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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. 7 hours ago, hikarushinpo said:


    At the moment, there are 40000 players on steam. If we assume 50% (20000) are actually playing with a full squad then we have 5000 squads right now. And this is on PC only, on XBOX and PS it'll be even more. If 10% of them are exp farming, then we have 500 missions on Hydron (or whatever nodes) right now. Multiply that with days or weeks and your experience alone does not amount much. Let not forget that people enjoy different things and have a different set of ideals. So you can play a life time without running into issues with certain frames while the same cannot be said for others. And it only take several bad incidents with certain frames that will make people start to few uncomfortable with them. 

    I just hope that with this feature we can reduce the nerf this nerf that noises from community.

    These numbers you pulled aside from number of players on steam are completely made up. If there were that many people running Hydron all the time, there would never be a case where you try to queue up for Hydron and cannot find a squad. Additionally, the game actually tells you how many active squads there are in a given map at any time, go ahead and look. I've never seen that number be higher than 6 for Hydron. I've been playing this game for years, since long before Hydron was the go to exp farming node. My experience is most certainly valid, as is the experience of the rest of the community. Just because a FEW players have RARELY run into trouble with a Limbo intentionally trolling them, that DOES NOT mean that that is an actual problem.

    And just because there have been a FEW bad incidents involving certain frames, that is not a reason to allow people to disallow those frames from their games. Just because Limbo has the potential to be played in a troll way that doesn't mean NO ONE should be able to play Limbo, and if you add a filter feature it's going to be hard to find a game where people will allow you to play Limbo simply because of that reputation. The very idea of this feature is discriminatory and toxic and would not benefit the community at all.

    "I once ran into a troll so now I want to ban Limbo from every game I ever play ever." Sorry, but this is not a viable excuse for anything.

  2. Every gun has those mods because you choose to put those mods on. This might sound strange but try playing a mission without the damage mod on your weapon. You may notice a difference but it's actually not that huge in a lot of cases, more so for status weapons than crit or raw damage weapons. The mods get put on the weapons because we want to minmax our gear. You can quite simply leave Serration off your rifle and you really won't suffer for it all that much.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Doomsknight said:

    May I ask what's your definition of "high level" ? I mean it's at least Sortie 3 and Kuva Flood level, and it's very impractical to use a Health Conversion build for Oberon :

    1.You wanna reach at least 170% strength to 100% strip enemies' armor with 2 casts of Reckoning with [Transient Fortitude] + [Power Drift]  

    2.You need [Stretch] to maximize the range of Hallowed Ground + Reckoning  

    3.You need [Streamline] + [Fleeting Expertise] + [Primed Flow] to keep spamming Reckoning to strip armor and kill (good luck with that, it took about 10 casts to kill a armorless lv 80 corrupted bombard and 20 casts to kill a armorless lv 80 corrupted heavy gunner lol; it may take less casts to kill Corpus, but due to Damage 2.0 it will also take many casts to kill lv80+Infested)

    4. You're gonna need [Vitality] + [Rage] or [Hunter Adrenaline] to keep you alive in high level and make sure you have enough energy to "spam" Reckoning as you mentioned.

    5. Oops, no available slot for [Health Conversion] !

    First of all yes, I am referring to 80-100+ level enemies.

    Second, I did not say you would do that on a build with Health Conversion, simply that it is easy to kill enemies with Reckoning even at high level. My general use end game Oberon build uses 235% range and only 110% ability strength, and I'm able to kill enemies with Reckoning by simply spamming it nonstop. I have another build for when I want to go more melee and less caster with 214% strength and only 100% range and I can kill enemies with Reckoning there too. I could easily substitute Health Conversion into either build by removing either Steel Fiber, Hunter Adrenaline or Primed Flow, since Health Conversion would flat out replace Steel Fiber for armor and energy issues can be mitigated with pizzas. Keep in mind you don't need to kill EVERY enemy with Reckoning to get health orbs to spawn, you can kill just the weakest enemies and they will drop health orbs too. Saying it takes a lot of casts to kill a level 80 corrupted bombard means nothing.

