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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. 8 minutes ago, Tsaiorchis said:

    It might not have come together as a bundle, but Lamia does have a helmet. I think the fact that this skin doesn't have a helmet is really holding it back from ever being picked.

    Exactly my point though the skin is fantastic... the body's texture doesn't match any of Valkyr's standard helmets

  2. I can't 3D model but I can draw decently but tbh you look like you want living snakes no? You should try infested. Kinda like the cthulu syandana Octavia came out with. I would probably have random sized infested snakes squirming around and tmsome trying to reach out but then falling back in defeat. These little snakes got to show you that they don't want to be on this tenno's back they want to escape!


  3. 3 hours ago, Wrum said:

    ok now this is an Excalibur skin i can get behind. are you planning on doing a series of corpus skins?

    I've got the same exact question. 

    But if you are doing a series you could try doing banshee a whole chunk of the community loves her. 

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