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Everything posted by Lord_Fluffykins

  1. This is nothing new, in fact it has existed for a few years now at this point, but it's annoying and I feel like its about time to fix it. There are items that appear on your profile (Mainly amps and in some rare cases zaws) that do not technically exist or are weird copies of other ones that are shown to have levels and progress. For an example, on my profile it shows a "Mote Amp" even though I have leveled it up and gilded it and all, *multiple times*. These "ghost" items do not give you actual mastery points but they do show up on your profile as "incomplete" or rather items you have not mastered yet, and although it is only a visual bug, it is very annoying seeing 732/733 items mastered even though there are only 732 items realistically. I have even sent a ticket about a year ago and I got a very unsatisfying answer (TL;DR "It's just a visual bug, don't worry about it"). I feel like this bug should be given more attention in order to find a way to fix it.
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