus.


    Hi I'm quite new. I am rank 3 and I was wondering if you have any spots left? Thank you


    invite sent. Welcome to Avengers of the Lotus.

  2. Please DEVS can you make it were when someone talks in clan chat everyone in clan can see it even when in a misson.


    Like it auto pops up


    Do it for ONLY clan chat


    This would help out clans grow even small ones


    Thank you for your time an have a gr8 day/night

  3. Hi!! Im looking for a clan Im Mastery Rank 8, Im sniper/bows specialist, always participate on events, my main warframes are Rhino, Frost Prime and Vauban everyone with reactor, My best guns Dread, Snipetron Vandal and Lanka each one with Catalyst and several Formas every mod ranked up high. Still working to get the most damage with the new damage 2.0. Im already on a clan but is dying, no more active players and no sense of team with the few less, so im looking for a new one.


    We be happy to have you join us. When your done leaving your old clan. We will send you a invite.

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