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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. Hunhow never controlled Stalker. He just gave him War and the Pakal armor to make him stronger so he would have a better chance at killing the Tenno.

    Considering the Infestation virus combined with void energy is what gave the Tenno their powers and how all the Infested bosses talk about how the Tenno are the same flesh as the Infested, and seeing as how the Warframes bleed despite clearly being machines, the "flesh" of the Warframes is most likely made up of Infestation, which the Tenno are able to connect to and control, similarly to how all of the Infested operate under a single hive mentality. The Warframes are not mindless cyborgs, they are capable of carrying out their own actions to benefit their Operator just as the Infested carry out their own actions to benefit the Infestation as a whole.

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Playing the game for fun is good. Some people find fun in new shiny things. Redirecting their idea of fun is an uphill battle. What I would be stressing if in your shoes, was "ressource management". I am part of a large mountain clan with a large amount of inactive players. For the past 6 or 8 or 10 months or year, I have been farming polymer bundles....and tellurium...and plastids....and new weapons keep getting added, and wukong, and grattler, and the regor arms, and the trident, and....and...and there is no hope.

    Before that, I played around in my solar rail because I thought it would come back one day, and spent butt loads of plastids....and polymer bundles on defenses and structures....I stock piled large health and energy pizzas....

    With hind sight, ressource management would have been a nice thing to have as a skill...now I just sit and stare at the measly 2000 polymer bundles in able to scrape together at the end of a 40 minute survival in Uranus. 

    I'm fairly certain yours is an abnormal circumstance and is kind of your fault for remaining in that clan? Though ironically I'm the only active member of the clan I'm in. Someone recruited me when I first started saying it used to be a huge clan and they wanted to get it back on its feet and I've been the only active member since then. Oh well.

  3. Nitain isn't buyable because Nitain is the resource that separates the intelligent Tenno from the unintelligent Tenno. We, the intelligent Tenno, who had the foresight to realize Nitain would actually be used for something, gather Nitain even when we don't need it, because eventually we will need it. This way all the unintelligent Tenno suddenly have to scramble and whine about something they could already have but chose not to get. It's natural selection really. The strong get Nitain while the weak die off.

  4. On 5/20/2016 at 10:53 PM, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Hhhmmm...I guess the forums should be proud of you for you achievements...?

    You telling us what ressources you have, is similar to me saying what ressources I don't have...either way, it doesn't change anything about anyone else's gaming experience, but I guess you deserve a consolation prize.


    My point is not to tell people what resources I have. My point is that I've somehow managed to get all the resources I've needed just playing the game for fun. Everyone else should be able to do the same. If they aren't, they're probably just rushing around trying to build every item as quickly as they can and ignoring the game itself. Take a break from whatever it is that's making the game so miserable for you all to come and whine on the forums and do something in the game that you feel is fun. Maybe it's jumping into a T4S with your tankiest frame and your best weapons and just straight up ripping enemies apart for an hour. Maybe it's sneaking around doing a ton of spy missions. Maybe you want to test your strength against a bunch of Sentients. Doesn't matter. Play the game for fun and you'll gather everything you need to build all your stuff along the way. What little you don't gather during that, you can then do a few quick farm runs and pick up the rest of the needed resources. No grinding needed except for prime stuff.

  5. Just now, Crowsworth said:

    BIB: I thought this was a game? why is it now ok to have work in a game? is it because fun doesnt pay the bills and all we have left is a bitter, hateful collection of gamers who scourn the very notion of fun and engaging in favor or merciless grind?....are we now the grineer?

    It's always been ok to have work in a game because it's bad to just give people whatever they want when they want it. You only have to WORK now because you didn't have the foresight to gather Nitain little by little over the past few months. And that is your fault. You didn't think ahead, you suffer the consequences.

  6. Just now, (XB1)NoVa CoMa X said:

    Sorry if I actually have a life and don't have time to attend every Nitain Extract Alert. -_-

    You only need to grab one every so often. You don't need to attend every one. If you see one pop up, do it. It's that simple. That's what you SHOULD have been doing all along, and not doing that is your fault entirely.

  7. 6 minutes ago, RealJamBacon said:

    Warframe, one of my all time favorite games next to CSGO and TF2. I love the game because of the way it played, the grind, while annoying could be fun. I enjoyed having goals to get the new frames, I recently completed my goal to get 5 set of Loki Prime. While it was tedious it was fun my friends enjoyed it and so did I. Then Vauban Prime finally dropped. I was extatic, he looked so sexy DE had really outdone themselves everything was perfect. I jumped in and within 3 hours I was able to get the full set (did some research and realized that that's really freaking lucky). I felt amazing I was going to have the new Vauban with in 4 days, then I see the requirements. 20 nitan and 7000 oxium. 

