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Posts posted by RoboDoge

  1. I'm quite serious, but I'm not going to try and fight your post because A: Mine wasn't focusing on how viable Loki is in Defense and B: I'll just be raged at anyway.

    i wasnt trying to fight with you, nor i am interested in that. I am just trying to say if you dont find Loki useful in def, there are some people that find him useful there.

  2. You should understand that not all ult are instant killing panic mode buttons. Frost only needs some changes, but it is not damage related. Some powers deal more damage, while others have more crowdcontrol. Try playing Loki and you will see what is real "no damage" ult.

  3. - Those "rambo" players are universally the first to go down. Once they inevitably do, the team has to leave the pod undefended to revive them, at a considerable distance, or to sacrifice them and risk playing a man-down if they refuse to burn a revive out of spite.

    Nah, you just let them die slowly

  4. Well I think I have to post something in here too.

    Loki "was" the trickster, in some ways toooooo over powered.

    The nerf to lokis decoy seems to be like a "yea just do it, we have to invest more time and sweat into other things" -nerf-

    Now lokis decoy is just useless in highlevel. U can tell me what u want but u can only distract the enemies for 1-2 secs away because it will be 1-2shot.

    In lower levels the decoy is fine-terrible. Loki should not be a frame for low levels.

    I know the decoy is way too op to give it a decent buff. Because we all know, we will abuse it and place it into godlike places and break the game

    and set the difficulty on all levels to -easy-.

    Any other skills are fine for me, but I have to say , radial disarm is a 50 % 50% skill. It can turn the situation to good or bad. On high levels it can rly hurt your teammates. Turning the hiding and shy monsters into hacknslay barabrians.

    Whatever. Loki is outdated in my opinion, so he needs a fresh and clean rework to balance him.

    He doesnt need an op dmg skill or something, just better skills to use.

    To make the feeling "sigh...loki in my team" into " Oh yes loki!".


    I was looking for way to define Loki as he feels now, and you just said it. He feels outdated. And forgotten. Loki only needs minor tweaks to Decoy and Radial Disarm. Remove or nerf invisibility and you will kill him completely. People are forgetting that Loki doenst have panic mode power that instakills mobs.

  5. I was laughing after reading a topic concerning Seer's performance yesterday. The OP of said topic was like "Seer's performance doesn't come close to Kunai, is there any reason not to use it?".


    And when there is a topic about rebalancing Kunai, everyone jump into the bandwagon and said that "it's not OP".


    Forum hypocrisy. Bah.  

    Kunai isnt OP. It is just "slightly" more powerful than other side arms


    stupid fucks keep posting about it like the forums are the best place to post about exploits....

    Yea, we should keep all bugs and exploits to ourself. And when DE finds about them, we will all be gradually banned for exploiting. Whats the ban till 2035 when you can 2 man T3 defense like a boss.

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