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Everything posted by kerozen666

  1. As is right now, jade eximus are mostly good, but still need a few thing to make them fully enjoyable. There is one recurring issue that keeps bugging me with them, and it's having to find them to get rid of them. Basicly, once they are on your screen, no issue finding them, they are the brightest thing in the room. However, the moment they have some good cover, they are surprisingly hard to track, which is annoying when you got the death laser following you around. So to solve this issue, i would suggest giving the targetted player a little waypoint to the eximus if they are not fully visible on screen, or some special highlight to help dispatching them
  2. the feeling of danger means nothing if it just turn into frustration due to the fact that you keep dying fand redoing segment, in a quest, which, need i remind you, are stuck in until you finish. you can't just do something else, your whole acount is locked in until you succeed. also, yes, you are as resistant as any other human, but we are talkign about someone who has access to a lot of tech, so a shield would not be that out there, even if it's a crappy 50 points one.
  3. So, yesterday i did my long needed replay of the new war, still a fantastic quest that really reminded me that i love this game. However, one thing kept bugging me for quite a bit of the quest: Drifter's 250 hp are way too little. i don't know if it's that drifter lacks any kind of dr or that enemy damage during the quest is too high, but those 250 hp are way too tight, even when you take your time to be extra sneaky, as just having bad aim can lead to a swift death, and make the quest take a solid 1 to 2 hours longer. it's also not helped that the heal on drifter is only 50 hp, unlike the 100 of duviri, and that the cooldown is so long, which comes to a lot of frustration in the archon fights, since they have some very potent status effect that require the heal to dispel. Either give a bit more healing to the drifter, a bit more hp, or just give them a bit of shields, since it's the origin system, they might have just stolen some from a corpus, it's plausible. This is really what removed a lot of enjoyment for me, as i saw the pacing halt and dialogue repeat over and over as i got my rear end handed to me so easily.
  4. Basicly, after talking to a few new players, i realized that a lot of "key" story point are just not super accessible and extremely easy to miss for someone that don't know them, what they bring, or how to even get them, and it leads to a lot of the main story not getting the impact s hould have, or somethime even come as completly unexplained or out of left field. A few good example are the requiem lore bits in the necralisk who are basicly the intro to Albrecht and the cosmic horror that comes with him. Another good ones is the solaris memory fragments. they expand so much on the characters in fortuna, and the buisness ones are even soe of the best stuff that has been written for the game, which when known, only make the "for Narmer" scene jsut hit so much more. and that's whitout mentionning all the other activities in the vallis. Wolf in the murax mission for khal, only hit the spot if you know who Wolf is. The murex mission in railjack being completly missable pre new war, making that segment of the quest the first time many player will actually explore one, but might also not get to enjoy the exploration as much due to the quest taking the focus. and so much more it's all things like that, who, for long time players, are basicly a guaranteed to be known due to having been there for the grind, but that new players can very much miss on due to them being "optional", potentially even causing confusion and even disconection in some cases as to what happen. Warframe as an incredible story, but too much of it is made too easy to miss by the natural flow of progression of new players, who will just go quest to quest and leave other stuff for later.
  5. at the same time those would not be repeatable, thus only being a temporary source.
  6. So, in the years i've been playing, there has always been one standing grind that absolutly never felt good or fun to do: Simaris. Gaining standing for our favorite personal space hating cephalon can only be done in two way, manually scaning everything that exist, or do synthesis, which both require really dedicating yourself to one very repetitive activity. With synthesis however, the situation is kind of a bit worse. First thing, the standing gain from doing those is low, and unless you do them in steel path, not even guaranteed to max the daily standing, but could also go over. secondly, target can be griefed by teamates who csan just kill it, thus partially punishing you for daring to do those in a publci setting to likely do two things at the same time. this thus make getting anything from simaris' shop an enormous chore that can hardly be paired with other more fun activities. Touching up on the current ways to gain standing, or adding some other methods (trading ayatan like tokens?) would greatly help making the aquisition of gear through simaris a lot better, and would even allow the shop to carry more interesting items in the future
  7. I would suggest going in with a tank frame if survivability is an issue. inaros is a great choice since his tankiness is purely passive, so no energy management during it, hell, the lack of shields give you infiniye energy. after that, bring a good aoe weapons. i used my kuva tonkor for it, but even the standard should work. you just need one big boom. as for grouping, well, you can just guide the enemies behind you, they will cluster up, but otherwise, if you go with inaros, you jsut press 2 and go to eximus units. they can't be cc, but everything else still does (cc isn't dead, eximus are just field bosses now). that way you will have a decend group and will be able to maximize canisters
  8. not at 50k. they might not be needed to make them usable, but they are more than tennokai, since they allow to have more varied builds and gameplay with weapons. Remember, with slam reworked, we only have 4 melee builds, heavy, crit, status and slam. that's boring. but with the arcane we open a lot more, and we finally get to put something other than viral/bleed
  9. no, per week, we are talking doing netracells, one of the harder activities in the game. beside "That's the kind of game Warframe is". buddy, gun adapters take half an hour to obtain. one per two days IF you actually spend a good portion fo your evening just doing cavia bounties instead of anything else you might enjoy is ludicrously bad, and you know it
  10. 15k standing or int hat ball park. at least being able to get one a day
  11. ah yes, let me extend the mission for everyone else just to pick up tokens, making the mission longer by splitting spawn, genius! the tokens are barely worth you time to pick up due to how little they give. it's not zariman tokens. Beside, are you really ready to die on that hill? that HALF an arcanes PER WEEK is "generous"? same for requiring MINIMUM 2 days worth of standing to get. you do realize that gun arcanes are actually obtainable in less than an hours, 24/7, right?
