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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. Assuming that's an unrolled riven, it's basically just a standard unrolled riven since you didn't roll it with perfect stats. How much you can sell an unrolled Sepfahn riven for depends on the demand for Sepfahn rivens. You can probably sell it for 80-100 if that part is desirable but not particularly overpowered. More if it is very good and less if it is generally seen as unusable. In the end, you can always simply post an offer high and lower your price until someone accepts.

  2. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:


    I kind of hate to say this but giving up on having a life tends to be the tradeoff a person makes if they choose to go on 5+ hour straight gaming sprees to play one thing in any game for 5 hours. That's just how it is. You can't have public matches ever allow someone to use a checkpoint because what happens if someone with an 8 hour checkpoint joins a public match where everyone else's last checkpoint was at 20 minutes? His 8 hours will be reduced to 2 and a quarter hours while their 20 minutes will be massively jacked up to 2 and a quarter hours to average them out. The only way that idea could possibly work is if you were forced to use the same team to continue a checkpoint, and THAT would only work if you had created a coordinated team, otherwise good luck getting all those randoms to agree to another hour+ play session. This is something games don't do because it simply doesn't work, and there's no need for it.

    And no matter how you try to nerf frames like Equinox, people will still find another way to make 8 hour enemies just as easy as 5 minute enemies. That's the reason they haven't implemented scaling rewards so far, it's far too easy to go for hours in one mission if you just bring the right frames. I have done it, and it took virtually no planning at all aside from "lf x frame".

  3. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

    I agree, its incredibly powerful...well the dual swords are. Also haplens to be my favorite melee, followed by dual ether and gram. However, the dark split greatsword needs sum love.

    Sorry, but the highest status chance of any heavy blade, combined with pure elemental damage and the power of Cleaving Whirlwind makes it a very powerful heavy blade and pretty much the only heavy blade that's actually viable to use aside from Galatine Prime because of its status nature that no other heavy blade can match. It's in a perfectly fine spot.

  4. While I would love scaling rewards simply because I want more Kuva faster, it's very unlikely it will every happen because regardless of how high level enemies get something like Equinox will still be able to clear the entire room with the press of a button because his ult scales with enemy health. Any coordinated team can kill enemies just as quickly after 5 hours as they were able to at the start of the game, so you'd basically be getting more rewards for no more effort.

    All that aside, the idea of the checkpoint does not sound like it would work at all either as you would be required to play with the same squad to continue your checkpoint (you wouldn't have some player queue up for the mission only to find out they joined 5 hours into an ongoing run) and if any one of those players doesn't join, they or perhaps all of you lose your rewards. It also just doesn't sound right. You can either do a mission for hours upon hours straight and get whatever comes with that whether it's rewards or just bragging rights, or you can not. There's no reason someone should be allowed to reap the benefits of putting 5-8 straight hours into a mission without actually putting 5-8 straight hours into the mission.

  5. This would be impossible. I understand your idea but killing as many enemies as quickly as possible is the fastest way to earn affinity always, so that will always be the way people earn focus. Even if you were to make it so you had to use "support" weapons or frames to get "support" focus, people would simply build those weapons or frames for damage and the game would have no way of knowing whether your use was for support or not, so it would still be exactly as it is now. One of the schools gives bonus affinity for melee, that's the best you'll get.

    It would also make it very hard to earn focus for certain schools like healing or support, as you would actually be forced to those things and if no one on your team takes damage you'll be unable to heal them.

  6. Pausing between attacks is counterintuitive to the existence of the melee combo counter, so this makes no sense at all. Quick melee is not supposed to be a powerful form of melee attacking, it's meant to be a quick way to use your melee weapon without having to holster your guns. As for channeling, no one really uses that anyway aside from life strike. The damage multiplier it gives is rather small in comparison to other multipliers.

    11 hours ago, MickThejaguar said:

    People would literally run around with their Atterax for 25 seconds, slide attack, and one shot the entire room.

    People already do this without running around for 25 seconds. They do this by spamming slide attacks.

  7. Do you realize how powerful it is to have a weapon be pure elemental damage? It also has the highest status chance of any heavy blade and a high crit chance as a dual sword with forced slash procs on Carving Mantis to boot. The Dark Split Sword is a very powerful weapon and doesn't need any buffs.

  8. Idk if it's a mace a wand or a toilet brush, I just want my badass sword made of fire back. And my badass shield made mostly of fire. Not that oddly lumpy excuse for a shield... and honestly WHO thought it was a good idea to take the amazing SWORD and shield created by a member of the community and take away the sword part? Shame on you.

  9. Are you using a sleep Equinox build? Everything should still be working as normal, though it's possible focus orbs got slightly nerfed with Sanctuary Onslaught's release. Just do Elite Sanctuary Onslaught for focus, it's extremely fast and gives good rewards at the same time.