    What did I do next? I sold the set. I don't wanna farm for nitan I have a life outside of the game and 20 nitan is basically saying pay DE for prime access. What this has done to my overall drive for playing warframe, it has basically killed it. I wanted to play this as a secondary game to Overwatch. Unfortunalty I no longer want to play this game at all. Vauban prime has killed my love of warframe. Intact Vauban prime is the first prime that I will NEVER grind for. I wish DE would change the Vauban Prime Reqs but they probability won't. Vauban prime should be called "Scam". 

    On a final note I love DE and warframe but the grind is killing me. I refuse to pay money to a game with this much of a grind. Vauban prime is the WORST prime I have ever seen. He looks amazing but his reqs are a scam.


    This is your fault for not grabbing Nitain alerts at random, this is NOT a problem with DE. Stop acting so entitled and work because you didn't have the foresight to get Nitain earlier.

  8. 4 hours ago, (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

    Nitain has been around for 5 months.. ENOUGH SAID..... If you failed to see this as a required resource for future stuff it is all on you my friend


    No no no to Nitain being purchaseable. Just play the game and plan ahead instead of whining when the time comes and you aren't prepared.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Name me one thing thats more difficult to get now than it was 1-2 years ago? (Besided vaulted primes)

    Just because NEW content may take some work and effort to acquire,  doesnt mean that the overall grind has increased. It has in fact gotten better overall. 

    Just wanted to dispel this myth that DE is somehow making things harder to get. What is happening is that DE is beginning to create late game content.  There is no increase to the grind, the game is just getting bigger.

    I agree with this completely. Everyone needs to stop complaining about not being given what they want the moment they want it.

    Stop and think for a moment about the grinding you've done in Warframe. What have you had to grind for? Maybe it's just me, but in my entire time playing Warframe, I've only ever had to grind for blueprints and parts for prime gear, NOT for resources (until Sibear). I've just played through the game normally and gotten resources as a result of me just messing around and having fun. The resource cost of items is completely nonexistent in my mind, once I have the blueprint for something I can make it. The only "resource" I've ever had to grind is credits. The issue with the game is not that the crafting costs of new items are too high, it's that the crafting costs of all previous items have been so nonexistent that people are finally seeing what actually having to WORK for something looks like. Even when the Sibear came out, I already had something like 28k Cryotic just sitting around from random core farming I had done. I do Nitain missions fairly regularly, even when I don't need Nitain because I know that at some point I WILL need Nitain and I won't want to have to wait for those alerts. I even have thousands upon thousands of Oxium just sitting there doing nothing. DE needs to revamp all crafting costs so that the resource cost is actually a significant amount, though I don't think EVERY item needs to cost all of a certain resource.

    I find it ridiculous that people actually complain about a nonexistent grind in a game, just because something has finally been released that requires them to GATHER the needed materials, rather than already having them.

  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    You know, when you said that I was completly sure he would tell you which other "2 efficiency" mods he's talking about, but now that he's made a paragraph about something else, I'm having doubt about weither or not there's actually 4 mods o3o... That guy needs to enlighten me before my brain burns, what are the 4 efficiency mods ;____;

    There are none. Streamline and Fleeting are the only mods that increase efficiency. Technically, Blind Rage could I guess be considered an efficiency mod but it lowers efficiency. Those are the only 3 mods in the game that have any effect on efficiency.

  11. 1 minute ago, CaterHowlett16 said:

    Yeah but that would require an extra mod slot that we don't have. Not to mention that  your enemies stay put when stunned with electric. We are talking melee here and having to run over to your opponent when ever you send him flying. 

    The person who stated their build included both Shocking Touch and Voltaic Strike. Those can be replaced to create Blast, and Blast procs don't send enemies flying unless you're using a weapon with innate ragdolling. It knocks down the proc target and stuns all enemies in a 5m radius of that target. It is by far the king of lockdown procs.

  12. Since I run Spy missions a lot for exp farming and specifically farmed for the dual stat mods as well as did Moon spy missions for their mods, I ended up getting Ivara somewhat by accident. I feel like most people should try doing Spy missions for reasons other than to farm Ivara, and they'll find it's not particularly boring for some reason and you'll have Ivara before you know it.

  13. Just now, taiiat said:

    completely false. anything that doesn't have a large bonus to Armor has a huge negative to it.

    that's why you're using Radiation or Corrosive in the first place - because almost everything else does abysmal Damage through the Armor.