  12. you seem to forget that they are 50k EACH. so if by a bunch you mean 2 adapters, then you could say i got a bunch, otherwise (which i hope), no, i actually don't have a bunch
  13. So like the title says, it's been my 4th week in a row where i didn't manage to get a single melee arcane adapter from netracells. Yes, this is bad luck, but it also show the holes in the aquisition rate of adapters. They cost a stagerring amount of standing from bird-3, where you need at least 2 days for standing grind to get one. So netracells would be the best place to get them, but get unlucky enough and you'll get none. Thus, I might be time to maybe touch up how the netracells reward works again I'm no game dev, however i would still make the following suggestion: 2 reward pools. one reward pool using the search pulse, where the shards and legendary arcanes would be. and a permanent pool, who is there no matter the pulse used, where the player wpuld receive endo, relics, vocas, and of course, the adapters. This would allow to avoid bad luck streaks like i had to happen, and also keep people actually playing netracells past those search pulse, since, ngl, i do have fun running them with the keys adding a bit of spice. Adapters would be available, but not completly raining from the sky either. plus, if the standing gain remains, it would make for a decent way to gain standing reliably. Win Win
  14. It's simple and nothing that is mandatory to make the game good, but having the options to add alittle special color to status inflicting hits would add that little happy chemical rush to status builds that orange and red crits do, and encourage people to also explore those. maybe something that is on non critical hits only to avoid confusing overlap, or a while color set foe if with crits. Also not something that should be added by default, but just there, like enemy highlight, for those that want it Having a specific color for DoT would also acomplish a vsimilar goal, as well as helping discenate what damage is from our weapons and what is from DoT.
  15. Basicly, the cave close to the grow site has a nasty stover problem where they readily spawn in the cave and will harass you if you mine close the the easten exit, where the start of the race is located. spawn is insane on that zone, and unless an enemy group is the what spawn, you will get back to back to back stovers
  16. i think they are more than marginally aware, painfully even, but are bound by the situation of the studio. it's not a big studio, they only have so much people working, and nw content has to keep priority to keep people coming. i'm pretty sure the only reason it's still going is that they never got the opportunity or the urgent need to adress those. Overguard got changed because inaros just got reworked, and instantly got smacked by the new frame the rework came with, so it became urgent to fix. With the curent trend of every other update being QoL, i think it might be a fix we see soon
  17. So today i was doing netracells and ran into a friendy gauss who was running the thremal sunder augment that grant cold and heat elementl buff to our weapons. An amazing buff, but one that is double edged. Since tho buffs affect our weapons as modded elemental damage, it will combine on any loose base element we might be running that would be key to our builds. Primary frostbite, cascadia flare, melee influence, shivering contagion, all piece of modding that are dependant on loose elements. So when you have a friendly tenno ready to give you those buffs, it end up hurting you. Altering those buffs to avoid combination with currently modded elements would be great to avoid accidental griefing, and also make those buffs something one can run without havign to worry about griefing (would also prevent people knowingly running those builds to grief)
  18. yeah, no, it's all the same strategies in the end, wipe enemies bewfore they can do something or build to take those hits. the armor change did give me hope tho, since they are taking staps to rebalance the game, but gos i wish it was faster. unfortunatly, it's still a relatively small studio. and we don't get raid because raids would require coordination, something the community has proven time and time again it can't do (look at the netracell ring saga). so instead of giving us raid that we will then comlain about, they give us the closest thing they can, a spicy sortie where no one can F up by not knowing what to do
  19. I'm one of those people that love armageddon, but i still see that there is room for imporvement. The big isssue i have with it is also shared with void cascade tho, and it's the whole running back and forth on the map. Armageddon does have the problem of objective still being vulnerable even after you don't have to be there, but the constant need to juggle multiple area in those three game modes is what i find the most painful.
  20. excpet chimera is literally started the second you finish sacrifice. Wally literally in the living quarter waithing for you with all the sounds cues, almost like it's part of the quast (which my friends literally think it was). i genuinly don't understand why you feel the need to be so patronizing on newer players going through the game for the first time, especially when you are blantantly unaware of how things are going for them
  21. My friends did the sacrifice quest yesterday, and right as they finished, they were guided to start Chimara, which, being back to back, decrease the impact of the sacrifice and just create a feel of rush and WTF. They didn'T even get to see the man in the wall do the isaah dialogue. The same could be said for aphostasy, altough, this one still works as it's not something directly guided and needs to be stumbled uppon, and the suddent shot of learning about the man in the wall and right after loosing lotus can work. So please, adding an extra step, or at least a relog and maybe a 24h wait before starting the chimera would greatly help new players appreciate the story more
  22. yeah, the sheer absurdity of the grind never made snese for me. we get SO LITTLE for what's asked. and it's not like lab disrup where you basicly naturally farm everything by the time you have enough to buy what's missing. it's the resdson i ended up only farming a single citrine and none of the other items. the added need for a titania also made any sort of solo farming feel useless, since i don't like running titania, and would also felt overstressed managing the cristals AND the defense at the same time. it's genuinly not too late for them to fix things, especially since it can just be changed in a simple number tweak. no need to redesign (even tho i feel like getting extra reward for flying around encourage toxicity when no one brings a titania)
  23. but you have to run deeps tho, which... are not owrth the 2 more rewards i would get per weeks. and again, it still doesn'T remotly cover the amount of adapter i can get in a day on sp
  24. not 5+, only 5, and belive it or not, you can actually have my luck and not get a single one, i only got shards this week. so yeah, by only getting one or two A WEEK that way, you get through it quite fast if you actually like to have variety in what you run and want to thinker with some of the weapons' unique traits. also, again, we can get gun adapters at will for steel essence, and we still "don't need to put an adapter on all of them"
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