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  1. I like this take. It's very relatable, and it makes complete sense to mostly everyone. Forcing people to effectively waste time & resources on forma'ing/potato'ing sub-par weapons for 1 or 2 specific game modes is not a good reason to justify the random loadout restrictions (includes increasing their sales), it never will be. Like, why on earth would I want to waste my time & resources on refining sub-par weapons for extremely niche situations? It just doesn't make sense. Not gonna lie, being able to reroll at least the loadout restriction part sounds pretty damn good and I'm all for it. (That's assuming if we can get at a guaranteed minimum 1 or 2 strong weapons that we use a lot in general missions' usage statistics)
  2. Yea sorry, my bad. Actually took a second look at the research menu to see that it was the "Eroding Senses" modifier doing it.
  3. +1 This is the one of the best criticism for this game-mode. Also, please buff the Auricle in Mirror Defense to better scale to DA's level range. And fix your Hollow Vein unit, they're one-shotting the Auricle while also being very tanky. How is this difficult? It's just annoying. Randomised loadout limitation will always suck.
  4. Please take a look Hollow Vein (The Snake Boi) obliterating the Auricle in less than 2 seconds with its death beam laser thing. DE fixed the Snek but also broke it at the same time, who could've guessed? While DE is at it, buff the Auricle's HP and make them immune to the Liminus' health drain. DE never really play-test their own game extensively, do they?
  5. Everything is eeeeeeeeez with On-Demand Invincibility. No really, invincibility is one of the biggest cheese to have in this game.
  6. You got lucky with the loadout list in your EDA run last week. I wish I could say the same for my loadout list last week. And no, I'm not going to forma 90% of the game's weapons just for this game mode. Most of these weapons are sub-par. And also, the bloody Auricle getting one-shotted in mere frames by that Snake Boi. I want to solo EDA, but without the Auricle being THIS SQUISHY.
  7. You are on to something here. (I'm afraid your hunch might be right on the money)
  8. This exactly, they are just unwilling to admit they screwed up long story short. Removing LoS entirely from Tragedy with or without a "Slight" reduction to its base range is THE best solution they can employ instead of the current mess we've got.
  9. It takes a special certain talent to be this stubborn and delusional in admitting wrongs. This is going to backfire terribly at DE. Really hoping the LoS check can be removed from Tragedy. It's garbo.
  10. Tencent is working its accursed magic again. It's gotta be them. I can feel it in my bones.
  11. and everyone else who isn't dumb enough to spend the amount of money that is equivalent to a Triple-A game's full price on 2 skins and their respective cosmetics. (Before the low-effort added platinum contingency) 2 FREAKING skins, some shiny halos and color palette that contains colors that already have similar counterparts from other permanent color palettes in-game. You could buy game like Cyberpunk 2077 combined with its upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC for around $90.00 full price.
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