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Posts posted by RoboDoge

  1. They cant animate the decoy with every single weapon to match what you are using for the same reason they didnt do it for Ashs bladestorm, even worse.


    They would have to do the set of animations for each possible weapon and for the new weapons when released. Plus if you get it animated as you want, then it would give it even more work.


    Loki is fine as he is, no need to change him in any aspect.

    Loki isnt fine, do you even play Loki in a group or anything that is not stealth?


    Loki doenst need rework only minor changes, Decoy could scale with level of the mobs ( now it is completely useless over level 50, because it dies from hit or two ). And Radial Disarm needs different effect on Infested, maybe damage reduction instead of declawing.


    Loki doesnt need damage dealing abilities, he needs tweaks to his existing ones.

  2. Absorb animation is insanely long while it does almost no damage. That power needs complete rework and knowing DE there is big chance we might get something far more worse.

  3. To start off Vauban is very squishy and feels like he needs to be tougher considering he is an engineer. He has quite a few problems with his stats but his skills are where most warframes shine and he falls.


    1. Tesla

        This ability is an interesting ability and I love it for defense but it a lot of problems. To start off it kills Corpus like it's a fly but against everybody else it's like a fly! It's just annoying but really doesn't do anything. Another problem is that once it's throw there it stays. So in defense if they don't come from that way then you have to throw so many just to kill a few people.The biggest problem is when it's not defense. In a normal match you don't have time or you don't wanna spend the time waiting in a room for people to come across your traps. Which leads me to another problem. If you are soloing you can't stick yourself and there is no easy way to do it, and even if you are with people they aren't going to stand there and wait for you to stick them 10 times when they could do that much damage in less time! Over all where it shines it fails at. Only defense and it doesn't do enough damage against non-Corpus to make it even powerful!


    2. Bounce

        Enough said. No one would actually ever use this! Even in defense it's useless. The only reason you would ever use this ability it to troll your allies.


    3. Bastile

        This is an interesting ability because it is very good at one thing. Infested Defense. In that mode it is probably the most over powered ability ever if used correctly but not everything is infested defense! In normal defense it does alright but is still ineffective compared to other abilities. In non-defense modes it can be used but in large rooms it won't do anything and where other warframes can kill you just lift which forces you to use your ammo instead of just killing them.


    4. Vortex

         Most warframes have an Uber ability that kills insanely well, and then there are the warframes that can super support. Then there is the Vortex. The damage is terrible for an Uber because the Tesla can do more damage and the range is so short if you don't hit them then it's useless. You can't even walk near it because then you go flying off cliffs, into enemies, stuck against a wall, and the list continues. Honestly basically anything else would be amazing! The best use I've gotten out of this ability is going to really big maps and using a lot of them to climb places I shouldn't be while my team fights hard and I take pot shots from the sky. I can't tell you how many times I've used this ability and caused team mates to die because of it. It does more harm than it's worth and there for is useless.


    Now is the time where I will revisit all of the abilities and either modify them to be useful of just change them all together.


    1. Tesla

        I would make this ability ignore armor and have no elemental damage. That would make it more effective against all factions. (25 energy)


    2. Magnetize

         This is a lot like Mag's ability "Pull" except it pulls only ammo, energy, affinity, health, and Tesla's. This would allow you to stick yourself, get ammo ,energy, health quick if you need to and would fit more of a role of an engineer. (50 energy)


    3. Minion

        You build a mini-robot that has two axes as arms and just charges at the closest enemy and melee's him etc. He would not follow you around but would however never stop moving, so if he doesn't see any enemies around him he just meanders around looking for enemies. They can't jump and only disappear when they are target and destroyed by the enemies. (75-100 energy)


    4. Black Hole

        It has a huge range but the farther away you are the less it pulls you so it pulls people from a farther range less than it pulls right next to it. It does massive damage and anyone who get's sucked in get's smashed into a really tiny area and the final explosion actually does a lot of damage. This ability would not affect warframes though. Also because it is a Black Hole you can't shoot into it but as a result it has to scale well and do MASSIVE DAMAGE not weak damage like it does now. (100 energy)


    Personally I think even half these changes or a re-mod to Vauban would make him be so much better. I love Vauban because he is fun and I think these changes would make him a lot more fun and more useful in general. I think if anything should change it's Bounce and Vortex, but if all these things were added to him it would be glorious, would make Vauban a much better warframe, would bring more laughs, and more fun.


                                                                                                                                                   Please consider this

                                                                                                                                                   a Vauban Lover

    Are you a troll or an idiot?

  4. When a Frost joins Xini defense, and he keeps using globe, I can't do anything.

    I often jump on the orange box a little further away from the platform and hold my position there as Vauban.

    I can't even kill anything / use my Bastille :P

    That makes me sad.

    Poor you, you are forced to use Bastille. Oh, wait Vauban main power for Infested is Bastille.

  5. This kind of thinking is why the game is becoming boring and stale. Childish post from people who only play game for MOAR weapons and frames. We need AI and bug fixes, proper scaling of enemies and real new content. Not "shiny" new weapons and frames.

  6. Absorb is kinda useless. It either needs to be changed to something else or have same ability as Mag bullet attractor. But if you are alone in a room full of mobs, cast Chaos and target one heavies with Mind Control.

  7. Pretty much this. I always wondered why they weren't the same size as regular Corpus troops. For Grineer, it makes sense because most of their extremities are mechanical. Giant Corpus don't make sense because they don't augment themselves nearly as drastically. They aren't degenerating clones... they seem that they'd rather build a complex bot and let it do some fighting than rip off their arms and legs for combat utility as a crew staffer.


    Also: on an unrelated note, Techs should be worth more XP.

    All Corpus unites that are not MOA are inflatable soldiers. So there is your answer :)

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