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Everything posted by MrShooter

  1. I really, really, really would like these proposed LOS fixes applied to every warframe ability in the game as soon as reasonably possible, and similarly make radial explosions from weapons more forgiving in their hit checking The main reason reading "Damage bypasses obstacles in the environment" in a warframe wiki entry excites me isn't "Sweet! I can nuke enemies through walls!", it's "Sweet! I can actually rely on this doing the thing I expect it to do!"
  2. Happened to me, caught on instant replay: Kahl's missions just feel like frustrating chores for getting my precious glowy crystals after the novelty wore off, but honestly the main part of that is just Kahl's sluggish movement compared to... well, the rest of the game. And when I have to repeat a Kahl mission because through no fault of my own using my jetpack to make the mission faster instead results in me getting stuck and at best dying and losing the "no deaths" challenge or at worst having to abort the mission, it doesn't feel great at all The fact that "wait, unstuck actually helped!?" is a running joke with basically every player I have ever met because it is so disappointingly unreliable is a whole other topic
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