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  1. Quick small post here, but I've noticed something that has increasingly bugged me, and doesn't seem tied to Updates or platform builds. Garuda Prime got a little more flair added to her ability visuals, similar to Nidus Prime - but like Nidus Prime, there's a slight inconsistency with colors. Dread Mirror's visual will copy your color scheme, but the "talons" from Blood Altar and Seeking Talons do not. Below are some images to give an example of my colors and Blood Altar not using them, while Dread Mirror will. https://imgur.com/uzU2 As you can see above with Blood Altar, for some reason they do not copy my current color scheme. This isn't the first case of inconsistent color copying with abilities, as Nidus Prime has this issue too with Virulence, but I definitely understand the oversight during development and play-testing. I hope DE looks into this across all Warframes with these slight inconsistencies or at least the more egregious ones. Maybe even an option down the road to color our abilities separate from our Warframe's colors, but I know that's a huge ask.
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