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Everything posted by Jsepa

  1. To add to my "Mentor" suggestion, a way to tag into "new player teams" could be great too. I'm thinking something similar to railjack with the "join squad" button. Mentors could just choose any mission where a new player is and come help them. This would allow newer player to evolve quicker to higher content, all while having experienced user guiding them if they need help understanding things. I find myself sometimes not really knowing what mission to play cause tired of grinding the same one again. This could be a nice change of habit and being helpful to newer tenno at the same time. I agree that there is a lot of things that could be done to improve progression of new player (improve some quest objectives, clearer tutorials mainly on modding, understanding of all the weird mechanics, clearer intent to complete star chart, and many more) but all those require a lot of work and time for DE, maybe even rethinking the whole programming underneath. We do not know how complex some systems are behind the scenes, so some things might be really hard to change. That's why I thing a mentor mechanic could be great and quite easy to implement for DE. And then the community could help the new ones, as is already the case with wiki and tutorials video and forums, but then in an in-game way so new players don't have to search the net. I know that it would not "fix" the problems, and I hope DE will continue to improve game understanding as they've been doing recently. But that would be a quick way to improve things while they work on even better solutions in the background. (Maybe I get my hopes too high, but DE is looking for ideas here and I don't think that saying they will mess up is helping much, I prefer hoping they'll do their best)
  2. I don't know if this has been said before but a nice thing to implement in parallel if a story-skip is introduced is a "mentor" system. If newer player use a story-skip, I assume it is to access "end-game" content (such as the whispers amazing tileset and new enemies/boss). The issue is that new player may not have a good understanding of the different mechanics of the game (abilities, modding, operator, necrameck, archwing, k-drive, and much more) I think something nice would be to give the option for experienced player (maybe based on MR or quest completion) to become a "Mentor". The mentors would then be prioritized when matchmaking with new players and could then help them understand the game. (Otherwise new players may be forced to face many host migration and playing solo, due to experienced player not wanting to play end-game with an MR1 unmodded Excalibur in their team...) I think even if story-skip is not implemented it would still be a great idea for new players and an "easy" way to improve the early game understanding of the game.
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