    I'm not suggesting taking Viral on an endless mission when enemies have high scaling armor. I'm suggesting taking it against normal Grineer missions specifically, where you don't have to deal with huge amounts of armor. That's also why I suggest Radiation instead of Corrosive. Radiation/Viral, Corrosive/Blast and Magnetic/Gas are the only possible combinations of having all 4 90% element mods on one weapon, and both Radiation and Viral happen to be strong against the Grineer's strong points. Corrosive and Blast are not particularly strong damage types themselves, but their procs are both really strong which is why you bring them on endless missions. Against standard Grineer units in a non endless mission, you will deal more damage with Radiation/Viral than you will with Radiation/Toxin. Does that clarify all misunderstandings?

  14. 5 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    Blast is terrible vs Armor, you want Ice to pair with Corrosive in regards to Void.
    Toxin or Puncture if Puncture heavy Weapon is much more effective vs Grineer because Viral is pretty bad vs Armor.

    since only one Weapon has been stated as in use by Original Poster, no knowledge if the Weapon has Status worth mentioning.


    Corrosive is not strong vs Robits. it is neutral.

    also another Elemental is significantly superior to Hammershot on your Tonkor recommendation.

    Blast is horrible but its procs are amazing and that's why I suggest it when running with Corrosive, and you bring Corrosive for its procs.. It also lets you bring both of the remaining 90% elemental mods.

    Viral has a 75% damage boost against Cloned Flesh which makes up all Grineer humanoid units, and has no damage reduction against armor. You take this and Radiation against Grineer because you are not using it for its procs but for its raw damage.

    Adding another elemental mod in favor of Hammer Shot will make the Tonkor build cost 7 forma instead of 6.

  15. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    Youre the one that brought up purchasing prime access. My problem is with the Nitian alert drops. Not whether or not I want to buy an item or farm an item. The nitain alert drops 4 times a day which should be higher, since everyone is not able to access Warframe during certain parts of the day. If I'm not able to play the game during certain parts of the day, htf am I going to be able to do Nitain missions? Explain to me.

    I don't have to. Your statement is false. Or are you REALLY going to try to tell me that in all the time you've spent playing Warframe, you haven't seen 20 Nitain missions go by that you didn't complete? That's your fault. If you did those missions, you wouldn't have to grind for Nitain. Because you ignored those missions, you now have to grind for Nitain, and you're salty over that like most of the community is. Stop feeling so entitled. It's not like owning Vauban Prime is your god given right.

  16. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    Not the point. Try again. 

    That is the point. You're salty that you can't have what you want right now. Instead of complaining about Nitain mission frequencies, you COULD have simply done Nitain missions when you didn't need Nitain and you wouldn't have anything to complain about. Now you don't have Nitain, don't want to spend the time to get Nitain, and don't want to spend the money on the frame, but still expect to be able to get it.

    And you edited in the Nitain line after I said that, so don't try to act like you were talking about Nitain when you were mentioning how much $$$ you spend on games.

  17. Just now, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    I'm not spending $80 on a F2P for farmable items and some discounted plat to "justify" the price. That's just not happening, I don't even spend $50 on most season passes. I'm damn sure not spending $80- $140 on digital items. Get your priorities straight lol. 

    Then stop complaining that you have to actually do something to get what you want. If it's not worth the money and it's not worth your time just don't get it. If it's worth your time spend your time getting it. If it's worth your money spend your money getting it. It's that simple.

  18. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    Yes it is a big deal. That was the problem with the regular vauban. It's even worse since you have to farm the frames, then farm the incredible amount of resources to build the frame, which with nitain makes it extremely longer, and then you have to wait 3 days in order for the frame to finish(if you don't rush). In order to obtain nitain, you have to be online during the alert. Sorry, but some people actually have lives. They can't sit around and wait for a nitain alert that drops a few times within a day. 

    You can either wait or you can use some of that money you should be earning in your "life" to avoid waiting and get it now. You don't have to earn all that Nitain. They generously gave you an option that allows you to not get all that Nitain. Take it or leave it. Don't complain.

  19. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)ITS_TH3GOD said:

    what does magnetic do?

    Magnetic damage is strong against shields so the Corpus, and its proc reduces shields by 25% or something like that. It basically does what Corossive does to armor, only it's temporary.

  20. Just now, (PS4)ITS_TH3GOD said:

    ty XD so its either corrosive or radiation :)

    The reason you want to use Corossive in the void is because as enemies scale, their armor scales up but not other defensive stats, and Corossive procs strip armor. It is otherwise a fairly neutral damage type, so you won't be losing out on damage against other enemies, and it happens to be strong against those pesky robotics. Radiation is generally the better choice for most Grineer missions because of its damage and the enemies won't be scaling up unless it's an endless mission.

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