  4. If Limbo freezes time in his bubble, you can still melee enemies to death. If he banishes you, you can roll to get out of the rift. I have never in my entire time playing Warframe gotten a troll Limbo that trolled us by freezing everything on Hydron, though I have gotten one who simple entered the rift then afked the entire time the other day, and we just left him there to fend for himself after 15 waves. Even if you get someone like that on your team, you can deal with it and extract asap or just quit and start a new match quick if it's THAT big of an issue. You are certainly not getting a player like that in every game you play. Not even 10% of the games you play. I've done tons and tons of Hydron runs and as I said, I have NEVER gotten a player like that ever. It's just not a problem.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ZeroHarpuia said:

    Conclave is able to have a successful modding system without having to rely on massive mods like <do triple your current damage> or <have a 90% chance to do 100% more damage>

    The reason I touched on Warframe Power Strength was not because they are necessary, as you seem to think I implied, but because they affect a Warframe's damage output. In the scenario I described, where all weapons lost their <do triple damage> mods and DE had to compensate across the board, Warframe Damage Output would also have to be addressed as it is part of 'ALL DAMAGE'.

    Your argument for not removing the damage mods seems to just be 'There are too many good ones', and that's also a problem that needs to be addressed. There will always been mods that are really good,and mods that are really bad. Serration is just as unhealthy for the mod system as Warm Coat.

    Honestly, most everything that increases the raw damage a bullet does should probably be offloaded from the mod table. Conclave doesn't need it, and its balanced enough, and PvE only needs it so you can play Keeping Up With The Jones's, if the Jones's were Grineer armor values.

    I can't comment on how conclave handles modding because like 90% of the community, I've never played a conclave match in however many years I've played Warframe, but as I said taking out the current "required" mods and either making them passives or unnecessary won't fix the issue that modding itself creates. New mods will take the place of those mods as "required" mods and the issue will continue to exist. There's no viable way to fix the modding system without removing it entirely, so it's better to just leave it as it is than change it pointlessly.

  6. I just did this test to see what the big fuss was about. Used Saryn Prime on a melee build with no speed mods whatsoever, and an unleveled, unformad Karak with no Catalyst and only Serration on it. I completed this test on my first try with 30 seconds remaining, and I even fell off the map once. Unless your aim is absolutely horrible or you experience some game breaking bug, I can't see how this can be difficult. It's been over a year, maybe 2 since I last did this. Idk what to tell you guys. If you're having trouble with this, it's probably a skill thing. There are also some hidden orbs when you're going through the puzzle area, try hitting those. Otherwise, this really is just a skill test.

    Edit: In case you're confused about this, you don't have to shoot every orb, they simply add time. Your goal is to get to the end of the course. If you can get there without shooting a single orb, that is a victory.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ZeroHarpuia said:

    That is, in fact, what I am proposing. Removing the mods would lead to a situation where the game's entire balance would fall apart. Without damage mods, DE would also have to rebalance enemy scaling, Warframe power scaling, Warframe Power Strength mods, the list goes on. In our current system, the damage mods clog up the mod slots with 'must take's. The only solution I can think of to fix the latter without requiring the former is to remove 'problem mods' and reintroduce them as a passive feature.

    That won't fix anything though, as different mods will simply take their place as the new "problem mods" and we'll have ANOTHER problem on our hands with the new passive system. Also, Warframe Power Strength mods are even close to required, and many Warframes function very well with varying amounts of power strength. Warframes have a lot more build diversity than weapons do, but weapons are just going to be a problem no matter what. They could add Serration as a built in effect for all primary weapons, but that won't change the fact that Split Chamber will then be the required mod. They can add Split Chamber as a built in effect for all primary weapons, but then the 90% elemental mods will take the place of those mods. They can add the 90% elemental mods as built in, and then every weapon is overpowered in every way. As long as any form of modding exists and weapons aren't just flat weapons like they are in other games, this will naturally be a problem where some mods are just hands down better than others in every situation. No reason to change the way things are unless you want mods removed entirely and every Some Prime to be exactly the same.

