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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1.  I would make like a see through veil.

    kind of like ivaras torn skirt thing.

    but idk de are really picky. Imo if I were you I would work on a design that would look good with or without the veil just incase de gives you feedback.that is if you want to add it.

  2. On 9/26/2017 at 12:15 AM, Vlada91 said:

    Looks cool but its 2 bad that you are focusin more on female frames then on male frame. Because I like your style and it would be cool 2 see more for mele frames in a future 😁😊👌



    thats kinda sexist man...

    let proseti make skins for whatever "gender" he wants. (assuming warframes have them)


    DONT hate me for this pls I'm just being honest.

  3. this is just personal opinion, but I would love an etherial veil on that helm like traditional banshees with rugged gostcloth and such


    Imo the "chin" should be less long than our normal banshee. but overall I would love to see this piece stand out among the other banshee helmets.

    but I still hope ya push for the etherial veil!

    would literally make this the only banshee helm I would use!!!:laugh:

  4. I wonder why nobodys made a successful skin for banshee. all the artists I have asked always answer with "well, I think the deluxe skin is better than the base model so I won't make a skin for her" or "I hate her boat feet". I find it kind of sad tbh. banshee has a more slender and strange figure unlike most warframes, but this just makes way for a more unique skin. her "boat feet" in particular are what really throws artists off when considering a skin for her, even though you won't see them , or notice them like 90% of the time. on the other hand her deluxe skin. though the deluxe skin is nice, it really isn't what it could have been. it feels more plastic and boring than the deluxe skin portrayed it to be. the deluxe had a cool arm unlike the tiny little thing with a hinge and a record on it. the dress actually looked like cloth in the concept and not like molten plastic. banshee really does have potential but artists just prefer to ignore her. she's not the only frame with a weird turn off: neckros is really skinny, ember and hydroid have huge thighs, nova has leg warmers built into her legs, rhino has tiny hands, mesa has split heels with a pointy knife thing in the back, and atlas has no neck.

    so whats really keeping tennogen artists from making her a skin?

    I wouldn't know. 

    ps: sorry about my little rant I just would've thought banshee would have a skin by now instead of two helmets. 

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