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Posts posted by GreatAuk

  1. 5 minutes ago, Cruelitas said:

    According to the math you get 2838 HP on Warding Halo with Armored Agility vs 3365 HP on Warding with Steel Fiber. No you need to consider on what lvl you wanna play your Nezha, the round about 500 hp more less dont rly play a big role in late game(speaking of lvl 100+ enemies).

    Alright. I'll swap it out. Thanks so much for your help bro. Now it's probably a good time to get some shut eye :P

  2. 13 minutes ago, Cruelitas said:

    Jup i would consider it better than your First try. A bit less efficience and range than my suggested Build but yeah i think thats pretty solid but would replace Steel Fiber with Armored Agility(if you can) so you are real mutli-talent.

    I considered doing this, actually. I wasn't too sure if I would need the extra armor or not, especially considering that Steel Fiber is my only defensive mod. I wouldn't know how well my third skill would perform in higher level missions, so I just left Steel Fiber on to be safe. Although I would prefer the movement speed from Armored Agility.

  3. Thanks for the input guys. I completely left range out of my build. But is efficiency really that important for Nezha? I was under the impression that I should prioritize duration over efficiency to minimize the energy drain of his first ability while simultaneously allowing my flames and spears to last longer.  


  4. 16 minutes ago, Cruelitas said:

    Thats just fine and I also said your Build isnt bad :) i just wanted to let you know that you can do way more with him then just trying to be tanky with 3 and running around with 1. As with the "allround-build" its sadly same as with oberon then jack-of-all-trades but master-of-noone and i see great potential in the 3 named Areas i highlighted in my last Post.
    I rly hope i didnt offend you because this was never my Intention just wanted to share my Knowlegde about the frame.

    No I appreciate and took into consideration the feedback, really. I just wanted to sort of let you know my aim for the build. I didn't mean to come off as aggressive. The problem with my vision is that I like all of his skills and want them all the be as efficient as possible, even if that means sacrificing a stronger build. But sadly the only builds that I have been able to find were focused around one specific skill or one specific play style, as you listed. I understand that this is to get the most out of him, but I'd rather have sort of a "jack-of-all-trades but master-of-none" build rather than a master-of-one build, you know? I don't mind not getting the most out of one thing as long as I get the most out of everything. Do you have any suggestions on a build sort of like that? Thanks again. Sorry if it's a bit hard to understand what I'm trying to say, I'm very tired.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Cruelitas said:

    The Build you put up there isnt bad :)

    Looks like a build focused on the 3 and damage on 1 Build. Question is where you wanna use it?

    Fact is nezha will NEVER be as tanky as Rhino soo its not a tank frame.

    Fact is nezha will NEVER heal as much or as Good as Trinity.

    Fact is nezha is fast as hell running and Sliding with 1 Activated.

    Fact is nezha has great Aoe-Damage-Potential with 4 in lower lvl Areas (up to lvl 60) and/ or great AOE-Crowd-Control with 4 also.

    This brings me to 3 rly uses for Nezha:

    • Speed-Frame for fast runs like deception or capture(ofc volt can do the same but nezha has the 3 to take a few hits more than him and also her sliding make her move nearly same fast)
    • Aoe-Dmg-Frame for nearly every Mission where you need to kill things (lvl 1-60!! not more), can also work really well as replacement for RJ-Exca at Draco for Example.
    • Aoe-CC-Frame for mission where you need crowd Control, simalar to Rhino Stomp(bad thing is Nezha can CC Arctic Eximus because the shield). Can be usefull in some Missions as Impaled enemies are considered knocked down, and thus can trigger melee ground finisher attacks.

    Thats my Point of view ofc. You can go on with your Build but you should seeker for more of a specialization so you can use the full potenzial in those Areas.

    Well that was sort of the point of my build. To not be good in any one area, but decent in all of them. I was looking for more of an all-around build, considering how I'm planning to use Nezha the vast majority of the time. I'm aware that there's other frames that do his job better, but I'm not really trying to compete with other frames. Thanks for the feedback.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Shadow-hunt3r said:

    yea forgot its like ironskin :D, i like your build i may even use it myself ;).

    Oh wow that's great then!


    9 minutes ago, Shadow-hunt3r said:

    But i really like the speedbuild made by NooblShowtek :3

    you should check it out ;)) https://www.youtube.com/user/lN00blShowtek/videos heres the channel

    Yeah I wanted to factor in some more speed into this build but wasn't really sure how to do it. I really like his first ability. I'll check it out, thanks.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Shadow-hunt3r said:

    Your build seems to be good for nezhas third ability, i think your build is very good and correct ^^)/

    some changes could be made for example change the steel fiber for vitality if you'd like to.

    I decided to go with Steel Fiber instead of Vitality to make my third ability take less damage. I decided it would be more effective considering I'll have it up at all times.

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