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  1. Yep. They fixed both of these in 35.1.0. Guess it wasn't intentional.
  2. Extractors definitely do not take damage on the Zariman. I've been repeatedly placing one on it since it came out, and it has never taken damage. They still take damage in other places I've tried.
  3. There are four Lucent Teroglobe-looking decorations around the walkway leading to that gate. Three are lit. Shoot the unlit one.
  4. Vastilok and Loki Prime were drops for TennoCon 2021. I guess your account's been sitting on them for a while. I'm pretty sure Protea was also a drop at some point, but I can't seem to find when.
  5. Yes, it's fine. I've been playing on Linux for just under two years with no issue.
  6. Orokin Eye doesn't consume charges. Neither does Kahl Beacon. I still don't know whether or not this is intentional.
  7. There are words that appear in-game that you can't put in a username. The one Lodun uses to describe the Drifter's brain in his Orowyrm fight comes to mind. That said, I don't know why "Eradicate" would be one of them.
  8. You're probably thinking of the mod Reflection, which has indeed been completely reworked since 2020.
  9. The Cephalon weapons do this, too. To the people who can't see it: Set all colors on the cosmetic/weapon to something dark.
  10. They were added in exactly the same update, and Nidus was originally the only way to get into the Helminth room without the cyst.
  11. This exact synergy is apparently already supposed to exist, but it doesn't seem like it actually does. The patch notes for Hotfix 29.5.4 say: However, I can't seem to find any working interaction. Maybe it broke at some point since then.
  12. The sword is basically just the Skana with some cloth on it. The gun is harder to place. As mentioned, the gun itself is an unremarkable modern-day weapon. Its stock is unusual, and looks Tenno-styled, but doesn't exactly match any weapon in the game as far as I have seen. It vaguely resembles the Soma's stock, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just coincidence. If you're looking to match its looks, I'd go with Soma or Karak.
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