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Posts posted by BlissReie

  1. When we kill the grineer one it bugs out :/ no boss and we are stuck in the boss room. Seems like if we kill the grineer one first, the others bug out

  2. Dragon frame is cool, but only real planets/moons please.

    ...I want a volcanic map/planet, and TBH, seeing the same type of enemies/map kinda make me bored (400 hours total playtime) so void missions change them a little bit

  3. You can get taxied still, but you won't unlock the node by doing it.  The node will remain locked until you've got a direct chain to it.


    Which actually ends up with people wanting more taxis.

    Hmmm, I thought getting taxied didnt unlock the node since like U12-13

  4. Hey, I never went to region chat, and was always on recruit, clan, alliance and the new trade chat(old) but you know, the first impression i had on the region chat was awful, didnt say anything when i was checking it out, but it was trash.

  5. How ironic.... I had the same issue you have right now, and after U14, my laptop isn't getting as hot as before.





    Edit: Though, I have only been playing on 10-40fps depending on solo play or public.

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