  8. As stated above, this is only a problem on survival, you can solo extract in defense missions at the end of any 5 waves. Seeing as that's possible, I don't see why survival missions don't allow players to solo extract. It's much easier to last another 5 minutes on survival without a player than it is to last another 5 waves on defense assuming you brought a relatively survivable frame. Definitely think solo extractions for survival should be a thing.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sean said:


    Going to chalk this up to ignorance, but there are numerous words and phrases that even basic cable can say that can occur in normal conversation that can lead to a full ban from 24h to several weeks. Fun fact when it comes to the word "gay", how about when someone asks the name of a particular Warframe streamer? That seems like a very easy reason to use that particular word and not mean it to discuss a person's sexual orientation.

    AGGP. Much much easier to type than "A Gay Guy Plays." And again, I've been playing this game for years and both my chat restrictions were caused by my own stupid fault and not because of the chat filters being wrong or overly sensitive. If I can make it that long without being banned from chat I can't see why other people can't do it.

  10. I found it hilarious when Ergo Glast simultaneously asked me a hack an Ambulas for him and told me I was bad for business and sent a death squad after me. For that reason alone, I want death squads to remain a thing. But I also see no reason to remove them. They aren't particularly difficult to defeat if you aren't new and some of the specter drops are actually quite useful, like the Ancient Healer Specter and Shield Osprey Specter. it may seem weird at times but that's not a reason to remove it from the game.

  11. 2 hours ago, Doomsknight said:

    Actually it's bad for Oberon, since his 4th can't basically kill anything in high levels where he needs that extra armor from Health Conversion to survive better, while in low levels he can just press 4 to clear a group of enemies while enemies are too weak to deal any damage to him, so what's the point of using HC in low levels ?

    Basically this mod is just like another augment mod for Nekros only, and if other frames wanna utilize this mod they either need some awkward gimmick (looking at u, the broken scepter...) or it's just impractial to use it in a real fight.

    It is actually very easy to kill enemies in high levels with Reckoning if you've built Oberon correctly as you can strip all armor permanently off of enemies with 1 or 2 casts. Assuming some efficiency, it's very easy to spam Reckoning for permanent crowd control of all enemies and an abundance of health orbs.

    None of the complaints posted by the OP are a reason for this mod to not exist. It's good on Nekros and Oberon, and I also use it on Nidus and Inaros in certain situations, and it's useful for arena type maps too since there are always guaranteed health orb spawn locations. It's also a nice mod to throw into any Warframe build when you know you will have a Nekros on your team, like in endless farming missions. Just because it's a niche mod and you can't think of all of its potential uses that doesn't mean it should be removed from the game.

  12. I've been kicked from region chat once because I had caps lock on, which I feel is a fair thing to kick for, and from recruiting chat once for accidentally posting a WTB offer there. Unlike what you are all saying, the chat restriction only lasted for a single mission in each case after which I was able to rejoin the chat channel, and I was not restricted on any other chat channels than the one I was removed from in both cases. I don't really see how anyone could "accidentally" say a bannable word without realizing they'd be banned for it. There's literally no reason to ever use the word "gay" in any public chat channel under any circumstance. Just accept that you shouldn't be rude and shouldn't be talking about controversial topics in a game and suddenly you won't be chat banned. Simple.

  13. That's what setting up a squad is for though. If you want to be only with other players with radiant relics, just do a radshare, it's that simple. The whole point of pub squads is you don't know what you're getting compared to taking the time to set up a proper squad. It's quick and it's dirty and you're accepting the risk of getting a level 0 who doesn't know how to fire a gun. You're just trying to make the devs take on your laziness for you. You want the results of a proper squad without making the effort to build a proper squad.

  14. It's hard to say so far. There's only 1 relic that contains that part and it is the rare drop from it, and it's a brand new prime weapon that's quite good so it's not surprising the price on that part would be fairly high. 65 plat as of today on Warframe Market, 75 yesterday. Most likely, you got very unlucky trying to get it, and other people who also got unlucky trying to get it are going to be voicing how rare it was to get. Time will tell for sure whether it's especially rare or not, but don't feel like it's necessarily rare just because you get a few corroborating stories from other players. You aren't hearing all the players who got it in their first relic.

  15. 37 minutes ago, Artek94 said:


    You must be in the 1% of people who have a problem with ghouls to such an extreme you feel you must play nothing but Rhino for the rest of your life just because Ghouls can cold proc you.

