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Posts posted by Vovetc

  1. Energy Transfer
    Energy weapons (Supra, Dera, Quanta etc)
    Each time you use your power, its base energy cost is added to your ammo in clip. It can exceed maximum clip size, but degrades overtime until reach maximum size.

    Intuitive Aim
    Primary Weapons 
    Each time you hit target with your weapon, you get +5% to fire rate and +5% to reload speed for 15 sec. Stacks 20 times, duration refreshes with each apply, effect completely wears off with first miss. Multishots isnt affected by this mod in any way.

    Reckless Assault
    Shotguns (Corrupt)
    Each level increases spread and damage falloff but greatly increases your damage on every meter between you and your target, inversevly proportional.

    Fire Support
    Primary Weapons
    Each hit with your weapon permanently increases all damage dealt to a target for 50% (powers included) from all sources, except you. Effect doesnt stacks with itself.


    Void Twisted

    Warframe (Corrupt)

    +50% power strenght, +100% maximum energy. You are unable to restore your energy by any usual means, and in addition, you energy slowly drained from you (more with more mod levels). Weak-point shots, style kills, chain kills and performing melee combos replenish your energy and stops it from draining for 5 sec.


    Moving Target


    When you are performing acrobatics or in air, your accuracy increases for 55%, while enemies suffer 100% more accuracy penalty from your parkour.

  2. I think worst part of enemy scaling is armor. It ridicilous amounts forces you to stack 4 CP if you want do some really high-level content, which both make almost senseless another auras and anti-armor weapons (just stack viral-heat-slash as high, as you can). In addition, armor as form of enemy protection completely overcome shields due of scaling for the point counter-shield (magnetic, toxic, impact) measures bother no one.

    I suggest rework of armor for enemies to make it more interesting to play, balanced with shields and, of course, not allowing it make our beloved bombards nuclear missile-proof. Make it not % mitigation, but flat absorb amount, which scales as health and shields do. What difference from shields? Each body-part of armored enemy have separate armor-health, and if you break through chestpiece and then shoot to the head, you still dont do damage to health. Think it as crewman helmet, but with proper scaling.

    As for shields, i suggest it to ignore body-parts damage modifiers (which make sense as you shoot some repelling field, not head) for more difference with armor. So when you tactics against armor wil be land precise shots to break one piece an then kill wearer, against shields you just will spray as much bullets on enemy, as you can.


    About raw-damage mods, i think they remove completely possible - they can just be compensated with some unique core with 100% power for creditfree fusion and same mod energy as your Serration, Hornet Strike, etc. For the feel of progression, weapon damage can slowly rise with weapon rank. Also i want to suggest some rework of elemental mods for them not be must-have, but i really dont know how it can be done.


    As for better AI with enemy level - it will be cool, but i dont think it is possible for DE. I just hope they will add bunch of enemies which needs some strategy (not just straight "shoot until it dies") and has level-dependent spawn rate from "only one at once" to "attack in entire platoons"

  3. Name Suggestion: Ancient Progenitor


    Behaviour: rarely spawns in large groups of common infested and uses them like a living shield. It always tries to stand close to other infested, especially Ancients. Prefer retreat to nearby living allies than directly attack players. Looks like large tri-headed Ancient with mouth with tentacles on its belly and large blob of deformed biomass on back. Progenitor body counts as Sinew armor type, blob as Infested Flesh. Damage to blob reduce Progenitor's biomass count for each 10% of it's health, common biomass reduced first.


    Attacks: melee attacks with tentacles from  belly, damage and stagger simillar to regular Ancients attacks.


    Consume: if any infested killed nearby Progenitor, it shoots tentacles from its belly and instantly consume dead body. Consuming heals Progenitor for 25% of maximum hp and adding biomass to blob in its back.Each common infested body counts as 1 point of biomass, each Ancient is stored independetly, only one for each type (Healer, Toxic, Disruptor).


    Biomass Reborn (on 5 points of consumed biomass): spend all common biomass to spawn 5 infested runners, which have random mixed genes from consumed bodies. Always appllies Ancient's abilities if one of them was consumed.


    -Regular Runner (if only runners was consumed)

    -Charging Runner (if have consumed Charger) - runners with increased speed and damage.

    -Leaping Runners (if have consumed Leapers) -  runners with abilty to leap to the target from distance.

    Each consumed Ancient will randomlly apply its ability to spawned runner's  (charging and leaping too) explosions, but only one per runner (can't be toxic+disrupt explosion).


    Biomass Division (on 5 points of consumed biomass and all three types of Ancients consumed) - spend all biomass  and 50% of current hp  to spawn another Progenitor with 50% hp.


    Enviroment Restrictions: only Dark Sectors and Orokin Derelict ships.

  4. Yesterday, I get mastery rank experience for 9 rank, but instead a mastery trial, my exp drop to zero. Any exp, that i get yesterday has been lost. Today, I begin to get exp by leveling my weapons and frame, but losted exp wasnt returned.

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