  10. Also, Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm having reduced range when uncharged is actually a buff to item farming with him. His ult used to take up such a large area even with a max ranked Narrow Minded that it caused enemy loot to drop all over the place and it was not at all easy to collect. Giving him smaller range when it's cast uncharged is a huge boon to dedicated item farming teams with him.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Axianamus said:

    This is nothing like valkyr's ability though. Except I guess it has a melee attack. So does Titania.


    Oh, I'd also like to point out that she's still vulnerable to fire damage in this state because I like things that make no sense. They make me giggle. Like for the longest time rocket launchers were stealth weapons.

    She better still be vulnerable to fire damage or her ult would negate her passive.

    Ember is meant to be a caster frame, if not THE definitive caster frame. Giving her an exalted weapon is counterintuitive to this.

  12. Just now, Kauzuko said:

    But these abilities are already gimped out the gate because of charging. we have mods to change the way our abilities work and what about with aiming with fireball? dont you think that kinda difficult? maybe a bit silly?

    In what way are they gimped? If you were forced to charge the ability you may be right, but they don't force you to charge. And you are not doing reduced damage by not charging, you are doing INCREASED damage by charging. If DE removed charging from those abilities they would be identical to how they are now except you would always use the ability uncharged.

  13. Just now, Kauzuko said:

    But you just said this.. and charging means their kits are hindered even more. so.... I guess i'm confused on what you're trying to say?

    Charging isn't hindering their kits in any way, as it is not required. I'm confused on why you would want charging removed when you have the option to not charge at all. That's the exact same thing. If you removed charging, it would do absolutely nothing beneficial for the frames at all.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    1) back flipping is not simple.  for some players its down right impossible

    2) Speed is spamable and and lingering behind to stay out of its range is not a viable solution because eventually someone would accuse you of leeching

    3) Speed is an ability of questionable value with Parkour 2.0 as most other similar movement abilities (Excalibur's Super Jump) were removed due to it.


    1) As people have said countless times, aim down sights, walk back, roll. It will perform a backflip 100% of the time unless you've performed an action that forces your character to face the direction it is walking.

    2) You won't be accused of leeching. I've ACCIDENTALLY fallen behind super speedy Volts many many many times and they've never accused me of leeching, they just want to finish the mission as quickly as possible.

    3) It is not a movement ability like Excal's jump, it is a flat out speed boost and is not made irrelevant or of questionable value at all with Parkour 2.0. Running at super speed is much faster than parkouring around the map.

  15. 45 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    That's the thing... it does drop.

    Remembered where I got my values from, it was from a comparason between 99% and 100% with and without multishot.

    Here is the album from that time. https://imgur.com/a/JTQR3
    Specifically look at the 2 sets of 99% with and without multishot. it shows a actual drop in status per pellet when the amount of pellets goes up. This is the in game calculation for status btw to decide the per pellet status. Also shows why the thing breaks at 100% and why it needs to be before multishot.

    You can actually apply this same calculation on weapons that only shoot one bullet and then a second gets added through multishot. the average will actually stay about the same. So that is clearly a dilution of status chance.

    The problem with your calcuations there is that you're assuming the overall chance to proc a status effect is remaining the same while the number of attempts to proc a status effect per shot is increasing. That's why there's a flaw in your math. 99% status chance split among 12 pellets will of course be a higher chance per pellet than 99% status chance split among 26 pellets. You're getting false results because of that. Actually look at any weapon, apply multishot mods to the weapon, use the correct formula and you'll see that the status chance per pellet/bullet doesn't change after adding multishot.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    wont go into it all that far but it does get diluted.

    I'll take calculations I did with my kohm as an example. Dont know what the actual calculation values were but I ended up wth on average 4 procs out of 12 in 1 shot. Then I added in multishot and there it was, on average, just over 4 procs

    Sure the average of 1 single proc is just fine but it in no way calculates multiple procs in one hit for higher pallet weapons. Not only Shotguns but also other weapons that have inate multishot.

    So in short. it does indeed get diluted.

    (small edit: as to why I would like the stats I listed to be added in game)

    That's simply due to you happening to get a similar number of procs, but it is confirmed that the status chance per bullet/pellet does not drop. It's just that the visual status chance after multishot is misleading.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Grimmstyler said:

    I dont think Multishot does dilute Status Chance.. if anything it would help proc a second status.. Or 1 if the first hasnt proced.. The only reason i say dilute is because its all added in the stats and i dont know what the base status or damage is.. 

    Whats so damn confusing is the pellet count of a shotgun is considered 1 shot.. But the status and damage is divided by each pellet.. Then Multishot is a second shot with the same stats..

    But a rifle has lesser projectiles but a higher status chance and damage at each projectile.. 

    Confusing! Need UI support! :scared:




    Shotguns do get confusing, but all you really need to know is that if your shotgun does not show 100% status chance before any multishot mods are added, it's not a status weapon.

  18. I think making the captured enemies harder to hit is meant to be part of the ability because other enemies that aren't trapped will shoot the trapped enemies until they're dead, so if they're hard to hit the enemies will be distracted with their bodies for longer.

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