    They just aren't a problem. I honestly cannot fathom why you even feel this is a big enough deal to make a forum post about. Ghouls die in one shot same as all the other Grineer on the plains. I'm smart enough to either stay out of their death clouds or make sure I lay down plenty of Hallowed Ground when fighting them, since I play a lot of Oberon. Regardless, I can bring any frame and chop through the ghouls no problem. The cold proc is... there? I've literally never even thought of it as being a nuisance before, just a part of how ghouls work. It's there, I get slowed if I mess up and step in a ghoul cloud... big deal? How is it that those tiny little slowing clouds are so severely debilitating to you that it literally ruins all fun for you? Do you just want every enemy in the game to be another copy/paste foot soldier? Elemental status effects exist in the game, and they can be applied to you, not just to enemies. Get over it.

  16. 1 minute ago, Artek94 said:

    Sure, lets limit the gameplay to like 10 out of 30 warframes that are capable of resisting status. And i probably don't even enjoy playing a majority of those.
    Rhino, Oberon and maybe Saryn are the only 3 i can come up with. I've already played Rhino to death, i cant quiet find joy in playing Oberon at the moment (no idea why) and Saryn... No opinion, just not feeling it.

    Again i'm not having issues with disposal of the ghouls, i have issues with having fun while doing it because i get frozen every 5 seconds (and proc lasts like 2 or 3? I dont remember, but it feels like forever)

    Eidolon hunts limit gameplay to basically 4 Warframes but you aren't complaining about that, you said that's perfectly fine. I'm very confused what your problem is. Are you only complaining about this because it limits the specific way you want to be playing the game and you don't actually care about whether or not the game is limited as long as you can play what you want in particular regardless of the rest of the community? If so take your selfish bellyaching elsewhere.

  17. I had to stop reading when you suggested Nightmare mode missions with enemies level 150 that deal 4x damage from the get go. You do realize that LITERALLY no Warframe in the game will be able to survive even a single bullet from one of those monsters unless they have invincibility active at the time they're hit? T4 void enemies have a damage multiplier of 3x and they are only level 40-45 and can 1 shot most non survival Warframes. You literally have no idea what you're talking about. 3x faster scaling and 4x damage with enemies starting at level 150. What the heck were you smoking when you thought that extreme masochist death trap up. Even with 4 CPs those things will be bullet sponges that 1 shot anything not invincible. Literally no squad that isn't just a bunch of Harrows swapping ults to stay permanently invincible would be able to play that.

  18. I actually laughed... How are you not realizing that the cold proc exists so the ghouls have a chance to kill you? The cold proc actually isn't there to punish melee, the cold proc is there to get YOU killed after they jump on you. The whole point of ghouls is they run at you like suicidal monsters trying to tear your throat out, some of them actually DO suicide into you, and if you don't keep them at bay it becomes even harder to escape the rest of the horde. This is a well designed mob type enemy. Think of zombies in literally any other game ever. You never want to let them get anywhere NEAR you. That's the whole point. They're hear to bum rush you and overwhelm you.

    Also, to this:

    7 hours ago, Artek94 said:

    There is a difference between difficulty and frustruation mechanic. I know a couple games that are difficult, but either not frustruating or frustruation comes from them being difficult.
    What we have here is the opossite correlation - a frustruating mechanic that creates artifical difficulty, which is easily countered by simply picking one of VERY FEW status-immune warframes, reducing the player choice to exreme lows.

    Again, on example of Eidolon - certain warframes not being fit for the job is fine. Key word: CERTAIN.
    Ghouls are not just removing "certain" warframes from the equasion, they remove the entire playstyle of close range combat (not even necesseraly melee, but any close range weapon for that matter). Which is ultimately i see is an example of a fairly bad game design.

    No... according to your own argument, if you think a cold proc completely makes a Warframe 100% useless then guess what, ghouls are not removing an entire playstyle from the game, they are making CERTAIN WARFRAMES not fit for the job, those being Warframes who have no way of being status immune or shedding status. You messed up your own argument there buddy. Plenty of Warframes can still melee them without any problem.

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