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Posts posted by Dj-cyrix

  1. Description: Update cause archwing mission to break.

    Can you reproduce the bug?: Not that I know of but have seen other people have the same issue.

    Reproduction steps:

    1: Don't really know was building in the foundry, had retrieve the arch wing update dropped reset and went to grab it.

    2: went back to codex had everything ready BOOM no arch wing found but its in inventory.


    Need a way to restart missions that bug up like this. Even if its only for story quests. A 1 week cool down would work for resets also.

  2. I had all items built normally with no rush. Was to the point where I needed to build the archwing. Built all parts normal with no rushing. New update today reset the mission to gather the blueprints. Didn't notice till after I claimed the wing. Thing that is annoying me the most is I read the faq's about building it and followed it, never sold a print never rushed now I can't do any of the missions....... If this is a known bug it should have been fixed a long time ago.

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